How To Talk To Your Kids About Brainwashing, Mind Control and Propaganda

Jan 15, 2025

If you click here you can view a great example of what brainwashing, mind control and propaganda looks like in the media. The media does this to us every day and so does government. All brainwashing, mind control and propaganda revolves around controlling a repetitive message. Repetition builds truth, safety and security in our nervous system because the most repetitive message represents what the bigger herd is saying, thinking or doing,

We as humans are hard wired to find safety in the bigger group, so we're also naturally programmed to adopt the beliefs and behaviors of the bigger herd automatically. In reality, truth doesn't matter inside the human nervous system, in regards to what we act out in the real world. The human nervous system is simply designed to seek out what everyone else is doing, in order to copy it, so we fit in. Fitting in is safety and security. If everyone else is living out lies, our nervous system pushes us to adopt those lies as well, in order that we go along to get along.   

Again, there's one real problem with this safety and survival system, in regards to actual truth not factoring in to what beliefs, behaviors or ideas we adopt as our own. The real problem is this. Truth is the literal computer code of this realm. It's only when we align ourselves with that truth, that we can increase our happiness and peace in life. For us to be happy and for us to be at peace, we need to always walk in parallel with the truth. If we don't live out truthful behaviors or believe in truthful ideas, we only get pain. On this earth, truth builds happiness and lies build pain. The farther away from truth we are, the more pain we get. This is as firm a law, as any on this planet.

Again, in the way the majority of our behaviors and beliefs are manufactured by our nervous systems, we're simply going to do what everyone else is doing. Our nervous systems gauge what everyone else is doing by counting the repetitive content in the environment and then we mimic and copy that repetitive content. This all happens subconsciously (outside our conscious awareness) much like a cut healing, our hair growing, our food digesting or our heart beating. It's all automatic.

This is a fantastic and brilliant behavior system for all humans, but only if our environment is riddled with people living out truth and only if our environment displays perpetual truthful messaging. The question is, "what happens if a darker group or force starts to control the repetitive content in our environment, in an inverted and really evil way?" What happens then? Well, what happens is what we see openly today. We get pain. We all get pain. No one is immune to these laws. This is why you need to talk to your children about these subjects. Your children's happiness and peace of mind depends on it. No one can be happy when they're living out lies and believing in lies. It doesn't matter if we're talking about adults or teens. Lies bring pain. Truth brings happiness. It's just how this place operates.

When a dark and ancient group colludes to purposely manufacture nonstop negative repetitive messaging in our society, the following is guaranteed to occur. 1) we as humans then adopt that inverted and repetitive negative content as our own, in an attempt to bond with that repetitive messaging 2) we can then never find happiness or peace in our own lives 3) we then get very confused because we're doing what everyone else is doing but we're also depressed, dysfunctional and disoriented....and 4) we run from pill to pill and specialist to specialist trying to find out what's wrong with us..........when nothing is wrong with us, it's simply that the repetitive messaging in our environment is being purposely designed to manifest our negative results in life. The group organizing our negative environments profit immensely from our resulting disease, dysfunction and depression. That's why all this negativity exists. Our weakness is power for others. As weak animals, we are a food source for certain groups above us. 

Maybe you want to turn this all around? If you want a personal crash course on brainwashing, mind control and propaganda you can finally take full control of your life, this is your chance. I offer a 10-week course on these matters, on everything relating to you finding happiness and peace once again. This course started last week but you're only behind one class. My assistant Andrea can give you the white glove service and still get you into the program today or tomorrow, before our next class starts Thursday. Think of your enrollment as a very small fee, which will allow you to understand what you and your children need, in order to find happiness and peace again. There's also a youth program (ages 13-22), which comes free of charge with the adult program. Click here to explore this one-of-a-kind class,  which you won't find anywhere else in the world. I hope to see you online tomorrow.  Happiness doesn't happen by chance. This hidden knowledge has your answers. Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions please email me personally at [email protected] 


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