10 Things I've Learned Over The Last 3.5 Years Aug 11, 2023
1. I've learned that large amounts of personal wealth do not equate to knowledge, regarding how this world really works.
2. I've learned that people have become so cozy inside their comfort comas, it has inhibited their natural maturation process out of an...
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10 Things My Old Man Self Would Say To My Young Man Self - If We Ever Met Aug 09, 2023
1. Don't watch TV or movies. They're purposely designed to program your mind with negative repetitive content, proven to hack the subconscious behavior system. The movies and TV shows are hand crafted to provide feminizing and dis-empowering role...
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5 Designed Build Ups To The 2020 Con Job Aug 09, 2023

Before the government attacked hard in 2020, it had to execute many softer attacks on the heavily sedated and distracted public. The infrastructure that supported the 2020 attack had to be built over hundreds of years, in order that the 2020 attack went as smoothy as...

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The Weapons of Guilt and Shame Aug 08, 2023
The weapons of guilt and shame are very old and they're riddled throughout our society because of their extreme effectiveness for gutting someone of their personal power. Personal power of course is something invisible but once it's removed or damaged, the...
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10 Modern Inversions of Christ Consciousness Aug 04, 2023
1. Governments used to be public (fully transparent) and the citizens private. Now the government is private and the matters of the population are public.
2. The media used to provide the truth. Now the media only reports untruths, half-truths, and...
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10 Things That Are Now Happening (RIP Tyson) Aug 01, 2023
1. People are now fighting to stay and to live inside a corrupt system, often giving their own lives or the lives of their children as payment in order to maintain their fake feel-good illusions.
2. This system offers an illusion of lies that makes...
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10 Quick Facts About Caffeine And Brain Function Jul 30, 2023


1. Humans copy, mimic and emulate the most repetitive messages, themes, ideas, and patterns in their environment

2. The human mind can't tell the difference between what's on a screen, what's happening in real life, and imagined thought. The human brain...
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Ugly People and Marxist Philosophy Jul 29, 2023

Ugly people will generally have a harder time on this planet than perfectly symmetrical people, unless they adapt to the harsh and sometimes unfair conditions of this realm and evolve skills that help them survive. After transcending, adapting, and evolving.........

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Mind Control Movie Review - A Star Is Born (with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga) Jul 25, 2023


A Star is Born follows in the footsteps of almost every Hollywood movie over the last 20 years. Everything from American Beauty to Avengers End Game and from Bird Box to The Circle... they all have the same overarching themes. The white heterosexual male is...

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Sirius XM Radio Is A Prime Example of Egyptian Symbology In Our Modern World... Jul 20, 2023
My Egyptian interview comes out tomorrow, where I recounted much of what I know about ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's, the current issues we're having, the UK Royal Family and the ancient Egyptian symbolism in New York City and Washington DC. Yesterday I also...
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Mind Control Movie Review - Red Notice (with The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot) Jul 16, 2023


It's not entirely safe to expose yourself to this sort of mind control programming because no one is immune to it but I'm making a brand-new offering this fall that involves the mind control easily found in such films.......so I sat down to watch it. I needed...

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Connecting The Dots With Coffee and Mind Control Jul 15, 2023
1. Above is a clip from an ad for Cadillac, regarding their new driver-less car program. As I slowed down the clip (as I often do) I noticed the sign in the background........FREE COFFEE. Why would anyone go to the trouble of making sure that a half second...
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