Jason Christoff's Psy-Op Predictions For 2025 - And Their Solutions
Jan 10, 2025
The first thing to always remember when living inside our modern world is........remain calm. Don't get too worked up over anything because that's actually the goal of this group's overarching agenda. Once you get worked up emotionally, there are brain changes that take place, which PRIME you in a very particular (yet negative) way. Psychological priming means that our environment is being purposely designed to manufacture those negative brain changes.
The environments being purposely manipulated (to negatively affect your brain function) are often your media sources, including your social media feeds. The messaging inside government institutions is also purposely manipulated. The same manipulative messaging is often mirrored by big corporations, who are also in on the overall agenda of increased public control. Once those negative brain changes have been initiated, the mind controller can then bring in the next environmental change to somewhat control your next decision, thought or action. Tony Robbins explains a PRIMING experiment in this 60 second video, (click here) which proves people can have their actions and beliefs changed by mind control experts, without having any idea what's going on.
So again, always stay calm. Don't get upset, afraid or anxious. Just dedicate yourself to the principles of strengthening (which I teach in all my programs) because that's all anyone can do. Once you get afraid, you become weak, and from that weakness.....the mind controller already has almost full access to your behavioral and decision pathways.
Jason Christoff Psy-Op Predictions for 2025 - And The Solutions
1. The ruling group that hides behind government, media and big business are trying to finalize a union between Mexico, The US and Canada. (and even Greenland) You will see big psychological operations around this concept known as the North American Union. Trump is already moving heavily on this psy-op with constant talk about Canada as the 51st state of the US. (plus acquiring Greenland) Again, all are actors, being dictated to by the owners of all the countries. These aren't countries, they are business franchises. The franchisor is the central banking consortium. This initial concept of a North American Union was proposed in the 1990's by political actors at that time. This idea is similar to the European Union where nation states are heavily rewarded for giving up their independence. After that, the teeth come out and each country starts to decay into a fully centralized dictatorship, where they have no control over their domestic affairs.
2. There will be more fake virus outbreaks that are designed to affect food supply and food inflation. There will be more eugenic shots designed to take out anyone who still honors their TV as their electronic God. The inflation, chaos and deaths of the TV watching mouth breathers (from the perpetual fakery and genocide-based shots) is designed to destabilize the economy even further, to prime the government to take even more draconian control of the entire society. It's all a stage play (scripted long in advance), which much of the public still believe is real. Just remember, there are no viruses. They don't exist now and have never existed in the past. Poison exists and that can kill you and make you sick......so avoid the poisons, not the fake viruses. And for the love of God don't inject visible poison into yourself or your kids, in order to battle fake viruses that have never existed. That's the dumbest way to die in recorded history and God won't be impressed when you get to the judgement line before heaven. If the devil tells you to inject poison, in order to make you healthy, (and you die immediately or prematurely because your lack of insight) God will literally slap your face when you arrive.
3. There will be lots of highlighting and propaganda regarding "food quality" in the US, as a distraction as to why the society is so sick. This will involve RFK, Calley Means, Casey Means, The Food Babe etc. (I don't think the Food Babe knows she's being used in this psy-op....but as for the others I believe the Means siblings know for sure and RFK, not sure) Yes, it's the toxic food that's making people sick but it's the injections of poison more.....so a smoke screen is required. There will be lots of talk about poisons in food and almost no talk of poisons inside the injections. That's the psy-op here, where poisoned food tries to grab the spotlight as to why so many are dying early. It's the shots. It's always been the shots, even before the last kill shot COVID injection was released for massive TV watcher consumption. Our governments have all been killing us slowly since the day we were born and much quicker now of course. There are reasons for this, which I have explained in many of my podcasts. Eventually the milking cattle have to be turned into beef cattle, to keep the human farming operation moving ahead....unless the human cattle get wise and shut down the farm.
4. TRANSPARENCY is the US government's next big psy-op, which will help paint most government services as corrupt and unfixable. This won't be too hard to prove (as is the design of this long term psy-op) as government has been purposely riddled with mental midgets of the highest order and the most defective humans on the planet. Government is where corruption finds a good paying job with benefits. This long drawn-out plan will help give politicians (actors for the franchise business you call your country) the reason they need to shut down all these areas of corruption and replace much of the system with an AI system. Teachers will be replaced with AI, nurses will be replaced with AI, CDC replaced with AI, FDA, doctors, police etc. Anyone who comes up corrupt, moronic and inefficient will be removed and replaced with AI. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel, inside the halls of government. That's almost everything and everyone in government. The corrupt idiots in government were hired purposely because they were corrupt idiots. This was planned out long in advance. That was always the con. You order all the non-thinking moronic government drones to be corrupt and then you fire them all for their corruption.....and then you replace them all with AI and sell it under the Trump brand. Musk, Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel, JD Vance and various other Silicon Valley cabal funded technocrats are licking their chops right now. And because it's been relabeled under the Trump brand (instead of the Harris/Biden brand), the MAGA mind control victims will cheer it on......because it's their brand destroying them, not the other brand. Everything on this list and the problem it poses, is based on mind controlling the public to cheer on or at least participate in their own destruction.
5. Canada will declare some sort of fiscal bankruptcy or 9-1-1 financial emergency, which will push Canadians into accepting the idea that it may be a good thing to become the 51st state of the US. Again, this was all preplanned decades ago in what was first called NAFTA or the North American Union etc etc.. That's what psy-ops are, long laid out plans that are made to look like they're happening by chance and just happening to reflect current circumstances. Canada was made bankrupt on purpose by paid actor Trudeau. Canada's prescripted role is to become so bankrupt and to be in such a state of full spectrum decay, that Canadians beg to vote to become part of the US. Just like the formation of the EU. Once the papers are signed, the wolf removes its sheep's clothing. Once Canada signs its sovereignty and independence away, because actor Trudeau bankrupted the entire nation purposely (on command from its owners), Canada will fall into darkness for at least 3 generations. The communist three generation plan of economic destruction, has a very logical foundation for its existence, which is too long to review here.
6. Israel will continue to "defend" itself by attacking all countries that surrounds it. Hamas will be said to be hiding in any area that Israel attacks. When schools are leveled and students killed, Hamas was there. When orphanages are bombed and children killed, Hamas was there. Hospitals, Hamas was there. Refugee camps, Hamas was there. If anyone speaks logically about this issue (relating all this to The Greater Israel Project or the murder of innocent people), they will be called an antisemite. This "carte blanche", "blank cheque" and "get out of jail free card" continues in 2025...and it has plenty to do with ancient goals of the ancient ruling group, hiding at the top of each government. The Israel government controls all power nations at this point and is pulling most puppet strings behind the scenes. The Israel government will continue to play the role of innocent victim, who relies on the support of other countries, when in reality......Israeli leadership controls the financial blood of each power nation on earth and all finances of each country will be tapped to support the goal of Israeli leadership. Oddly enough Israel will start more fights with more countries than we've seen before in recorded history and their aggressive ancient cult leadership will bring their fight to everyone's doorstep soon enough. Israeli leadership has an ancient goal of ruling the entire world. I'm stating for the record here that Jewish people have nothing to do with their psychopathic leadership, in the same way that Canadians have nothing to do with Trudeau's leadership. To highlight the evil of the Israeli leadership has nothing to do with the Jewish people or the average Israeli citizen.
7. Removing cows because they fart and culling chickens because they're infected with a fake virus, is meant to prime humans to believe that they should eventually be culled because they fart and because they may be infected with a fake virus. That priming psy-op is forming slowly but surely, far away on the horizon. If you don't say anything about the chickens and the cows, you engage in a tacit contract, where you believe that all animals should be treated in the same way, including yourself. Yes, eventually they will come for you and say that you have to be culled because you fart and because you fake tested for a fake virus. Sitting around watching TV, eating junk, going to the mall and drinking wine......isn't going to change anything, so it's best you stop that right now and commit to something productive.
8. White people will continue to be advertised as the sole reason why everything is wrong in the world. White people will continue to disappear from stock picture and video sites on the internet. White couples with families will continue to disappear from film and media productions. Heterosexual couples with children will be removed from most media sources at an even more accelerated rate. This agenda also has ancient origins. Again, what we see today in our modern world, has more to do with our ancient past than any of the fake narratives we're all hand fed today. This is a very old war between an ancient black magic death cult from the middle east and the rest of humanity. That's it really in one sentence. There are evil people from our ancient past, who have been working very hard for thousands of years to surround us and put us to the sword. They like death, we don't and yet we're not picking up on any of the red flags too well because they've made us fat, sick and lazy....by drowning us in poisons, since the day we were born.
9. We will see even more "weather" based events blamed on a fictitious human caused climate change narrative. Humans fart, humans breathe out viruses, humans can infect everything by travelling, humans are destroying the planet, humans need to eat food (and farming is bad for the environment) so therefore the humans have to be removed, turned into robots or be controlled tyrannical.....in order to set everything right. Humans are the enemy, say the rulers, who are also humans......working for that dark evil ancient death cult. These narratives that paint humans are "bad in every way imaginable" are all provable lies of course. We will see more people watching this all come together, without resisting, simply because they can't believe it's actually happening right in front of their eyes. Most will sit there and permit their own cull because they're hoping that someone else will stand up and fix it, when that's their job. Most are too lazy and dumb to live at this point. Most people's will to live is simply too low, after 70 years of constant weakening. That's what evil is, it's an energetic cleanup crew for any animals too daft and too lazy to defend themselves. Everything on this planet is a food source for something else. Evil eats the dumb, the weak and the inept. If you don't want to be consumed by evil (who can never win a fair fight and who can only eat weak animals) all you need to do is be stronger than the evil force hunting you......which isn't that hard.
10. You'll see more "health experts" taking over decisions, from elected political actors.....in order to destroy the idea of democracy, to even a greater degree than it's been destroyed already. You'll see a "super friends" effect to who rules you. What that means is that you will be ruled by "stars" like Musk, Dr. Oz and the UFC's Dana White (now at Facebook with cabal backed Mark Zuckerberg). I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Rogan, Oprah Winfrey, Russell Brand or even The Rock get positions in Trump's administration. Being ruled and guided by the "stars" is yet again another ancient foundational principle, held by the old cult now casting orders from on high. I can certainly see this psy-op storm brewing, far away on the horizon. Not voting, you're just ruled by celebrities. A complete end to democracy as we know it.
Expect the usual as well. The removal of firearms, the economic crash hits in 2025 and most people just keep masturbating, watching their screens, eating junk, smoking junk, drinking junk and injecting junk. It will be a year where the cabal opens its bag of magic tricks fully. But wait......there's also a solution.
Strong animals would never put up with any of this, ever. This is why the cabal, before they attacked, poisoned and weakened us for 70 years prior. Weak animals can't defend themselves, even from evil's ultra weak predation. Evil isn't a strong historical creature and the only way it can win a fight, is to weaken you before it attacks. Evil makes you weak intellectually, physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. After it accomplishes that, then it attacks because you can't defend yourself. Look at America today, 70% of adults are overweight or obese. Americans represent 5% of the world population and consume over 50% of the world's toxic medication. America's food supply is the most toxic in the world. Americans on average, are some of the weakest people intellectually on the entire planet. A good percentage of Americans are addicted to pleasure, hedonism, fun, materialism, sex and perpetual self-gratification. Nothing good, moral and ethical can come from that. That was all done purposely before the attack. Canada is in the same boat and most of the EU as well. It was all a long drawn out plan the entire time. They gave you endless pleasure and now they're coming to put you into the graveyard and steal all your assets....unless you wise up, stand up, level up and lion up.
So, your answer is obvious. Stop being so weak and stop being afraid to work your way back to strength. You will need some help, in order to fast track this process because we don't have too much time. I offer a program on this strengthening process. It actually started last night but the next session is Thursday, January 16th. If you want to jump in, you still can. My assistant will walk you into the program (white glove service) and make sure you get the recording from our first class. I would love to have you join us. It's our mission to strengthen our way out of this mess and we're here to accomplish that goal quickly. Click here to explore coming to join us. Once you come in, my assistant will contact you directly to walk you into our next class on January 16th. Strength is the answer. Let's get strong together.
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