The Ultimate Trojan Horse - Have Billions Already Injected Elon Musk's Neuralink?

Dec 02, 2024

Did 5-6 billion people just inject some form of Elon Musk's mind control neuralink into them and their own kids, under the guise of disease protection? To get to the truth, we're going to have to navigate most existing psy-ops, which are clouding a clear view of the truthful answer here. How many psy-ops are occurring in and around this one agenda alone? There are many of course and we'll review 3 of those existing psy-ops below.

Regardless, there's a great deal of evidence pointing toward the hypothesis that everyone who injected the fake COVID vaccine into themselves and their own children, have injected key compounds designed to hook the human brain and body up to a massive information cloud, containing a wide array of cabal formatted human farming mechanisms. This entire COVID smoke and mirrors show appears to have been organized with the intended effect of controlling human "thought", "emotion" and "belief" directly through wireless/mind control nano technology. UPDATE....there may even be something more insidious occurring with this injectable mind control nano technology, which could be tied to the mysterious large drone invasions on the east coast of the United States.

Before I review some of the psy-ops, which are clouding a clear view of this "mind control nano tech/fake vaccine operation", I believe the video immediately below is important to watch first. When I watched this video a couple days ago, I said....."that's it right there, that's how they're going to do it. That's how they're going to control the human brain wirelessly, without a person's knowledge." The best mind controllers make their mind control victims believe that their actions and decisions are organic to them.

In this video below, you see the direct control of a person's brain (and behavior) with magnetic pulses. Saying that, the device being used has to be close to the head, to get the intended effect. I know that issue can be easily bypassed, if you inject magnetic material into the research subject and if you also have very powerful wireless transmission towers riddled throughout the landscape. We have now met both those criteria. We now have billions of people who may have injected "sci fi magnetic material" into themselves, under the guise of health care. We also have the massive and super powerful Wi-Fi weapons towers surrounding all of us. Let's take a look at the video.....

We can see similar magnetic effects, for controlling human behavior, in this video and in this one as well.

Now let's review a couple of the psy-ops, which are designed to confuse people, in regard to this very topic. First, we have the Elon Musk psy-op. Musk's primary source of income is government contracts. All of this is occurring as many people believe that Musk stands with the people....against the government. That's mind control agenda #1, the rebranding of a man who wants to control all of humanity through Neuralink and Starlink his electric cars. (three major agendas of the NWO) Musk has openly stated that humans becoming hard wired cyborgs, controlled by his Starlink internet cloud of low orbit satellites, is how humanity is going to save itself and not be left behind, inside the new post human era. Yes, there's a guy being cheered on right now by the masses, who wants to turn the same masses into hive mind wirelessly controlled non-thinking drone bot borg like creatures. And that's only 1 psy-op going on right now that we need to step around, in order to try and smoke out the truth. Musk of course has never invented anything in his life, and is an actor/front man, for the cult organizing humanity's enslavement. 

UPDATE - it appears there may be an older psy-op running that I missed regarding Elon's Musk Starlink satellite systems, not only being part of a wireless brain/WI-FI interface cloud but Starlink may also act as the framework for PROJECT BLUE BEAM. Project Blue Beam is an older ruling group agenda, designed to rid the world of all religions and make the public beg to be ruled by a single government, with a single one world religion. Click here to investigate this recent edition to this report. 

Then we have the COVID psy-op. No virus existed, no threat or pandemic of any kind occurred, the test for COVID was/is a complete fraud (nothing more than a random number generator, not capable of testing for anything), masking was unproven, the 6-foot distance rule was invented out of thin air by the most mentally defective among us, the injection marketed didn't stop contagion or the spread of any pathogen, the injection never qualified as a vaccine, the hospitals were actually empty when the pandemic was declared......and yet due to the most advanced mind control operation in recorded history, billions of people volunteered to have something injected into them. The question is........"what exactly did billions inject into themselves and their own children?" If there was no virus, pandemic, threat or emergency of any kind and the shot wasn't designed to do anything advertised..........why such a mind control-based push to get people to inject themselves with these mysterious substances? 

Then we have the US election psychological operation, where the man who first rolled out the initial COVID psy-op, was just re-elected, simply because the public were spoon fed a mind control campaign of, "who do you hate and fear more?". People were convinced that voting against someone they hated was the same thing as voting for a better life and real freedom, outside the tyrannical grip of a very ancient crime syndicate. Trump is already lining his cabinet with people who told all Americans to take the first round of COVID jabs plus boosters. Trump himself has never backed down from endorsing the COVID injection and refers to himself often as "the father of the vaccine.". Unfortunately, the perceived lesser of two evils, in any election, is still evil. There's a reason Trump has never backed down from the vaccine, even though the COVID injection has already been proven to have crippled or killed near 1 billion worldwide. I believe Trump has never backed down from the vaccine idea because his cabinet picks prove conclusively (to me) that his administration is going to endorse mass vaccination once again during his Presidency. All voters are going to realize that they've been had again, and nothing changes until they all watch The Jones Plantation, as that major motion picture is the only film that can educate the public as to what elections are really for.

The people who rule us know more about us as an animal, than we will ever know about ourselves. Most humans love "fake feel-good emotions" more than they enjoy razor sharp truths. No one in the US actually voted for real freedom in the last US election. Every vote cast was based on who each voter hated and feared more, rather than assessing the track records of the people running for office. People voted for their own party because they hated the other party more. It was tribalism on steroids, nothing more and nothing less. People voted for their own party because they feared what the other party would do with all that power, if they entered the oval office. No one cared about the overall system of abusive power, just as long as that abusive power was used against others, in the name of their party and their side. No one voted for real freedom and that's why all countries are becoming enslaved, because most have lost the plot long ago. 

But wait, like a bad informercial..........there's more. I will lay this out in point form, because that's the best way to start putting the dots up on the wall, before you try to connect them. Have billions of people already injected a version of Musk's neuralink into themselves and their own children? 

1. First, early on in the COVID psy-op, we had a group of Mexican doctors come forward and document that it appeared many people vaccinated were giving off MAC addresses, which could be picked up by Bluetooth receiving devices.  MAC stands for media access control. I also just had a private individual in Canada contact me this morning. Her sister took the COVID injection, died suddenly and was giving off a MAC address, directly from her dead body at the hospital. Her father died of turbo cancer, shortly after taking the COVID jab. A MAC address was also coming off him, as he laid dying in the hospital bed. 

2. Graphene oxide was fingered in late 2020, as being in the COVID shots, by a graphene expert Dr. Andreas Noack. Graphene is extremely magnetic and it reacts extremely well to wireless radiation. It would be a great transmission amplifier for "WI-FI tower to mind" remote control purposes. Dr. Noack died shortly after he made that video. His death has been shrouded in mystery, with many believing that he was murdered outright, as he tried to warn the public early in the COVID military operation. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has also dedicated her life now to helping the world understand the nano tech being injected into the public. Other information on the technology in the shot can be found here as well.

3. We also had citizen claims of intense magnetism in and around the injection site early on in the COVID psy-op. Magnetism and electrical signals are extremely similar, as was mentioned in the very first video in this article. 

4. Then we were seeing reports of odd non biological objects being found in the blood of the vaccinated and some of the same in the unvaccinated as well. (some have hypothesized that that the non-biological objects have also been placed into some of our food, water, medicine, air etc) As for myself, I don't believe this potential mind control nano tech can be effective, unless it's injected. That means I don't believe eating it or drinking it has the same effect as injecting it. Saying that, I theorize that this nano mind control technology is indeed being added to IV fluid, B-12 shots, allergy shots, insulin, steroids, dental freezing applications etc.....anything injectable. The phrase "the public/private partnership is something that sees ruling families and corporations, colluding to enslave the public. It's not one wolf that's hunting humanity, it's a wolf pack, all working together to surround its prey. 

5. Then we have what's called "the internet of things", which is a concept brought into the public's awareness before 2020, where each object (both manmade and natural) would be somehow connected together in a cloud of ongoing wireless information transfer, in order to streamline every aspect of managing/governing all things on the planet. Everything from cattle to how many trees are in the world, they would all be managed using the internet of things......up to and including the human livestock. For humans to be tracked in real time on the internet, they would need transmission/receiving WI-FI devices already inside of them. 

6. Musk of course is getting large sums of money from the government (your money) in order to develop a successful way to hook humans up to the internet. This is called Neuralink and Starlink. (citations on these issues can be found in the Musk area, at the top of the article) Both are being funded by the government's intelligence community. Neuralink is about hooking the human onto the internet and Starlink may just be the wireless tech that may interface with the sci-fi nano components, which people have already injected into themselves. The Starlink system is a large number of low orbit satellites, which are internet ready, so each object on earth can interface with an AI cloud at all times, including humans. The public were told that Musk's Neuralink technology had to be surgically implanted, but I believe this is a false narrative, in order that humans never suspect that Neuralink is actually injectable and already up and running inside their COVID vaccine injected bodies right now. 

7. We have a Russian hacker, early on during COVID, going LIVE from his computer screen showing that his vaccinated friends were already showing up on a government data base, as they were giving off trackable wireless MAC address blue-tooth signals.  

8. Research around wireless impacts on the human brain and human behavior is now coming out as investigations into something called "Havanna Syndrome". It's been recently discovered that our own government (and many other governments as well) are blasting various buildings and public areas with intense microwave radiation beams, in order to document what this wireless radiation bombardment does to human behavior, health and our brains. In yet another presentation (added here after the original publication date of this article) we see Dr. Len Ber explaining that advanced wireless weaponry, fingered in Havana Syndrome, can induce brain changes associated with deep sleep or what's called Delta Brain Wave State. As a mind control researcher, I can tell you that delta waves are perfect for placing people under mind control. 

9. Many researchers conducting studies under the MK ULTRA umbrella (like Ewen Cameron and Dr. Jose Delgado) focused intensely on either disrupting brain function or taking control of the brain through wireless or wired interference pattern technology. 

10. Wireless control of the mind leads to discoveries that light can also be used to influence animal behavior. Electrical control, light control or magnetic control.....all work in the same way, as all these modalities are mere frequencies. It doesn't matter if a mind controller is using visible light, invisible light, electrical stimulation or magnetism.......adjusting for frequency of the transmission, each modality can do exactly the same as the other, for mind control purposes.

11. During the illegal and unsubstantiated lockdown in 2020 (because no virus or emergency existed) many people around the world started to independently report installation campaigns of brand-new wireless towers. Everyone else had to stay home, why not the wireless tower installation teams? I think the real reason why, is slowly coming into view. Schools were targeted heavily with these installations and of course children were also targeted directly with the fake COVID vaccine propaganda. When you want to find evil, it will always be hovering around the children. 

12. Most of these installations were of the 5G type. No one I know personally has ever reported faster download/upload speeds from 5G towers, phones or routers, compared to the previous 4G wireless transmission technology. It's also reported by 5G tech manufacturers that the 5G wave is something you can direct toward a target, focusing in on extremely small areas for the transmission. Is 5G a weapon that can target very specific areas of a victim's mind? Is 5G a new wireless wave technology that can accomplish mind control easier in the population, but only after the public are injected with this sci-fi nano mind control tech? 

13. What's going on in this highly controversial video, where a supposed Pentagon official is giving an update on injectable material, having the ability to take out someone's belief in God, religion and more specifically (in this case) Allah or a belief in Islam? Much controversy circulates around this video but it smells plenty like what's already highlighted above. We have injectable material, targeting certain parts of the brain, to either shut them down altogether or interfere with their function. In yet another similar report, we hear of a similar experiment for controlling certain areas of the brain, which are tied to belief, ideas and perception. 

14. What about the CDC warning of a zombie apocalypse right on their own website? Yes, why would the official CDC in the United States, tell the US population to prepare for a zombie apocalypse? Simple I believe. If you have the 5G tower weaponry in place and you've already injected the "mind-to-tower amplification material" into the just send out a very particular frequency that stops thinking and that turns on primal aggression.  After that, its bingo, bango, bongo...... and you may get something out of the movie Kingsman - The Church Scene or out of the movie CELL. 

15. In 1995 Dr. Pierre Gilbert comes forward to warn the public. He holds a press conference and states that he has heard that very soon a forced vaccination program will be implemented, in order to inject magnetic material into the public.....which will have the capability to turn anyone injected into zombies and control their minds. Click here.

My solution to all this is doing everything I can to get out of the cities and find isolation in the countryside. I have also made a Financial Collapse Prosperity guide to help you, no charge. Once situated in the countryside, the plan revolves around having more control over my electric, water, food, security and heating supply systems. If you're still in the city centers, there are still things you can do to increase your security in all of these aforementioned areas as well. While many people are cheering on various government actors on the TV screen (thinking that these wolves in sheep's clothing are going to finally save them this time), it's just best to keep prepping. You can also learn how to play this game properly with the video below. I wish you the best of luck navigating these odd times. In the end, we will win. The stronger you get, the quicker we can turn all this around. Make strength your mission. I teach full spectrum strength in a course starting Jan 9th 2025. Click here to investigate.


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