How My Own Self Sabotage Affects My Romantic and Personal Relationships Oct 22, 2024

Although I'm an overcoming self-sabotage coach, it doesn't mean I'm free from self-sabotage. Becoming a self-sabotage coach means having the tools to look at every reaction and behavior in your life, while trying to understand where those reactions or behaviors come...

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If You're Tight on Money, You're Not the Only One. Here Are My Personal Money Secrets That Can Help You... Oct 21, 2024

Effective money secrets depend on the environment you're currently living in. For example, mass inflation is upon all of us, which means what money we used to make doesn't buy as much anymore. Prices have increased by at least 50% (over the last 4 years) for many...

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5 Common Forms of Female Self Sabotage Oct 21, 2024

Self-sabotaging behaviors are behaviors that operate in our subconscious mind. For any behavior to qualify as a self-sabotaging behavior, it can't serve us in the long term.

For example, let's take a lady who doesn't want to gain any more weight and who wants to lead...

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Is Your Apple iPhone a Sci-Fi Weapon? Let Me Explain Why I Believe It Is....... Oct 20, 2024

Apple Corporation has been on my radar for more than a decade, simply because their logo is the proverbial garden of Eden apple. Yes, the bite of the forbidden fruit by Eve, which was mentioned in the bible. The bite Eve wasn't supposed to take. This bitten...

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Give Me 7 Minutes to Fully Explain Your Self Sabotaging Behavior and Your Hard Luck In Life Oct 18, 2024

OK 7 minutes, here we go.

Watch this video below. It shows how human behavior can be influenced in invisible ways. These invisible ways are often referred to as mind control, brainwashing, propaganda and psychological manipulation.

What you think is government and...

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The Honest Entrepreneur - How I Went from Making $15 per Hour as a Server To $3000 per Hour Oct 17, 2024

I always hear about the wins entrepreneurs have and rarely the losses. I hear crypto experts speaking in the same way. There's always lots of stories about the big wins and never about the big losses or the overall profit....when all the loses are taken into...

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The Shakespearean Agenda - Are Females Going to Be Removed Altogether and Replaced by Men Dressed as Women? Oct 16, 2024

The bulk of my writing now revolves around understanding the ancient group we're dealing with and trying to warn people about their longer-term agendas coming down the pipe. It's very important to understand that the ancient group we're dealing with are...

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The Only Solution - Educate and Strengthen - 11 Things I Can Teach You Today Oct 16, 2024

I'll keep this short. If you've made it to this page, you're most likely aware of my research. I not only thoroughly explain most of the problems we're all facing...but I also set out what I believe is the only solution. The only solution in my opinion is to educate...

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How Guilt and Shame Are Used by Today's Media and Government to Control You Oct 14, 2024
The weaponization of guilt and shame is a very ancient control tactic. Guilt and shame are riddled throughout our society because of their extreme effectiveness for invisibly gutting someone of their personal power and inner self-worth. Personal power,...
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The Day I Got My Flu Shot.....This Is a True Story Oct 12, 2024

I actually took a flu shot once, when I was 26 years of age. I took that flu shot for the same reasons most people go willingly and happily down to the vaccine clinic. I had downloaded my beliefs about vaccines from various environmental inputs, as I was growing up....

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I Used To Be Toxic. Drunk, High and Miserable. This Is How I Turned My Life Around.... Oct 11, 2024

When I look around at the world today, I realize (after 25 years of research) that we're all trauma victims to one degree or another. This is why I try to be compassionate with everyone I run into because there's no way that anyone living on this planet has avoided...

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Is The New Nicer Jason Christoff as Effective as The Old Crazy and Rude Jason Christoff? Oct 08, 2024

I've been writing articles and researching the truth for 25 years. Not many people are aware that 25 years ago, I started writing articles for 2-3 newspapers in Canada, where I exposed everything from the fluoride/brain damage agenda to the vaccine/brain damage...

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