Become A Certified Overcoming Self Sabotage Coach - Next Semester Starts October 27th, 2024 - NOW 65% FULL!

Apr 20, 2023

Welcome Future Self Sabotage Coaches!   

We are looking forward to Launching our 9th Semester of our Overcoming Self Sabotage Certification Program. The first day of class for the 9th semester is starting October 27th, 2024 and we would be happy to have you join us. NOW 65% FULL!

Let me tell you about this amazing Certification Program...

Our Overcoming Self Sabotage Certification Program Is For Anyone....

- who wants to make $100-$200 USD per hour helping people overcome their self sabotage

- who wants to start a business in order to take more control of their lives 

- who wants to get close to successful people and evolve with the support of like minds

- who wants weekly contact and support throughout their program

- who wants to make major changes in their lives without disrupting their daily rituals, both time wise and financially 

- who wants to learn a new valuable business and life improvement skills from anywhere in the world online

- who wants to discover their unique superpower, which they will monetize and offer the world

- who wants to master all 5 pillars of personal strength, which are 1) intellectual 2) physical 3) emotional 4) financial and 5) spiritual 


Inside Our Overcoming Self Sabotage Program You Will Learn.......

- how to overcome your own self sabotage, regardless of what it is

- how to teach others to do the same and make a business out of it

- how to run your new coaching business or any business successfully

- how to obtain optimal health (if so desired...not mandatory...but it helps

- how mind control, brainwashing and behavior modification operates to keep you, our society and our world underachieving, mediocre and below average.......and how to turn it all around on a dime!!


Below is a brief summary of the Learning Pathway and Certification Process: 

a) Jason will hold an opening ZOOM event LIVE to welcome all the new students into the school on October 27th 2024. This ZOOM event will be recorded for new students who can’t attend in person. This event will focus on how to successfully navigate our coaching library and how to best navigate the course material. After that ZOOM event, all students are given their private access codes to our FFSS (Freedom From Self Sabotage) Coaching Library, so they can begin their training and education. There are approximately 50 hours of studying/practice coaching time involved with our CCSS (Christoff Certified Self Sabotage) Coaching Program. This program continues 3 times per month live for 16 private group sessions. 

b) Each student educates in the coaching library, listens to the educational audio recordings and watches the sample overcoming self sabotage coaching video sessions.

c) Jason meets with all students LIVE 3 x per month to teach students the coaching material, so that each student can master the art of Self Sabotage Coaching, identifying the primary areas of self sabotage found inside the behaviors of each client. In these sessions Jason will also review with students how to identify a client's SUPERPOWER, in order that your client eventually understands where they may start a successful business venture, in order that they lead a more independent and abundant life. This will also help each student identify their own SUPERPOWER, so they can move ahead toward ultimate business success.

d) At the end of each session there is a LIVE Q and A with Jason where students can ask questions they have about the FFSS Coaching Process or any other questions they may have in general.

e) Upon completion of the material the student will contact our FFSS Coaching Student Liaison to be paired with another student in the program to complete a FFSS Coaching Session, this is a practice coaching session. You will conduct practice coaching sessions with each other. You'll have the opportunity to be both the Client and the Coach with your Practice Partner. Here you have the opportunity to receive valuable feedback using our FFSS Feedback Form. You basically assess each other, as part of the practice process. This is meant to provide invaluable experience for you in your SUCCESS as a Future Coach.

f) Students who have completed their Practice Sessions with their Student Partner are then ready to organize a sample coaching session with a friend, family member or someone in their network. This session will be recorded and reviewed by our FFSS Coaching Liaison as the video component of the Coach's practical exam. Coaches can conduct as many of these sample sessions with friends or family as they would like and submit the sample sessions they choose to be reviewed by our FFSS Coaching Liaison. After this practical exam is passed, the FFSS Coaching Liaison then provides the written Knowledge Assessment, you are free to refer to the course material while completing the assessment.

g) Jason focuses intensely on successful business practices as well during his LIVE ZOOM calls for his students. This is where Jason will review what it takes to succeed in business and how to develop a BUSINESS MINDSET. Jason has been successful with hard asset businesses and online businesses as well. This program is about becoming a self-sabotage coach and it's also about being a successful businessperson. Jason also focuses on health throughout the program, as a healthy body and healthy mind helps the magic happen much easier in business and life in general. 

h) All of our students become part of a private FACEBOOK group on social media (reserved just for FFSS Coaching Students and Graduates), where we exchange ideas, encouragement and offer valuable information regarding how the human mind/body works, the origins of human behavior and manipulative psychology that's prevalent in our world today. We also review and share strategies for business success as well.

i) Each student also gains access to Jason's personal library of presentations and programs, regarding overcoming all forms of self sabotage, including 'The Power In You'  Youth and Adult Programs!

As an additional BONUS this year Jason will be hosting six BRAND NEW presentations of which every student enrolled in the program will have access to; The Financial Collapse Prosperity Guide and the Entrepreneurship Master Class (offered through The Christoff Business Academy), Weight Loss Toning and Disease Reversal, Solutions to Mind Control Brainwashing and Propaganda, Overcoming Depression and Overcoming Relationship Self Sabotage. 

This is all included in the price of enrollment in our FFSS Coaching School for all students. Additionally, if you've paid for any of Jason's online programs up to this date, you'll be credited for those previous investments. Please inform Jason's assistant Chris of your previous investments in any of Jason's presentations, Chris will verify the purchases and issue the credit within 2 weeks. Contact Chris at [email protected]

The cost of the program is 24 payments of 112.29 USD billed monthly. Our pay in full option is also listed below.

For those that want to pay via crypto, 10% discounts are also offered if a student wants to pay in full with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dero, Monero or Pirate Chain. If you wish to pay in full via crypto currency please contact Chris on our team at [email protected]

In order to guarantee your spot in the program enroll now at the links below.  If you have any questions on the program please reach out to [email protected], myself or someone from my team will be happy to help.



Some pictures of our last dinner on the roof top in Mexico. The first photo is from 2022. The second photo is from 2023. 

Those are organic ginger beer bottles if anyone is wondering... ha ha.

This course is completely online and can be executed from anywhere in the world. After you graduate, you can gain access to self-sabotage clients all over the planet. The vast majority of people on this planet openly engage in daily self sabotaging habits, so your target market is very large. Our Facebook support page for coaches also reviews issues and business ideas specific to our FFSS Coaching Process, so students get the ongoing support they need. Jason's Team is only an email away at all times and we place the FFSS Coaching Students as top priority.

Never worry about who you are or where you are in your life right now... regarding becoming a successful FFSS Coach. Coaches with a colorful and challenging past are some of our most successful coaches. Everyone loves “The Comeback Story.” Most of our coaches have challenging pasts. One of our busiest coaches (so busy he had to invent online recordings for coaching, as he couldn’t handle the number of one-on-one coaching requests he was getting) was a drugged out, run down, extremely unhealthy chronic self-abuser… but he turned it all around. His Comeback Story is what made him very popular.

It doesn’t matter if you’re thrice divorced, overweight, addicted or have low self-worth, low self-esteem or low self-confidence. That’s the start of the best story ever and always has been! That also means it’s the perfect time to master this material and reignite your passion for allowing your true potential to flow through you. It's time that you started to trend upwards in your own life. Your story is your superpower. A good comeback story is what people fall in love with and it also builds trust with people looking for help… who believe that they can’t ever come back from where they are. Of course they can because you did! Share your experience with others, to make the world a better place. People absolutely love the comeback story and want a coach who has taken their life back, by using the simple tools that are only available inside our FFSS Program. This is your chance to use your colorful past as a slingshot into your best future! Be the comeback story. Start trending upwards in your life now.

Our self sabotage coaching material is easy to master, the coaching process is streamlined, there is ongoing support and the price is affordable for anyone who’s motivated to walk effortlessly into a better way of being. It’s a great time to learn online skills in order to unplug from a world system experiencing massive upheaval. You don’t want to be at the mercy of a government or big corporation employer moving forward, at this point in history. Working for yourself, from home, is much safer for you and your family…..until our world starts to heal. And you can be part of that healing. Start your side hustle and prepare for a safer future. Everyone needs a side hustle or secondary income source. This can be yours. Work your side hustle into a full-time business. Become more independent and have more control over your own life. Start small, but start. You need an online business, and you need to help people get better. You need more control of your own life, body and income. It’s that simple.

Select one of the following payment options below to confirm your spot!

Join Now - Monthly Payment Option

Join Now - Pay In Full Option 

I look forward to working with you and getting you ready for your amazing transformation.

You can email [email protected] if you have any questions - my team and I are always happy to help.

Jason Christoff, Master Self-Sabotage Coach



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