I Stopped Writing About My Predictions for 2025 - Here's Why

Jan 09, 2025

I had a 10-point list complete regarding what was coming our way in 2025......and yet I didn't publish it. The last thing people need today is more of what they've already been experiencing over the last 5 years. The last 5 years have represented an upscaling of psychological warfare against the public. Every year prior to 2020 it's been the same of course, just a little lighter. In 2025, we all need to focus on staying calm. Your calmness and strength are my mission in 2025.

When your nervous system isn't calm, it changes in a way that makes you more prone to the command of mind control experts. This is called PRIMING. Mind control experts hit people with an environmental change that primes them to behave as required and intended. Our environments are being purposely manipulated today to move us out of the calm zone and into the mind control zone. Those faux and fabricated environments, which are being purposely manipulated for priming our nervous systems in negative ways, includes our social media feeds, our government institutions and various big business franchises......who all benefit from increased public control. Tony Robbins describes this PRIMING effect in a 60 second video, which you can watch by clicking here

I stopped writing my list (although it's still in my blog unpublished) because I'm not going to prime you to move out of the calm zone. I need you in the calm zone. I need you in the strength zone. I need you focused, healthy and motivated because yes....they're still coming with all their psy-op machinations. Saying that, it doesn't matter which one of their psy-ops they turn up or down on their freemasonic checkerboard floor......the solutions are always the same. You need to be as strong as possible, and I don't just mean physically. You need to be strong financially as well, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. This is the simple formula for staying calm and strong.

If you really want to know what psy-ops are coming down the pipe for 2025, I will send them to you.....but you'll need to email me personally for those. Even though I make that offer, I don't suggest you even look at the list. What I do suggest is that you take your strength very seriously for 2025. The big issue is that what makes us weak has been impregnated into us using various mind control tactics. To be honest, mind control is so effective, it doesn't matter who you are or how motivated you are......you're most likely having a real hard time right now not eating things that hurt you, not drinking things that hurt you, not smoking things that hurt you and not watching things that hurt you.

Most people can't even stop the negative thoughts they think daily about themselves or their life in general. That pattern has also been placed into them as well. I've spoken on mind control at the EU Parliament, the Romanian Palace of the Parliament, The Japanese Parliament, the US Senate and at CPAC. (n a breakout room) I know the power of mind control. If the ruling group wants us to weaken ourselves and to have us cause our own premature deaths with toxins (food, drink, habits and medicine etc) most folks won't be able to stop themselves, simply because of how the human mind works. Telling this story is a way more important message than taking you out of the calm zone in 2025.

Look at this video below, where a man controls so many at a shopping mall by just playing repetitive messages on the PA system (2 mins). This is the power of mind control and priming. 

Obviously, the people at the shopping mall have no idea what just happened. They were fully under the control of a psychological manipulation expert. The same happens in real life all the time. That's my point. The psychological manipulation experts are your governments, your media and the big business chains.......who all have a massive benefit in tighter forms of public control. Regardless of what mind control campaigns are run by this ancient ruling group (hiding behind government, media and big business) your overall weakness is always the goal. 

I won't take you out of the calm zone with this article. I need you calm. I need you strong. In order for you to be strong (in all the areas that count) you need to know how the mind control experts make you weak. If you don't know this, you're going to be like those people at the mall........fully controlled, without having any idea what's going on.

I teach all this and more of course in my POWER IN YOU PROGRAM. This program was invented to counter what's going on in the world today. It's about you and your family getting strong together. I take care of your physical strength with exercise programs, healthy lifestyle guides, a healthy recipe PDF and a healthy eating guide. Financial strength is taken care of by focusing on 4 key knowledge areas that are easy to apply in your own life long-term. Intellectual strength is given to you by me personally, as I will explain to you how this entire system works, so you don't end up like one of the people at the mall. We also work on emotional strength, staying calm and spiritual strength.......knowing why you're here. 

You can attend online from anywhere in the world. There is also a free program for youth ages 13-22, so they can get strong as well, in their own way. It's one low ticket price for the entire household or group. Anyone can afford it with our payment plan. You meet with me and your new tribe once per week, plus a 1-hour Q and A with me LIVE as well. It's only a total of 10 classes, so you'll be calm and strong for springtime. Let me help you stay in the calm zone for 2025. Let's get calm and strong together. Click here to explore and secure your spot. It starts today, Jan 9th, 2025. I really do hope to see you there when I open my screen today. If you have any questions, email me personally at [email protected]


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