Cultural Laziness, Laziness as Religion and The COVID CON Jun 23, 2024

Not really caring that the media and the government just openly colluded to trick the public to euthanize or permanently injure themselves (via an injection of medical poison)......does indeed represent a whole new level of laziness in my opinion. The fact...

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Cafe in Vienna vs Cafe in Canada - 10 Things You Need To Know Jun 17, 2024
Vienna Cafe on The Left - Canadian Cafe on The Right. Let's break what's really happening here...
1. The people ruling us are ancient and they use every ancient trick in the book to disempower us.
2. Higher frequencies can enlighten, motivate and...
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5 Things You Need to Know About The New Conscription Legislation In the US for 18-26 Year Olds Jun 17, 2024

1. This isn't the first great reset. In these resets the same ruling group reorganizes society in regards to their plans that are thousands of years old. Although the plan is old and committed to by the rulers of this planet, it does take patience, time and a...

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10 Purposeful and Planned Attacks on Your Newborn That You Need To Avoid Jun 12, 2024

I've always had one firm rule about evil throughout my 25 years of research, regarding this ancient death cult that perpetually masquerades as our altruistic governments. That one rule is...........if you want to find evil, just keep looking where the children are,...

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Salt Bae VS Poison Bae - A Story About Our Modern Day Poison Based Death Cult Jun 10, 2024

Not many people are going to even know what that title means, so let me explain. There's a very famous chef called Salt Bae. This chef is famous for his grilled meats but he's also famous for coming to your table and sprinkling salt on the steaks that he's prepared....

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Are You The Programmed Assassin of Yourself and Your Own Children? Jun 07, 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, you are under attack. Saying that, the attack I speak of is pretty easy to hide if you're the expert assassin programmed to take yourself and your own family out. The people in control don't need conventional warfare anymore, to take out their...

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A Simple Message of Hope from Jason - How To Protect The Children May 29, 2024

I know there's some weird stuff happening that appears scary. I'm a little scared too but I turn that fear into action, which is actually the best we can do when we're facing the unknown. I only teach what I do personally, in regards to what's happening today. Below...

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5 Things To Master Now So Next Year Is Amazing May 26, 2024

1. You must learn how to use the legal farmwork in the current tax system, in order to pay zero or very little tax. This is an idea that scares people the most.......keeping the money they earn themselves, simply because the government has stolen their money from...

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Russell Brand Makes A Misstep May 25, 2024

Some people are highly suspect of Russell Brand, in the sense that some folks believe that he doesn't go far enough to expose the evil forces trying to execute a full world take over, all in plain sight. I understand that, but this recent interview reveals something...

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Gay Community Tricked To Hurt Themselves? May 24, 2024

For all the emotionally triggered people out there, I'm not anti-gay. I've openly defended the gay community from attack in this podcast. I was also interviewed by a member of the gay community regarding that podcast and of course I have gay friends..........which...

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What Is Soul Harvesting? May 23, 2024

I've heard this phrase many times, over the years, during my betterment journey. Many people, including myself, don't really know what "soul harvesting" means exactly but if you think about it (even on the most superficial level) it becomes somewhat easy to put...

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Why Your Child Is Depressed and Lacking Hope May 22, 2024

Children take in 10 times the environmental signals/stimuli as adults and that means they're more aware of what's going on around them than adults. The human subconscious can process billions of data points per second; to provide a clear "emotional" picture of the...

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