11 Realizations That Will Help You Progress in 2023 Jan 22, 2023

1. Your high-end politicians are well paid actors and your low-end politicians are generally funnelled into the system because of their low moral standards and ethical weakness....in order to operate as soulless props who represent the public. No one in the political...

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Man Calls Me Insane For Not Pushing Poison Under My Skin Jan 20, 2023


Human behavior is extremely interesting to study and of course the greatest minds in the field of human behavior have very pointed warnings regarding the need to educate the masses on this subject. Humans actually have a part of the brain that decides truth...

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Word Magic, Sirius Radio And Ancient Egypt Jan 19, 2023

Sirius is the star that Egyptians honored above most others. Today, our society is awash in Egyptian iconography and symbology simply because historical records trace our current rulers all the way back into ancient Egypt. It's not just the philosophy of rule that is...

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The Origins of The Phrase "Rock and Roll" Jan 16, 2023
Although common folklore will explain that the phrase "rock and roll" is derived from how slaves inside the hull of slave ship, got tossed around by the "rock and roll" motion of the waves, the true origin of the phrase is much older. Rock and roll...
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Project Monarch - What Is It and Where Does The Name Come From? Jan 15, 2023

PROJECT MONARCH was an MK ULTRA based mind control program run within the United States, in cooperation with other countries who recognized the benefits of such research for public control motivations. MK ULTRA was a mind control research program, which...

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Guilt and Shame Control Programming Jan 11, 2023
Guilt and shame are very powerful forms of control programming. Guilt and shame literally remove strength from the spiritual, physical and mental systems....leaving the target weakened without any form of physical attack. This means the attack is merely...
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The Fake Knowledge Education System Jan 08, 2023

The education system proceeds from Bachelors to Masters and then to a PhD in order that the graduate knows more and more about one thing until they finally arrive at knowing everything about nothing.....because they were conditioned to forget that the rest of the...

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Let's Connect These 5 Dots And See What We Get.... Jan 06, 2023
The mainstream news is there to make you believe that everything is unrelated. If you know how to connect the dots it's easy to see that most everything going on is all related to one very dark and odd goal. For example, lets take 5 things that appear...
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One Good Thing About Death and The End of The Road Jan 04, 2023
What you're witnessing today is the death of all things false, fake, fraudulent and all things that don't produce benefit. For example, the Ontario College of Psychologists have now advised that Jordan Peterson attend a re-education camp because of his...
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5 Things To Make Work In 2023 Jan 02, 2023
1. Hiding From The Sun Doesn't Work - if you read the book "The Healing Sun" by Richard Hobday, you will understand that your body is designed to become stronger and smarter in the sun. Working against our natural design doesn't work, so get in the sun in...
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Documentaries That Prove COVID Fraud Jan 01, 2023

If anyone has any more documentaries that are missing from the list below, please send them to me, so I can keep the list up to date. Spread this list around. Email me at [email protected]

1. Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion 

2. ...

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5 Important Ways To Improve Your Life In 2023 Jan 01, 2023
1. Quit Coffee - caffeine lowers IQ, causes brain damage to higher IQ areas of the brain complex (prefrontal lobe), increases heart attack and stroke risk (like anyone needs more heart attack and stroke risk down here in Satan's realm), caffeine increases...
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