Financial Collapse Prosperity Guide

Aug 05, 2024

I've been hearing that "the big collapse is coming" for 10 years at least. The truth is, the markets always collapse on a regular basis, those collapses are preplanned by the ruling group to disempower the public (plus to empower themselves) and if you play your cards right (or at least try to) can attempt to gain financially as the vipers at the top gain from their mentally defective social engineering of our world.

That's basically the best you can do, in the current situation down here on the planet mental asylum....until more people grow up and understand that the current government structure is there to destroy them and that it must be removed worldwide as an institution of rule. Not being extorted and enslaved is something the average person can't understand or reconcile, as slavery is all they know. If slavery is all you know, freedom is your greatest fear....simply because you know nothing about freedom and everything about slavery. People only feel comfortable with that they know, even if it's slavery. For more information on this odd and very illogical mental position of many slaves down here on our human people farm, please watch THE JONES PLANTATION. This film alone can awaken people out of their slavery based slumber. 

As you know, I've been trying to change this inverted, death cult, human sacrifice, mind control, brainwashing, chemical brain damage system for 25 years......but no luck yet. We're getting there, slowly but surely, but as was painfully obvious during the COVID operation......the mind controlled, coffee guzzling, wine drinking, TV watching public......can't resist a good psy-op. The COVID psy-op ended with nearly 1 billion euthanizing and permanently injuring themselves, in order to fit in with the herd. Yes the COVID psy-op was that ugly and that effective. As much as I dislike this saying "it is what it is", it does appear that the best we can do right now is to roll with the punches and try to prepare properly for the next move on the New World Order chess board.......which is another preplanned financial collapse (and everything that follows from that, which will be preplanned as well).

I've also talked about similar things in yearly emergency broadcasts released over the past 4 years. I give regular updates on what people should be doing financially, inside my paid programs (The Overcoming Self Sabotage Coaching Certification and The POWER IN YOU Program). Saying all that, as I wake up this morning, it appears that the preplanned collapse is well underway. Here's the advice I would follow in point form, so it's easier to understand and implement: 

1. If you need car repair, an A/C repair, a hot water tank replacement, a roof replacement, a fence replacement, if you need to repair anything on your house (and you can afford it and it's not a luxury investment, meaning it's absolutely necessary) it now because the ruling group's next move in any of their preplanned collapses is to print massive amounts of fake money, which devalues your savings, and causes massive inflation. Doing necessary repairs now will save you money long term, so it's a sound investment strategy. I believe prices will double once again, over the next 4 years, which is the strategy of our death cult ruling group. The goal is to make the average person so financially insolvent that they have to take up the government's offer to come live for free inside a 15-minute city, which are simply modern-day concentration camps, where only vaccine/starvation genocide awaits anyone who gets mind control to believe that their left-wing social utopia has finally arrived (sorry, wish I had better news for you).

2. I would take the same strategy (avoiding the massive inflation, as the criminals in power plan this new financial collapse and then loot the treasury for themselves plus their friends) with food and personal care products that you know you consume on a regular basis. Again, the same "investment" outlook should be applied to products that are cheaper now, as opposed to those same products doubling in price over the next 4 years. Think about such strategies as investing your money and gaining a 20% return each year moving forward. 

3. Although semi-automatic (and fully automatic) assault rifles are illegal in places like Canada (and most other NWO hot spots), you can still acquire shotguns and long rifles for hunting. Hunting is a good way to help cut food costs of course. Our inverted and mentally defective ruling group do intend to cause so much instability, that self-defence of your property, loved ones and assets will be necessary 2-3 times during your lifetime. At least get several very long machetes, to brandish around your home, as all the fake "migration" will also be weaponized against the public. High ranking government officials that I know personally have said, "many of the people being allowed into all our countries by our corrupt governments are just there to start shit when things get's an invasion, it's not migration, mostly men of fighting age are being permitted in for a very sinister reason....protect yourself". A lion without its teeth and claws is simply lunch for the hungry hyenas. The mentally defective misleaders high atop the corrupt ruling pyramid will fabricate as many scenarios as possible to remove your firearms, so do absolutely everything in you power to keep them. There is no "legal" and "illegal", when the group trying to kill you and your family are doing everything illegal to accomplish their evil goals. You'll need to defend your property and your loved ones at least 1 time over the next 10 years. Be prepared. 

4. As for financial advice, beyond saving some money on personal product purchases and necessary repairs of your existing survival-based assets, think FIRE SALE. The most insane thing that humans have been conditioned to do and believe in, is not buying cheap assets in a crash. That's why our human farmers coordinate these massive crashes. They run into the burning building and scoop up all the deals, when regular folks are selling their wealth at massive discount prices. Imagine people running out of a department store screaming "don't go in there, everything's at half price......wait until full price to buy, sell your assets at half price in order to be safe". That's how most people react in a crash and it's insane. The next few points revolve around picking up investments at massive discounts, in order to build wealth for the future. These strategies are for people who have savings at the ready. I myself have been saving for 4 years for this event. If you don't have any cash savings on hand, the next couple of points won't apply to you.

5. If you would have put $1000 in bitcoin in 2010-2011, you would have $150 million right now. Even if you have a small amount to invest, some choice cryptos are on sale currently in today's crash, even as I write this article. I work with the crypto advice of Emery Robichaud, which are long term "buy and hold" strategies. This man has never been wrong with the crypto picks he has provided me. I waited long before purchasing any of his picks, I took his picks and then watched them for 8 months before seeing that he was correct on his predictions.....and then I waited for a crash and then I bought in. Reach out to Emery through email at [email protected] and I'm sure he can lend you a hand at a small price point. What I like about Emery is that he gave me 18 different cryptos and ranked them in regard to potential return and risk. This helped me immensely, as to where to invest some of my savings.  

5. Emery can also guide on gold and silver purchases, which is always a secure hedge against inflation. What that means is that silver has doubled in price since I started buying it in 2020. Gold has gone up substantially as well but hasn't doubled in the same 4-year period. What increasing silver and gold prices really mean is that your own government is bastardizing your country's money supply for its own personal enrichment, which will leave the money in your bank account worth nothing more than the paper it's printed on. High gold and silver prices mean that your government is running your country like a drunken sailor, as they steal most of the money spent for themselves sand their friends. Moving cash over to gold and silver helps maintain the purchasing power of your savings, as compared to keeping it on cash. 

7. Some stocks as well can be looked at as super good deals, when a crash occurs. I do invest in mining stocks with the help of the team at The Dollar Vigilante. Saying that, the team there has forwarded some less-than-optimal mining stock picks overtime but have also had some winner picks as well. This is why it's important, regardless of what stocks you decide to pick up on sale (in a crash) make sure you apply stop loss sell orders on whatever you purchase. This way, if a price collapses because of unseen circumstances or future market manipulations, your stock automatically sells into cash before the price gets too low. You will set the stop loss sell price activation level on your computer trading software that you use. As for someone who currently understands the cabal-based attack on society, in regards to stock picks, I haven't found one yet. If you happen to know someone in this category, please email me at [email protected]

8. The basic "Armageddon" precautions are always in play, as usual. If you're travelling, make sure all aspects of your travel are cancellable without penalty. Stop thinking that the government is there to do anything but destroy you and react appropriately. If you think the media is there to tell you the truth, you won't live more than 5 years moving forward. Stay as healthy as possible by reading the book "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy" from Paul Chek. Get your kids out of school before the government brainwashes them to believe that freedom, healthy food, family, God, happiness and nature needs to be replaced by slavery, chemicals, a sterilized and castrated trans population, Satan, misery and science. Getting out of the big cities is a good idea, as these areas are slated by the ruling group to become lock down war zones in an essential supply disruption scenario. Have 5-10% of your wealth in cash, in case the bank machines go dry or the electric grid goes down. Have 5-10 of your wealth in hard asset gold and silver, to trade with if the same occurs. Having your own homestead is the ultimate protection scenario....with your own water, food and electrical supply. Consider compounds where 2-3 families have some living quarters on one homestead property. Stop eating all processed foods immediately as there's a good chance they're laced with graphene oxide, which increases the state's ability to track you through wireless technology. Do not eat any food or take any medicine that the government and media say is good for you and that will help you survive the fabricated crisis of the day. Get as many foreign residency and passports as possible, potentially starting with a temporary residency permit in Mexico. The countries/areas getting the worst of these preplanned attacks are 1) Canada 2) Australia 3) The United States and 4) The entire EU.

I will also be offering an e-privacy program soon, on how to stay safe online for your passwords, privacy, tracking etc. If you have "a job" you will need to start learning an in-demand skill or start a business with that in demand skill immediately. I'll have something coming up regarding entrepreneurship in the fall. Get your seniors out of the care homes if you want them to live, as the government has been intensely euthanizing the seniors in these homes ever since the COVID psy-op was launched. Follow this healthy living and healthy product guide to get the poisons out of your home and out of your body. 

That's it for now. I have some spending in the stock market and the crypto market, to take care of today. Let's hope for the best. Use what you have, start where you are and do what you can. It's about progress, not perfection. The point something, anything. Taking action is a habit that will save people's lives over the next 10 years. If you want to know who's coordinating all these, I've compiled many lectures and documentaries right here. A band of ancient crime families are behind all of what's happening. We all live in and media and government illusion. We can change that but we need to be educated and empowered first. Good luck out there my freedom fighting friends. 


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