I'm not sure if you're aware, but there are tens of thousands of people fighting for your freedom this month, in regards to some very evil groups attempting to remove all your human rights through the Pandemic Treaty and The International Health Regulation...
I have to even admit that this is getting well beyond what I believed I would ever find, in the areas of public mind control. According to some very simple research, it appears that large portions of what's happening in our society today is based on governments...
The great memory wipe is upon us. This shouldn't take too long to explain. As we can see in this first video below, Dr. Michael Nehls (author of the book "The Indoctrinated Brain") explains to Tucker Carlson that an ingredient in the fake COVID vaccine (which has ...
How can I better myself in today's dark world? I've personally pondered that question long and hard many times. After some deep thought I simply invented a program to prepare people successfully, in regards to what we're all facing. The most important question...
What Is The Danger For Canadians?
I'm going to make this nice and simple. This place where we all live.....it's not really what we've been told it is and it isn't run by the people or forces we've been taught it's run by. Regardless of what you think of that opening statement....we can all agree that...
Within the psychology of self-sabotage, there's a category called THE FIRE STARER SABOTEUR. There are 4 other major categories, which group together the vast majority of self-sabotaging characteristics. The fire starter saboteur can't feel comfortable in life...
This article will be full of blue highlighted citations/links for further investigation of the stated topics. Please click on those blue highlighted words for further clarification.
In Canada we have a very unique situation. Canada is definitely under intense attack....
I've been researching almost every topic under the sun, listening to speakers and watching videos for over 25 years now. I binged watched and read everything I could get my hands on (15 hours per day)....for more than a decade straight as well. People thought I had...
In the video below, we have a very simple and entertaining demonstration of mind control. Through the use of well documented mind control technology, this mind control expert in the video completely hacks the behavior of his mind control victim (a lady).......in a...
I used to have many addictions that were self-destructive, so I simply switched them to addictions that were self-empowering. I'm still an addict of sorts.....I'm just addicted to being happy, healthy, wealthy and wise now. I had a choice to make in my life and...
When the evil attacked us using the fake COVID pandemic in 2020, it was obvious that financial weakness was something that evil was going to take advantage of. It wasn't just a person's intellectual or spiritual weakness that was going to be weaponized against them...
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