Guy Tells Me I Took It Too Far and That I've Lost My Credibility......and Then This Happens

Jan 17, 2025

Criticism of my work takes many forms. Regardless of what criticism is thrown my way, it usually comes from a place of fear, inside the attacker's psychology. It never phases me. I've written 4500 plus articles over 25 years. That means I was posting about controversial "truthful" topics, long before such "truth reporting" became mainstream. If you think I get attacked now, I can tell you that the attacks in the past were much more direct. Even at that time (decades ago), I just kept writing. I never conceded an inch. That made me plenty of enemies and caused lots of tension among some people, in my adopted hometown of Cornwall Ontario, Canada. 

I even remember, when a girl I was dating long ago, phoned me from an MS (multiple sclerosis) golf tournament, to tell me that I should "ease down" on telling the truth about MS. I was posting many testimonies of people who had cured their own MS with nutrition, even though the medical system continually declares that MS was an uncurable genetic disease. (which it isn't of course)

I would get pressure from lots of people around me, and it was hard to stand in that storm at times. The stronger the storm, the more I simply stood my ground. To me, it's either we all embrace truth a little bit more or our society collapses. I do this for my daughter, her children and all the children to come after them. I do it for your children, your grandchildren and their children. People who push back on truth are only thinking of themselves, which is quite common in our culture today. Just because it's common.....doesn't mean it's right, moral or ethical. Far from it. 

The truth is needed for happiness, progress and evolution. The more a society engages with lies.....the more depressed, regressive and un-evolved it becomes. It's everyone's duty to make sure that doesn't happen and the only way to do that is to pursue truth regardless of consequence. More people today are pursuing truth than ever before in recorded history. That's great to see and hear. Thank you for doing your part.

I can tell you that many liars in our society are now running for cover, while the big liars in government and media are simply trying to reframe and redecorate their lies as fast as they can. Either way, things are looking up. That's a good thing. Saying that, this isn't time to take a break. We now have to press even harder.

More people need to start posting truthful content or at least talking about the truth with their neighbors, regardless of the consequences or blow back. If we don't, our society collapses. From the start of the lie-ahria based COVID psychological operation until today (early 2025), we've come dangerously close to that full collapse. Saying that, humanity is now getting up off the canvas (after its knockdown) and it's coming up swinging. It's a beautiful time to be alive. Thank God people are remembering that they need to fight evil or evil will simply consume them whole, in one gulp.

The criticism of my work recently, came around this prediction below, which was from my 10-point list of psy-op predictions for 2025.  

It was this one prediction that got some criticism, where a couple people claimed that I was losing my creditability, regarding Trump and other institutions starting to appointment "stars"....based on ancient Phoenician death cult traditions. I said we were going to be living through a "super friends" sort of agenda, which was coming down the pipe....where we were going to be ruled by "stars" and "cults of personality" because it's all our society honors.

And then Trump does this 7 days after I published this prediction....

I still predict Taylor Swift in charge of music/entertainment, Rogan in charge of media and The Rock in charge of fitness in our schools (or something very close to that).....inside future star studded communist governing structures for the masses. We even have The Village People coming to sing at Trump's inauguration, to keep the same LGBTQ themes in play as the Biden administration. Just like the last article I wrote regarding the 70's rock band THE WHO warning us about "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Ladies and gentlemen, your political heroes are highly paid actors, and this movie is like the WWF. (the World Wrestling Federation). Your red and blue actors are only enemies when the cameras are rolling. 

All the countries are business franchises, and they're lining up all the big stars, in an attempt to make their biggest sale yet to the public......which is convincing the people to give away all their freedoms. The stars are going to be paid to tell you that it all makes sense. Celebrities = SELL-ebrities. It's also the new prefabricated media channels and their heroes who will interview these stars to pump the same messages out to the public......Rogan, Carlson, Brand etc. It's going to be an absolute orgy of star power, selling the US up the NWO river. It's enough to even make the hairs on the back of Satan's neck stand on end, it's so devious and clever. 

And of course this non-sense isn't over because those are 3 men (Voight, Gibson and Stallone), being used in this super friends march into communism. Are you really believing that we're going to get three men appointed to these positions, without 3 ladies? The female appointees from Hollywood are coming next. Then it may be three males from music and then three females from the music industry as well etc etc.  The reason all this is happening is because they're going to need every trick in the book to back door the NWO into the United States.

The stars need to be involved to guide the screen watching mouth breathers into the New World Order, because the politicians don't have the power to do it themselves. Just like during COVID with Jimmy Fallon, James Corden and Elton John (who all sold the public the idea of injecting poison into themselves and their own children), the research shows that the screen watching borg types will only flip to a full communist operation if the stars lead them there. That's the job of all these stars....and more will be entering stage left, to cement this con. Follow the stars, let them show you the way. Hollywood power combined with political power is the only way you're going to sell fully communist policies to the star adoring US population. 

That's the psychological research that keeps coming up for the ruling group. The public will do whatever the stars tell them. That's your personal cue to wake up, when you're going to see a lineup of mega stars trying to lie to you about the communist policy changes that the corrupt US government wants to install, on behalf of the NWO. I believe that the first communist lie to be sold, which will be tabled by "the super friends" line up of stars......will be about The North American Union. The North American Union is a consolidation of Canada, The US and Mexico into one governmental/tyrannical structure. Just like the EU, once this is sold to the TV watching star lovers, freedom is gone forever. The price of freedom is constant vigilance. Stay vigilante my friends. 

Do you remember USA FOR AFRICA (We Are The World), where all the stars got together to steal money from Americans on behalf of starving Africans, who never got that money. Do you remember the star power used in that one song? That is what's coming to a screen near you, to try and sell Americans the communist ideal of centralizing authority and the full removal of freedom. Shut this lie-ahria down at all costs, regardless of how well they set the table. Don't buy this sales pitch, regardless of what stars they hire to sell it to you. If you buy it, your freedom will be gone forever and the darkest time in human history will begin shortly after.  


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