The US Tariff Attack on Canada Explained
Feb 02, 2025
The easiest way to look at things is to realize that about 95% of news stories circulating in the mainstream today, are directly related to each other in historical ways. There are critical patterns and historical trends as to what the ruling group is doing to the general public, while disguising itself as our altruistic governments, mainstream media and big business.
For example, let's take the bird flu propaganda that has become a bone of contention in British Columbia Canada, California and in the UK. This situation contains historical patterns, which can lead us to what the ruling group is trying to accomplish long term. Most everything the ruling group does is about psychologically "nudging" the public closer and closer to their dark dystopian finish line. Within the current bird flu propaganda, we have some of the cabal's most popular agendas rolling forward simultaneously.......while being disguised as a public health concern.
We have 1) a fake test that can be manipulated at the will of the people operating the testing equipment 2) a fake virus 3) the destruction of the food supply 4) the resulting food price inflation via a shrinking food supply 5) a "setting of the mood" to eventually make people believe that any human who also fake tests for a fake virus needs to be culled and 6) a "setting of the mood" to eventually make people believe that everyone needs to be locked away from nature, in 15 minute cities, so the public can finally stop getting infected by viruses never proven to exist.
If you can connect these dots (and let's hope you can because these dots are the size of the moon and the sun) the government is constantly making up ground inside the human psyche to believe in ideas that are completely genocidal in origin. These genocidal ideas of course are wrapped up in every disguise imaginable. Destroying the food supply, injecting poison into the population under the guise of fake testing and a fake viral threat plus making things so expensive that the average person can't afford to eat healthy food.......this only ends one way. This isn't about culling farm animals. The long term psy-op in play here, revolves around normalizing the culling of humans, via the false theory of viral disease causation. You can call this "The Great Poisoning" or "The Great Culling", which leads to "The Great Taking". The Great Taking is the taking of all our assets because we're no longer here to defend those assets from illegal seizure and conventional piracy.
I will lose most people when I try to explain the US Tariff attack on Canada. I will try to explain it, nonetheless. The UK Royal Family controls Canada directly through the governor general. The same UK Royal Family has never signed any treaty with the United States, to give back the United States landmass to the US people, after the war of independence. Both these nations are registered corporations, owned by historical ruling families in the UK. The head politicians in all commonwealth nations are informed directly of these matters once they reach the top of their respective political ladders. If you don't know about your job as "loyal royal staffer or employee" when you arrive, you're going to know shortly after. The employees don't run the corporations known as Canada and the United States, the owners do. Just like any other corporation, the employees and the owners are different.
This real ruling structure, in each former commonwealth nation (including the US) is known as the deep state. This is why in the United States, there are many different levels of security clearance above the president. Depending on what estimates you come across in the literature on the internet, it could be as high as 16 extra levels of secrecy above the President of the United States. The US President is not the top in command and nowhere near the top of the control-based food chain. The US President is an employee and an extremely important actor for the owners of the United States Corporation. Justin Trudeau was a drama teacher, who taught acting and who was also an actor himself. President Trump is listed as an actor, with many acting roles on his resume. Zelinsky, actor. Macron in France, actor. I could keep going on but you're free to start running some of the other employee's names through Google search, to determine their acting backgrounds.
Did I lose you yet? No, good. OK, so this group still uses the old model of ruling the world, where they have to pay actors and organize many expensive order to make each person believe that each country is separate and that all the people have a say in the running of the corporation known as their country. The ruling group doesn't want to use this old model anymore. It's too expensive and far too complex. To keep all the lies straight at this point is impossible. The truth is pretty obvious, and that truth is starting to leak out, which holds the potential for mass public rebellion.....given that all our "democracies" are a completely controlled con job and have been for a very long time.
It's obvious given what happened in 2020, when all countries did the same thing, like they were all ruled by one central force......which they are. This ancient crime syndicate have faked all our democratic freedoms for decades. They needed this breathing room until they could trim all our wings and start controlling all of us via a brute force AI control grid. This is why actor and employee Donald J Trump has now promised a $500 billion investment in AI surveillance infrastructure. US citizens are about to be controlled just like the Chinese. The UK Royals took over China in the late 1700's using opium. This ancient group destroys people with drugs and other poisons, so they offer little resistance, to this group's intentions for ruling the entire planet with an iron fist. Drug and poison based takeovers are their MO. Click here to look at Kensington Street in Philadelphia.
The old fake freedom system must be torn down and the real structure must come above ground, which means they're trying to go back to the old "commonwealth" model......where there's one monarch who rules everything with an iron fist. If you don't like it, you'll just be put to the sword. The sword at this point is the social credit AI surveillance system, where if you don't take your shots and go quietly into the good night, your electronic access to life inside the AI control grid is simply switched off. This way they don't need any more fake elections, highly paid actors or all the other expensive pageantry to make each person falsely believe that they're free and that their vote counts. This group needs to centralize power, just like they've already tricked the European countries to concede to, via the European Union.
That's the goal, the centralization of power under The North American Union. This is where the US, Canada, Greenland and Mexico all unite as one political entity, controlled by a very small group of tyrants (criminals) at the top. Exactly what happened in the EU. Why do you think Trump changed "The Gulf Mexico" to "The Gulf of The United States"? Because the goal is to eliminate Mexico and Canada, in order to merge both fake countries into the US fake that just a few criminals can control everyone who lives on those land masses. Just like the EU.
The real owners of the fake countries have already called actor and employee of the month President Trump. Similar calls have gone out to the fake leaders in Canada and Mexico. The scripts have been sent, and the actors are on their marks. First order of business.....burn Canada's economy to the ground, to make Canadians beg to vote away their sovereignty. Actor Trump was told to make the first volley. The Canadian political actors will purposely make moves that further destroy the Canadian economy. It should only take 1-2 years before Canadians vote to lose their sovereignty to the United States. That will be the last vote Canadians ever engage in. Once you vote away all your rights as Canadians, you can't vote them back.....when the vampire's teeth come out. Canadians don't stand a chance because this is known as the game of werewolf, which the public can't win.....according to the research. The only way to win the game of werewolf (a real game) is to hope everyone starts to understand that all their politicians at the top are highly paid actors and employees, who control nothing.
If you're Canadian I'll try to gather some information for a future article, so that the average person in Canada can protect themselves financially......regarding this planned evil chess move, organized by these ancient ruling families. Yes, some of the ruling families live in the UK now, but if you click here, you can start to educate as to their true origins. The deception of this group knows no boundaries. If you personally talk like each politician controls what happens in your country or that each country is separate, you're actually proving that you don't understand the mouse trap you're already stuck in. Start talking the truth. Just say it, they're all in on it and there's something nefarious going on. Remove the blinders and let's get to work.
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