Come One. Come All - Come Live A Care Free Life
Mar 25, 2022Fluoride will make you have less cavities regardless of what you eat.
Vaccines will make you disease free regardless of what you eat. Eat a pizza, drink a beer, take a vaccine and disease will not enter you. Are you sick right now? No problem! Just inject health into you and your children, with poison no less.
The length of your education determines how smart you are, regardless of how incompetently you live your life and regardless of how many life failures you hand craft into your life, based on that incompetence.
Picking a new person every 4 years, who rules you without your consent or participation in anyway, means you're free. You can vote for the person who doesn't listen to you, who makes the laws that govern you, but you're not allowed to vote for the laws themselves. This means you're free. You just get told what to do every day and can't change that. Freedom means someone else is in control of the laws that govern you.
The more you take toxic drugs, the healthier you'll be. Taking one drug with 60 side effects means you're healthy. Taking 3 drugs with 180 side effects means you're three times as healthy. Taking no drugs and being truly healthy means you're not healthy. Being healthy also means your weird. When you get sick because your doctor tells you to eat poison, it's your fault because you have bad genes. What gene does a person need to have, in order to eat poison and get healthy? Medicine can't find that gene right now but they promise they're trying very hard to find it so they can inject that into you as well so you can be healthy, regardless of what you eat.
Gambling is bad except when the government organizes it. Fluoride can kill you if you take too much and that's why the caring government limits how much poison I get. The government told me that although a big dose of poison can kill, a little bit of poison is good for me. Poison is poison only when someone else, other than the government, gives it to me. When the government talks about poison or gives me poison, the magic powers of the government makes the poison safe. The government protects me and cares for me by giving me poison.
The government says to not drink and drive but it's OK to drink because slaves who kill themselves and take away tax revenue from their slave masters are bad slaves but a drunken slave, on their time away from their slavery, helps the slave forget how much of a slave they really are. Please get drunk, so you can't figure out what's going on, but don't kill yourself because we need your soulless body back at the job you hate Monday morning. Thank you for following your orders. The ruling families, who masquerade as separate and altruistic governments, thank you for your incompetence and mental self destruction with alcohol, junk food, medications, weed, narcotics and all the other eugenic modalities they pump into your communities.
Supporting the troops means sending them off to die, in a war that was orchestrated using internally planned false flag events. Supporting the troops has always been about separating fathers and mothers from their families and weakening our society here at home, in order to make life long enemies abroad. Killing people in other lands, based on fabricated false flags events, and having those people vow to kill us no matter what it takes, makes everyone here safer. Supporting the troops is not about having them stay home safe with their families. That's not support. Supporting the troops is about sending our neighbors off to die, paying them slave wages for the benefit of the 1%, injecting the soldiers with toxic vaccines and other drugs, so that they can return home complete emotional cripples based on the horrors they process through their minds. That's support and I support that.
Government health officials are hired because they're smart, even though they can't make anyone healthy. As a citizen, your sickness is always your fault. The fact that no patient has ever gotten healthier inside the cut, poison and burn medical system has nothing to do with the fact that the most incompetent people of our society are hand picked from the population, told they're smart and are paid to poison the public. The fact that doctors can't see that no one gets better from the poison means they're smart and it's the patient's fault for not reacting better to the poison. When you're sick, you need more poison. When the poison makes you more sick, additional poison is the answer. Everyone knows that.
Welcome to the magic land of government, a fantasy land where reality doesn't exist. Come one, come all. Leave your worries behind. Live your worst life without judgement and attack anyone who wants to react and see the world as it really is. Be a child for a lifetime. Never grow into a contributing adult. Become a child based burden to all of society from cradle to grave. Get drunk, high and watch TV on your time off the job you hate. All this can be yours as soon as you stop thinking. Come visit the most elaborate fantasy based theme park in the world. Come visit GOVERNMENT today. Some conditions apply. See your local dictator and poison distribution center for full details.
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