Why Does Netflix Use The Letter "N" As Its Primary Symbol? Dec 29, 2021
N is the 14th letter of the alphabet. Basic word magic is about distilling letters down to one number by adding numbers together. For example.... N = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5 and 5 is the E, the fifth letter of the alphabet. E is the invisible magic like e-commerce,...
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The Metaverse, Transhumanism and A 2 Foot Penis Dec 29, 2021
The road to transhumanism is paved with hatred of self and the hatred of being human. You can see this today in many forms already, as this road is being purposely paved by our dark and ancient social engineers. No one wants to be truly human anymore. A growing...
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Just interviewed on ASK THE NURSES PODCAST Dec 29, 2021
 80% of mind control and brainwashing is based on repetitive messaging. That means the more you hear or see any idea, belief or behavior...…the more prone your subconscious is to believe it's true and to act it out. Unfortunately the part of the brain...
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Avoid Self Sabotage by Brainwashing Yourself To Success with Jason Christoff The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change Dec 28, 2021

Mainstream radio station interview from Seattle.... that I did today. I presented my ideas in a way where people can start understanding what's really happening, while making sure the content can fit on a mainstream radio station. A great mainstream explanation of...

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Caffeine, Coffee and Self Sabotage. Is There A Connection? Dec 28, 2021
Coffee consumption is never to be taken lightly. Coffee and all caffeinated products have a massive self sabotaging effect on our behavior. If you're having a hard time with your relationships, your finances, your happiness, your health or your general...
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A Nurse Makes A Break For Freedom Dec 28, 2021
I know a nurse who was also a farmer and a plumber. When they asked him to role up his sleeve to push the poison, he simply resigned and took on his plumbing gig full time. It was as simple as that. He said NO to the slavery and YES to the freedom.
And that's what...
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How To Survive What’s Coming In 2022 with Jason Christoff Dec 27, 2021

30 minutes of truth discussing what a human needs to be their best and I also explain the real agenda behind our current crisis. https://bit.ly/3qnW9Pl

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The Agenda Is To Make Men Weak And Feminized Dec 27, 2021
There's a reason many of the men sit and allow their communities to be destroyed. Find out what's actually turning your men into women or even into perpetual infants. There's a chemical and psychological attack on men that you need to know about. It's an important...
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As Reported By The CDC … Here Are The US Deaths By Year And The Change From The Previous Year Dec 27, 2021
Year 2017: 2,818,503 Americans died.
Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017).
Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018).
Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019).
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What is Addiction? Dec 27, 2021
Addiction isn't about addiction. The first question is always "not why the addiction, why the pain?" Here in Canada I meet many addicted people and they're addicted because they're in pain. They...
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A Magic That Can Change Your Life in 2022 Dec 27, 2021
This picture will make you feel nice inside and that represents one of the biggest secrets in the entire Universe. Your emotions are part of a very basic vibratory system, by which you transmit out how you`re feeling.....like a radio antenna. The Universe (or what...
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What Is Your Reality Strength Factor? Dec 27, 2021
When I started in the gym I could only bench press 135 lbs. After 10 years I could bench 365lbs. Today I maintain my strength in other ways but the point is that becoming stronger in any area is about long durations of time spent in that area. I gained "gym...
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