Raising The Dead Isn't What You Think It Is... Jul 11, 2023


Most people believe that raising the dead is fiction and it is, in the classical "Hollywood movie" sense of the word. Although we don't have the ability to bring a dead person back to life, the people who rule us have indeed figured out how to bring dead...

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10 Signs That You May Be Under Herd Based Mind Control Jul 11, 2023
1. You move with the herd, without thinking logically.
2. You think short term instead of long-term.
3.  You consider "how others in the herd will perceive you" instead of thinking about any long-term consequences that may impact you...
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Sample Letter For All Politicians Jul 06, 2023

Here's a sample letter you can copy and paste. Email this to every politician and local city council member in your area.....who may require it. 

Dear Sir or Madam (insert their name here)

Since 2020 it's become obvious to millions in our country that something...

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Becoming What You Hate Jul 03, 2023
When I was a kid, I used to get beat up and bullied sometimes. I knew it was unfair and I wanted it to stop, so I started lifting weights. I really hated those bullies. It took a couple of years of weight lifting but I got strong and powerful.....and sure enough I...
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The Ancient Egyptian How To Manual For Raising The Dead Jun 28, 2023
Ancient Egyptians were obsessed with raising the dead. Ancient Egyptians (especially their Royality) didn't want to die. They didn't like the natural design of this realm and they always sought to override it. The religious leaders in ancient Egypt wanted many...
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UnSchooling Outreach For Parents Around The World Jun 25, 2023

If you're getting this, there's a good chance you were one of the 1000 plus people who came to watch myself and Tasha Fishman talk LIVE within the presentation titled, "GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF GOVERNMENT SCHOOL NOW". I hope you enjoyed our FREE talk. We also know some...

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The Human Farming Operation On Our Planet Jun 23, 2023


The word for cow in Latin is vacca. The word vaccination translates to cow-nation, a nation of cows. Vacca spelled backwards is "a cav" or "a calve", which again implies cow. Odd but true. We also hear the phonetic "sin" inside the word "vac-sin-nation", which...

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15 Signs You're Under Mind Control Jun 19, 2023
1. You think TV shows and movies are made to entertain you.
2. You think medical doctors are health experts.
3.  You think the government steals your money to build the roads.
4. You think that they spray poisons on your food...
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The Poison Based Medical System And The Actors Within Jun 14, 2023

If we watch this documentary called "Killing Nurses of The Third Reich", we see that the medical system and its two primary group of actors (doctors and nurses) were heavily involved in executing orders to euthanize seniors, babies deemed defective, members of...

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Something Is Wrong In Canada Jun 05, 2023

Each country is a separate mind control experiment and always has been. We have of course been taught in the government schools that each country is separate, run by the wills of the people who live there and that the politicians are extensions of the different...

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Woman Writes Me About My Latest Article Jun 02, 2023

My latest article highlighted one mind control-based attack launched at the female long ago. The title of that article was "The Overly Sexualized Female and The Death of Marriage". You can read this article by clicking here. I've received many glowing reviews of the...

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The Oversexualized Female and The Engineered Death of Marriage Jun 01, 2023

If anyone thinks this is going to be an open attack on the female, they'll be sadly mistaken. This is about a psy-op (a psychological operation) that even went over my head.......way over my head. I never saw it coming and that's because this psy-op (the...

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