10 Ways How To Know When You're Dating a Child in An Adult Body......

Nov 28, 2024

Dating and marriage today is harder than it's ever been before, simply because our social engineers have put our entire society through what's called THE UNIVERSE 25 experiment. Although this experiment was originally done on mice, it did give researchers a firm indication of what would happen if our social engineers removed any challenges from an animal's day, in the sense that everything required to survive was supplied to them.......without the animal putting out any effort whatsoever to acquire those resources. 

What happened was simple. Most mice ate the unlimited food until they died, becoming too obese to procreate or survive. Sound familiar? Having children was bypassed altogether because of the 24-hour fun factory environment, which made the mice too addicted to pleasure.....to the point where having children was seen as "annoying", "too hard" or "interfering with their fun". Sound familiar? Mothers who physically dropped their offspring, inside the UNIVERSE 25 fun factory environment, often kept moving along to their next pleasure-based activity.......leaving their offspring to die in the streets of fun city. (think here of parents playing on their phones as their kids sit there starving for attention)

Certain mice developed into what were called "the beautiful ones". These mice died by grooming themselves to death, in a bizarre perpetual attempt to improve their physical characteristics of beauty. (think here of a woman injecting her face until its completely disfigured and unrecognizable, believing that removing her beauty makes her beautiful) Aggressiveness skyrocketed (think here of the UFC) and many other mice became isolationists in their own areas, completely withdrawing from social interactions and dying alone, in an attempt to stay away from the mental insanity of the pleasure pit environment. (think here about an adult living in their parent's basement and never entering the real world) All the mice died in weird, unnatural and illogical ways. Does any of this sound familiar? 

What we call "cities" are UNIVERSE 25 experiments in the real world for humans. We easily can observe these exact same characteristics coming out of humans in our big city centers, compared to what we witnessed with the mice. And don't think for a second that researchers are doing these sorts of experiments because they care about what happens to mice. These researchers have never cared about mice, dogs, cats, fleas, monkeys, wolves etc...or any other animal they conducted psychological research on. All these experiments are done in order to gain information, in order to better farm the human animals down here on the human farm. If you want to know about the ancient group farming you like human livestock, please click here.

One result of the HUMAN UNIVERSE 25 experiment are adult humans who act, talk and think like children. When you're given an environment where everything you need to survive is instantly at your disposal.....you remove challenge, pain, failure and discomfort from the equation. Unfortunately, in psychology, it's proven that you need challenge, pain, failure and discomfort to mature from a child to an adult.

In psychology this rite of passage from child to adult is called "maturation" or "individuation". This process can only materialize via painful challenges, which life always throws our way. Once we remove this natural maturation process, because challenges, pain and various hero's journeys are purposely withdrawn by our social engineers....you get what I call the PRO-TEEN. A PRO-TEEN is a perpetual lifelong teenager. The phrase "arrested development" means "someone who has stopped developing into adulthood and therefore stays the forever child." Most adults today are living inside various forms of arrested development.

Think about this, 3-5 billion people just injected poison into themselves, in an attempt to fit into the crowd. They did this even though there was no virus, the test was fake, there were no pandemic, the entire scam was sold using every mind control tactic in the book and it was actually a time in history to stand up and tell the government/media blob to f^%$ right off. Fitting into the crowd at all costs is a CHILD BASED BEHAVIOR. The PRO-TEENS were purposely manufactured in our big city centers and then they were taken full advantage of.

So far over 1 billion of these PRO-TEENS have died or become permanently injured because of this child-based adaptation of wanting to be liked, accepted and praised for doing what authority told them to. These PRO-TEENS were (and are) literally dying to fit in. Fully functional empowered adults DO NOT risk their lives, so that other people like them. Real fully functional empowered adults would rather die on their feet, fighting the enemy, compared to dying on the floor clutching at their heart. Just imagine dying because you obeyed, in the same way as a child obeys....WHICH IS OUT OF WEAKNESS AND DEPENDENCE. That's a really shitty way to die or end up permanently injured. 

Dating or marrying a fully functional, empowered, healthy and independent adult is much easier than trying to date or marry a PRO-TEEN or a forever child. Hopefully I don't need to expand on that fact. Here's 10 ways to size up if the person you're dating or considering as marriage material.....is a victim of the HUMAN UNIVERSE 25 experiment. Is your current partner or potential partner a PRO-TEEN? Find out below.....

1. They sleep in on the weekends because they actually have no adult-based goals to force them out of bed, in order that they slay or win the day. PR0-TEENS have the exact same habits that they had when they were teenagers. That includes sleeping in and hoping someone else supports them in life, without their personal involvement. 

2. They often work for other people (as opposed to being self-employed), because getting told what to do their entire life by third parties (as they did in their childhood) just feels normal, comfortable and something they're already completely familiar with. 

3. They're completely pleasure oriented and have no ability to delay gratification, in order to gain bigger rewards over the long haul. Everything has to be FUN NOW (just like a child) or they're not really interested in participating.  

4. The PRO-TEEN has two major modes of operation. They have their workday, where they're told what to do by third parties. They usually take this portion of their day very seriously because they understand that they can't make it whatsoever in life without someone else bossing them around 8-10 hours a day. The second mode of operation is, "f%$^ing around, playing, entertaining, giggling and pleasuring themselves". That's what they do when no one else is bossing them around. Again, mode #1.....working hard for other people. Mode #2.......f$%^ing around, entertainment, pleasuring themselves to death, watching TV, eating.......just like the mice. 

5. No real interest in having children in many cases. You'll find the PRO-TEENS in their 30's, 40's and 50's........and they have no kids. In ancient times, in order to survive, you had to have kids. When the cities are designed purposely to provide everything you need inside those HUMAN UNIVERSE 25 experiments, obviously people are bound to see children as something that will only get in the way of their perpetual pleasure seeking and nonstop good times. Just like the mice. 

6. Due to a PRO-TEEN'S perpetual pleasure focus, they always have chronic addictions, because being high is the best way to avoid maturation....which is caused by pain, discomfort, challenge and failure. If you just stay high all the time, you never have to grow up. Growing up is hard, anything "hard" is bad (unless it's a hard day's work for other people), so just stay high and always remain a child trapped in an adult body. Watch for daily coffee, weekly alcohol, nightly TV, weight issues due to constant overeating, some vaping, weed, cigarettes, narcotics etc etc. Watch for the PRO-TEEN to be addicted to avoiding pain. 

7. The PRO-TEEN thinks 5, 10 and 15 days down the road. A real empowered, fully functional adult thinks 5, 10 and 15 years down the road. In 2010, if you would have bought $1000 in bitcoin, you would have $310 million dollars today. The PRO-TEEN is discouraged by this and says, "that opportunity is long gone, I don't know anything about that stuff, I've never been good at that sort of thing, Rich people are bad anyway. It's more spiritual and noble to struggle and suffer." A fully functional empowered adult will say, "I wonder if there's anything out there like that today? I want to learn more and I have time to learn. I want to make my long-term future better. I want to be able to take care of myself and all my loved ones. I want to live as a real adult who gives and doesn't take." PRO-TEENS are takers, not contributors. PRO-TEENS are also often manipulators because if you don't want to work hard to support yourself, there's only one other skill you develop....and that's the manipulation of others. 

8. They follow the crowd and they're not real leaders, because children follow the lead of the adult or authority figures around them. 

9. They look at money as something to spend on pleasure and not something to invest long term, which will help them fulfill their role as a fully functional empowered adult...inside the tribal circle.

10. The PRO-TEEN has many stories at the ready, as to why they stay stuck in life, why they struggle and why they can't make a go of it. They will tell every story except the one and only true story. That true story is that they're stuck because growing up is hard and staying a forever child is easier. 

If you click here, I have a full 46-point list on the PRO-TEEN.

The problem with the forever child has been written of in psychology for a very long time. Video proof of that is directly below. 

If you want to be your absolute best in life, there are a few things you'll need to learn first. I teach every one of those things in my POWER IN YOU PROGRAM, which starts January 9th 2025. This is the last year I'll be teaching this myself, as future programs will be taught by my assistant Andrea. Come join me in January, turn over a new leaf and start your new life. My POWER IN YOU PROGRAM is a full life makeover, which any one can afford, with our new payment plan. You can attend online from anywhere in the world. You get to work with me personally and your new tribe of over 100 people. Make 2025 the year you break out of your old programs and embrace something better. I guarantee you that something much better is waiting for you. Click here to learn everything you'll get and to secure your spot today. I'll see you on opening day. If you have any questions, please also email me personally at [email protected]


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