The "Hole In The Fence Method" of Human Farming - (Maze Runner Movie) Dec 09, 2023

This picture is from a movie called Maze Runner and it signifies one of the most efficient ways to farm humans. First you lock them down mentally and physically, removing most (if not all) of their freedoms. Freedom is just another word for "options" or "choices"....

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A Coach Writes In About Her Son Dec 06, 2023
Hola Jason!!!

Ok this is a bit of a testimony, which may help you with your future program for teens! Which I’ll be signing my 15 year old son up for!
He has such a passion for basketball. He loves it. I try to encourage him, but he always has doubts...
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The Root Of All Our Problems Today Dec 04, 2023
All people will understand very soon that government is a criminal organization and anyone working for government is directly dependent on the high crimes continuing. We're openly ruled by criminals, with a large portion of our population feeding off the proceeds of...
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FIND YOUR BLISS Retreat April 27th - May 4th, 2024 Dec 04, 2023
Dear friends, 
Our names are Carley and Alex, nice to meet you! If you would like to recharge in the Mexican sun, eat healthy meals, receive therapeutic massages, sound bowl healing, participate in yoga, meditation and much more......all within a...
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My Warning To The World Dec 01, 2023

It's not just a warning in this article. There are solutions also listed. I'll start with my warning and I'll keep this short. First of all, here's the latest video proving (for the 1000th time over the last 4 years) that the COVID injection was a genocide-based...

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20 Red Flags Many People Ignored In 2020 Nov 29, 2023


Group pressure is an immense invisible force, in regards to getting humans to do illogical and irrational things. The more irrational and illogical things you want humans to engage in, the more group pressure must be injected into the equation or social...

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Why Are "THEY" Trying To Injure or Kill Me? Nov 27, 2023

Although this is a very sharp and harsh question to headline any article, it is a question that has to be asked. Why are most (if not all) of our trusted institutions colluding to kill or injure us? Why? For the average person who lives inside our very cozy media and...

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10 Christoff Christmas Ideas Nov 25, 2023

There are two types of people in the world. People who decorate their empty lives with useless purchases and people who purchase services and products that make their lives better long term. If you're tired of spinning your wheels in life and constantly bathing in...

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The Real Reason Why Your Movies Exist Nov 24, 2023

There's something about your brain (as a human being) that your social engineers are hiding from you. If you want to know what they're hiding from you (about your own brain and how your behaviors, ideas and beliefs are really formed), you can get a crash course right...

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Reliable Tests That Help You Find A Good Man Nov 23, 2023

Many females out there today are having a hard time finding a good man. There's a couple tests that can help filter out the bad apples when a female is looking for a good partner. 

#1 - THE GYM TEST - take your potential beau to the gym. If your man doesn't...

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WEF Actor In Canada At It Again Nov 13, 2023

It's all psychology. What we're seeing today (the public lining up to murder themselves and the finely scripted political/media stage productions, which are fueling this act of mass voluntary euthanasia)'s all based on psychological manipulation.

With ...

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Learning To Think Again - Let's Connect Some Dots Nov 09, 2023

Given humans mimic what they see and hear, I wanted to document some dot connecting, in order to walk people through this very valuable exercise. Schools used to teach this and now they don't, as obedience is the sole focus of government schooling today. It's a very...

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