Every country will play out the same script for reasons I can’t discuss in depth too much anymore. This is the best I can do. Read the top picture carefully before you read the rest of this document because they’ve done this trick before, which means...
First lets just review some choice examples below because of course the government pedophile activity is protected by the main stream media because a pyramid of complete control exists, where the person below someone on the pyramid is threatened daily (indirectly or...
This article includes 4 parts
- An explanation of the what’s happening, in my opinion.
- A sample of an employer letter
- Additional resources where you can learn about your employee and basic human rights.
- A potential covid injection detox, with a strong warning.
Below is a list of videos (and some articles) where medical doctors and PhD scientists come forward to discuss the unhealthy effects of vaccines. Each professional presents documented research, facts and statistics to prove, when taken in its’ totality,...
WARNING – do not take your cell phones out when you leave. Many people are already aware that they are tracking your congregations to see if you are complying with social distancing measures. (which are impossible to keep yet that’s the whole point)....
The easiest way to control a population is to poison it. Poisoning makes people weak and needy. Weak and needy people literally beg to be ruled. You can’t farm lions, only lambs. Narcotics work best at building addiction, providing escapism and destroying...
Start with the below videos to get crucial back ground information on how the PCR test, being used for COVID, is being purposely used by corrupt authority figures to falsely mark healthy individuals as infected positive cases, while using those fraudulent positive...
Please be aware that because of constant censorship, some of the links and citations are listed in their full titles and full URL's, so I can try to find them again if the censors hide them. Thank you for reading. Enjoy. If you want to get more articles like this,...
Experts from around the world come forward to declare COVID-19 death and infection statistics fabricated. CLICK HERE to view the video represented by the picture below (video)
US medical doctor and state senator explains that the US government has sent...
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