Documentaries That Prove COVID Fraud

Jan 01, 2023

If anyone has any more documentaries that are missing from the list below, please send them to me, so I can keep the list up to date. Spread this list around. Email me at [email protected]

1. Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion 

2. Uninformed Consent 

3. The Big Reset

4. Died Suddenly 

5. Fluvid-19

6. A Good Death 

7. I Am Not Misinformation

8.  Following The Science? - COVID Fraud

9. The Time Is Now 

10. The Plan Plus Extra Material Released With The Film 

11. Cult of The Medics - Chapter #9 

12. The Real Anthony Fauci  (Part II I believe as well

13. Tip Toe To Tyranny

14. Unmasked 2030

15. Fall of Cabal

 16. Blu-Truth 

17. Planet Lock Down

18. What Is Happening In This World 

19. The Truth About Ivermectin plus A Second Film and yet Another Film (proving that Ivermectin would have helped save people in hospitals so they decided to demonize it and allow people to die regardless)

20. The Real Bill Gates

21. Science For Hire 

22. Unacceptable Views 

23. Tracked and Traced - The Rise of The Digital Beast

24. Terrain 

25. Mask Documentary

26. Vax-Nation - Show Me Your Papers  and Part II and Part III

27. COVID LAND and Part II

28. The Emperor Has No Corona

29. Our Voices Matter

30. Anecdotals

31. Non Essential

32, Plandemic 3

33. Silent No More

34. Plandemic 2 - Indoctrination

35. Rigged - Maddie's Story

36. Vaccine Induced - The Story of Shaun Mulldoon

37. Documentary About COVID-19 Resistance (Story of Cartoonist Bob Motan)

38. The Push Back

39. Where Is My Period (Article) and Where is My Period (Trailer)

40. The Greatest Reset - Beast Rising

41. Stew Peters - CoVenom-19  

42. Brave Reloaded 

43. The Research Cartel (still in production)

44. The Psychology of Totalitarianism 

45. Silenced, Censored and Ridiculed (The Media Lies)

46. Doctor's Orders

47. The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

48. Super Spreader - TRAILER 

49. Genocide Sudden Death Compilation

50. Population Control (A COVID-19 Documentary)

51. The New Normal

52. Monopoly Who Owns The World 

53. Battle Ground Melbourne 

54. The Future of Vaccines (James Corbett)

55. The Fall Of The Cabal Full Documentary 

56. Pandamned -The Documentary (please select your language by clicking CC, which means closed caption at the bottom of the movie screen)

57. The PCR Deception

58. The Psychology of COVID-19 Atrocities 

59. Perspectives On The Pandemic 

60. Shots - Eugenics to Pandemics

61. The Viral Delusion 

62. Money and Murder In Hospitals 

63. Never Again Is Now 

64. Trudeau On Trial 


66. The Introduction | Trudeau On Trial Docuseries (Episode 1)

67. Vaccines Revealed Trailer

68. State Of Control (

69. Invisible Fences



72. Unacceptable 


74. New 2023 Documentary Premier Covidism- Contagious Deception

75. Choosing Health Freedom And Life In the Face of COVID and Impending Global Tyranny 

76. "HARM 'Covid 19' Documentary" Pt-1. 'The Great Awakening'

77. Follow The Silenced 

78. Silenced - Silenced, NZ Documentary | Silenced

79. The Testimonies Project - Israel Vaccine Documentary 

80. Raid (Rebel News - Montreal's Curfew)

81. COVID Revealed

82. Unseen Crisis

83. Final Days

84. The Hidden Health Crisis SOS

85. The Great Awakening

86.Making A Killing

87. The Truth Trilogy

88. We Are The Evidence - The Vaccine Reaction 

89. Shot Dead Movie - We The Patriots USA, Inc 

90. Cutting The Head Off The Snake In Geneva

91. Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story

92. Generation Covid: a film on the havoc wrought on the next American generation

93. The Big Picture - A Six Episode Docuseries

94. Covid Unmasked - 2020 and Beyond

95. Light and Shadow of the Unevaluable New Coronavirus Vaccine

96. Unsilenced: Canada’s Underground Medical Rebellion - Rebel News 

97. River of Freedom Trailer



100. Beneath Sheep's Clothing

101. Maid: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion

102. We Will Not Be Silenced

103. State of Control

104. Covid Collateral

105. Project Whistleblower

106. Mass Vaccination (Series): Media Dropping Like FliesThe Demise of Social Media InfluencersDied In Sleep, Doctor Deaths(Part 4), Doctor Deaths (Part 5), Celebrities, Prisoners, GenocideTeachers (Part 7)Teachers (Part 8)Firefighters, Philippines, Chefs, Police, Military, Airline Safety

107. Playing God

108. MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion

109. Bad Medicine

110. Something Ain't Right

111. The Big Secret

112. Deadly Quiet

113. The Next Pandemic

114. Video - Heiko Sepp Crippled By COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Every documentary above can be explained in this one film called TRANCE - a documentary about secret government mind control experiments on the public. Everything the government and media have done to the public over the last 3 years, under the guise of COVID, are documented applications of mind control experiments carried out over the last 100 years and much father back in history.

Here's over 30 other documentaries proving that all vaccines are based on nothing but fraud, deceit and corruption. The only reason people are injecting poison into themselves and their own children (and calling it vaccination) is based on the mind control research discussed openly in the documentary TRANCE.

For more information on the documented mind control tactics used against the public, which force plenty of citizens to do many illogical and irrational things every single day, please click here. Inside that link is a good list of mind control documentaries. The government and media are using documented mind control tactics against the general public and have been for quite some time.

Full spectrum independence and strength are the only survival routes out of this mess. I teach these concepts 1-2 times per year. The next semester starts on Oct 27th, 2024. Click the picture below to learn more. Come work with me LIVE, overcome your own personal self-sabotage, teach others how to do the same, start your own business, connect with like minds and learn how to develop my essential 5 pillars of strength system in your own life. You're going to need everything I teach, not only today but every other day you're on this planet. Protect yourself, protect your loved ones and protect your community. I'll make sure you're ready for whatever the world throws at you. See you on opening day. We are 3 weeks out now and we're already 35% full. 




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