RECORDED LIVE TALK - How To Overcome Your Self Sabotage 2022
Oct 06, 2022This talk has been completed and it was literally the best talk I've ever given, hands down. I could see people watching the talk on the LIVE ZOOM call and they were shocked, impressed and deeply intrigued........all at the same time. I explained self sabotage and how to over come it in a new and very unique way. This new explanation made self sabotage extremely easy to understand. I also provided solutions in a new way, which involved direct contact with myself and my team, for absolutely any form of self sabotage each particular person was experiencing. A perfect explanation and a perfect solution. That was the goal and my team delivered.
Self sabotage is actually a form of cruise control inserted into many people by government and media. Self sabotage has to do with a part of our mind that the average person knows very little about. That part of the mind is called the subconscious and it can be hacked by words or images very order to control the behavior of the uninformed victim. Here are two examples below.
The first video below is a clear example of a mind control expert hacking a victim's mind with words, which in turn triggers the person to make their own images in their mind's eye. The second video is the same mind control expert hacking 3 victims all at once, with words and also with images.
And this is why most people do what makes their life worse…because there are master mind control experts in all media and behind all government policy (and speech writing) who use the same mind control technology to make people race to the bottom in their own life. In short, the messy self sabotaging human is for the most part created through invisible cues in media and government order that the average human is easier to control, govern, steal from, manipulate and lie their resulting diseased, dis-empowered, dysfunctional and disoriented state. Do you want to learn how self sabotage is inserted into you? Do you want to know how to stop it? Do you want to know the secrets of this world, regarding why you do what you do?
There's much more that I need to tell you in my LIVE recorded talk, including how to reprogram yourself for a better way of living.....using the same technologies media and government use against you daily. There's only one way to program (or mind control) the subconscious and I'll show you how to become the lead programmer in your own life. I've done 3 LIVE presentations on overcoming self sabotage directly. One in 2018, one in 2019 and one in 2020. In this 2022 presentation, I give you all my latest updated information. This new information is extremely powerful. Again this new talk does include all your custom solutions as well, regardless of what sort of self sabotage you engage in. If you have any questions you can email me at anytime [email protected].
This recording has now been complete and it's available for you immediately. I can't wait to show you all the new discoveries in this field.
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