The Rock Band 'THE WHO' Tried to Warn Us Long Ago
Jan 14, 2025
There was a band decades ago called THE WHO. My generation remembers them but maybe some are too young to know any of their music. They had a song titled, "Won't Get Fooled Again". Although all the lyrics speak in part to what we're experiencing today, one particular line is especially telling. The last lines in the song are, "Meet the New Boss........Same as the Old Boss". This leads me to discuss some serious shenanigans, which I've been warning about for about 3 years now.
Let's start this article today with Donald Trump's female voter bait (Tulsi Gabbard) doing a full about face on legislation that gives the US government permission to spy on US citizens and steal their most important personal and private information. This legislation moves against the US Constitution (both figuratively and literally) but of course they're saying "they just have to do it" because blah blah blah. Legislation like this is blatantly anti-American. If you gradually make the public dine on everything anti-American, they not only get used to it......they actually start expecting it. If brand Biden did this, people would be up in arms but because it's being sold under the Trump brand, people will watch it happen without giving it too much push back. Are we starting to see how the Trump brand is going to be used to back door the NWO into the US, exactly as I wrote about months ago in this article.....and this one as well.....and this one too.
In all articles like this, I'm always forced to take a pause, given that most people are still under what's often called.... "my side" mind control. People under "my side" mind control think that if anyone is criticizing the red political party, then they must have loyalty to the blue party....and vice versa. My political beliefs are simple. You deserve to rule yourself (as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process) and you deserve all your money in your own pocket, to spend as you wish. You certainly don't deserve someone stealing your money and then trying to murder you with it, by purposely poisoning your air, water, food and medicine. If you believe in politics today, that's all you're getting back for your belief. That's it.
Now, if that doesn't land well with you, it means you're under the same intense forms of mind control that I've talked about while speaking on this subject in the US Senate, the EU Parliament, while visiting the Japanese Parliament, The Romanian Palace of the Parliament and at CPAC. (in a breakout room) No offense is intended by this comment whatsoever. If you believe that your life wouldn't get better with all your freedom and all your money, we're not really going to have the common ground needed to connect on any level. If you need someone to boss you around and steal your money (so you can feel a form of fake safety that doesn't exist in reality), then there's actually something wrong with you. That's not an insult; it's a fact that you need to keep processing until you break your mind control.
Let's now continue with my political analysis of US voters learning the same lesson for the umpteenth time, but never really processing that lesson. Let's just take the US president's executive order power, which is literally dictatorial power. Having executive order power means that this process also bypasses the very principles of the US constitution and the theoretical foundations of a democratic republic. Government by the people and for the people HAS NOTHING to do with one person controlling tens of millions of other people, just because they signed their name on a piece of paper. You are free to awaken at any time.
Drip by drip, they just keep feeding the public the processes of a dictatorship, until they forget the past. You can't have anyone just wave their hand and change the lives of millions of people, with the movement of a pen. No one should ever have that sort of power. This is complete insanity but that's the psychological conditioning stint we're all in right now. They're making the insane sane, they're making criminality legal and they're making immorality moral. This can only end when the entire world is literally on fire and yet people just keep sitting there watching Netflix, drinking their wine and cheering on their political brand as hard as they cheer on their favorite sport's ball team. It's beyond embarrassing at this point. If God sent in the comet tomorrow, not many could table an argument that it wasn't the most logical move to make. We are devolving, regressing and are only decades away from walking again on all fours.
Everything politicians are doing is being used as a conditioning tool, to guide people away from the basic principles that the United States were founded upon. Trump is even bragging that he's going to declare a national emergency over the migration issue, which brand Trump supporters are cheering on loudly......but hold on a second. The declaration of any emergency removes the basic human rights of the public. Remember when they did that with COVID? They declared an emergency and all your basic human rights were removed. And let's not forget that there was no emergency at all at the time, but they took away your basic human rights anyway, because they want to destroy you and your family. Remember? Why does this clause even exist inside any legalization in the world, where our most basic human rights can be removed, with a signature of one person? Have we lost our mind completely here? Are you seeing any trends or patterns, regarding what's being slowly conditioned into the US population, to not only have them accept but to have them cheer on? No one should have this power to take away anyone's most basic human rights. No one.
As I've said in an article months ago, brand Trump is going to backdoor the NWO into the US because that's the only way to install a new undemocratic technocratic system into America. You have to sell the complete destruction of all US freedom-based standards, under the Trump brand, because very few people would ever buy their democratic destruction if it was marketed under the Biden/Harris brand. This is why Trump is constantly propagandized to be dodging bullets, dodging truck bombs, dodging fixed elections, dodging criminal prosecution and to be anointed by the hand of God. This is why all the other political actors around the world are being told to bend a knee to Trump, so Trump brand supporters believe that he's the new John Wick, Jason Statham or Equalizer hero in a newly released blockbuster action movie.....where he's going to kick the NWO's ass back into the stone age. It's a stage play folks. Wake up. They're all actors and they're all in on it. Just like wrestling. They all work for the same company. Understand this. Your life depends on it. If you still don't understand, please watch The Jones Plantation. It will be the best $10 you ever spend in your entire life. I guarantee it.
The solution here is simple. When any government official is being corrupt, you need to yell it out for everyone to hear. It's that simple. Politicians lie, coerce, manipulate and deceive because they don't like any sort of investigative light placed on put that light on them and shine it bright. And please remember the phrase "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Don't get fooled again. Finally wrap your head around that one line in THE WHO song, or you're going to the graveyard post haste this time. Use your voice or perish. There's no door #3 for what's being planned for humanity. If you're not using your voice, you're not only part of the problem, everything you hold dear will be taken from you if you don't. Use your voice.
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