The Gangs of Denver and The Controlled Demolition of The American Empire Sep 11, 2024

If there's something I've wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, as I drove around the United States in the past, it was........"Hey, you're using your freedom wrong."  From 9/11 to the Oklahoma City Bombing and from the USS Liberty to the most recent COVID...

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Viruses and Poison - Lies Cause Death - Truth Extends Life Sep 09, 2024

Let's examine lies and truth, at their base foundations. Take any lie and think about what it will take for that lie to live out in the real world. We're taught to think that people carry around key ideas (and key beliefs) but the truth is that ideas infiltrate...

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What To Tell Your Kids Before They Go To School Aug 31, 2024

It doesn't matter if your child is going to University or College or even to public school. You need to tell them what's waiting for them. The government school system of course was designed to produce a factory ready workforce, who will execute their immoral orders...

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Help - What's Crypto Currency? Aug 28, 2024

You have probably read an article or heard someone say 'I wish I had invested in.....when I first saw it'.

That investment opportunity could have been gold, a real estate deal, a stock, or perhaps it was Bitcoin.

'If I had bought Bitcoin when I first saw it, I...

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Hollywood Stars, Invisible Influence and Our Ancient Past Aug 16, 2024

On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, we see a long list of people who've influenced us, and our society in general. These people, who often alter our life direction, are called stars. If you happened to sail around the world hundreds of years ago, you also needed the stars...

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Modern Dating, Cell Phones, Wireless Devices and Deal Breakers Aug 05, 2024
If I would be dating, I would find it extremely difficult to find a partner just to date, let alone start a life with. This is because the more awake you are, the more you see that most people are poisoning the shit out of themselves and that means you will spend...
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Financial Collapse Prosperity Guide Aug 05, 2024

I've been hearing that "the big collapse is coming" for 10 years at least. The truth is, the markets always collapse on a regular basis, those collapses are preplanned by the ruling group to disempower the public (plus to empower themselves) and if you play your...

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Ancient Egyptians, North Americans and How Humans Embrace Evil To Deal With Their Fear of Death Jul 20, 2024

The more things change the more they stay the same. Like most of the topics I write about, they're based on my own research, which is then coupled with my own personal observations. I clearly see what I'm writing about today (out in the real world) and I can only...

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Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Jul 14, 2024

I woke up this morning to the news of the Donald Trump assassination attempt and as David Icke often says......"stand back and the truth will eventually come up, don't rush it." For me, I'm trying to reconcile my knowledge of the system with what was shown to happen....

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10 Hidden Secrets of Media and Government Mind Control Jul 10, 2024

When it comes to mind control, there's only two options. You can learn how it works and sidestep it or you can become a victim of it. During COVID, which was a worldwide mind control operation (organized by media and certain groups hiding behind government) many...

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Why Your Government Wants You Bankrupt and How They're Doing It Jul 08, 2024

Imagine you have a team of scientists assembled.... who are trying to grow plants without soil, sunlight or water? Sounds impossible right and that's because it is. The next step with any insane idea is the funding. How much is this project going to cost, given the...

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How The Vaccinated Can Use Their Mass Compliance to Fully Understand Mind Control and Psychological Manipulation Jul 01, 2024

Although this seems like a sticky's actually a very truthful, serious and helpful title. This article isn't meant to mock the vaccinated whatsoever. It's meant to help. This article will be a short step by step tutorial, regarding how mind control works,...

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