Humans are proven to copy, mimic and emulate what they see others doing in their environment. TV and movies were invented as documented military weapons designed to control what entered the visual and auditory centers of the viewer's mind, as to control their...
There's something spiritual happening. I think most people can agree on that, regarding the growing evil inside many humans today. I was hesitant to even write this article because frankly most people have been conditioned away from the spirit world,...
1. School teaches you to do things you don't like doing, so you can continue that ingrained habit in the work force as an adult.
2. School teaches you do do things you don't like doing, from early morning to mid or late afternoon, so you can get conditioned to...
In order for a few to rule the many, the few must control the minds of the many. The few must legitimize and normalize the tyrannical modes of enslavement that either covertly or overtly keep the masses under control. That's where brainwashing, mind control and...
Your entire body is a safety based mechanism. Everything from your automatic breathing to your automatic healing of a don't control any of's all automatic. Not only are those functions automatic and executed outside your conscious...
Watch the Video Before Reading The List Below:
1. They dumbed us down purposely so we're easier to rule
2. The TV and movie screens were developed purposely as military weapons, proven to modify a person's behavior after they look into the screens for only...
Please read carefully and fill in the blanks where needed.
#1 this sort of mocking of people who could still think and resist group pressure was very common back in the day, where the herd pressure was much more intense. (2020 - start of 2022) It's common for...
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