The Problem With The Perpetual North American Pleasure Pit
Feb 03, 2022
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The average person today wants only pleasure, never pain.
This "only pleasure" living philosophy is getting lots of people into some big trouble.
Many want the alcohol but never the cancer. (alcohol now concretely proven to cause cancer in any...
10 Things To Remember Moving Forward
Feb 03, 2022
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1. No one has a better life through the existence of government, no one.
2. No one has a better life by insisting they be ruled by clinical psychopaths.
3. Government is a lightening rod for clinical psychopaths and always will be.
4. The...
The Meaning of Life, Love, Black Magic and Justin Trudeau
Feb 03, 2022
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The meaning of life is very simple. It's to give and receive love. Love is a force that brings people, things or energy together. For example, on earth...there are 4 earthy elements and a magical 5th element that are brought together to make life itself. The 4...
Jan 27, 2022
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Men are failing on all levels, as the statistics show. I’ve written about this many times… many different ways. Males are under attack for very clever and covert reasons. Men are more depressed, more unemployable, more unhealthy, more addicted, less...
The Article That Got Me Kicked Off FB For Another 30 Days
Jan 27, 2022
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The Attack On Men And Its Effect On Women
I may be speaking soon live in Tulum Mexico, regarding the science of attacking men. The attack on men is designed to make sure the men are weak, feminized and easily ruled. The weakening and feminization of men...
The Left, Adults Made Unemployable, Poisoned Dependent Citizens and Morality
Jan 26, 2022
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All these ideas are connected of course and that's why I tried to jam all four concepts into one tag line. This breakdown isn't too complex, although it's rarely (if ever) discussed anywhere, even in truth circles.
Really sick people can't care themselves...
5 Telling First Dates With A New Prospect - Increase Your Chances Of A Successful Relationship
Jan 26, 2022
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1. Bring them to eat and see if they eat healthy. If they can't take care of themselves properly (regarding their own health), they won't often be able to take care of you properly. The way we do one thing is the way we do everything. Care is a single vibration....
Advil And North American Living
Jan 26, 2022
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When I'm sick, and I do get sick at times, I listen to the message that the sickness brings. In being sick it forces me to review my habits, my relationships, my goals, my direction in life and my living philosophy. It forces me to keep pitching and tossing from my...
Illuminati Movie Review - Don't Look Up With Leonardo DiCaprio
Jan 26, 2022
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When I review a movie, I look for repetitive content in the movie itself (and the repetitive content shared between all screen productions) because the human subconscious is designed to track and count repetitive content....and then force you to act it out. In this...
Male Strength, Increased Compliance And The Plan To Shut Down All Professional Sports
Jan 26, 2022
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Our societal grooming systems are obvious for everyone to observe. The trends regarding those grooming systems are equally obvious. The government (ancient ruling families masquerading as an altruistic force, in order to enslave the public in the most efficient way...
Neo's Red Life Pod And The Government's Dream Of Getting You Into The Pod Next To Him
Jan 24, 2022
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It's important to understand that the pod in the Matrix, which Neo was housed in, wasn't designed to keep him alive. It was designed to first keep him working remotely. These pods of red goo are work stations, where the menial computer administration office tasks...
Mexico, North America, Dysfunctional Relationships and KAREN
Jan 24, 2022
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Lots of Canadians (and North Americans in general) believe your business is their business. As a dual resident of both Canada and Mexico, I can tell you first hand that this dysfunctional blueprint for social interaction is specific to Canada. In Mexico, no one runs...
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