Owl Symbolism in Washington D.C. and The Death Cult It Represents
Jan 22, 2025
The word symbolism is a word that means "similar to the bull". Sym-bull-ism. The word symbolism has the phonetic sound "bull" in it because there was a very dangerous cult in our ancient past, which honored a bull as their primary deity. This bull cult deity was named Molech. This cult originated in the ancient middle east and has spread out across our modern world, hiding behind several secret societies for most of recorded history. As this death cult was forced to go underground, because of its obsession with child sex and child ritual sacrifice, it favored keeping its faith alive through symbolism. One symbol they used as a substitute for their death cult bull Molech, was the owl. More on that owl symbology, inside the United States, can be found farther down in this article.
Although this ancient cult's society networks may be secret, their trail of death is now parading straight down Mainstreet, all in plain sight. This is where symbolism comes into play, in regards to keeping their death cult beliefs alive, while also hiding them from the general public......even though the general public is coming into contact with these beliefs and rituals daily. To be honest, many people in our society are literal card carrying members of this death cult, while also believing that they're the moral foundations of their local communities. For a brief introduction to this ancient PTSD "trauma based mind control" powered death cult, you can start with the book, "Devil Take The Youngest" by Winkie Pratney.
To honor their bull deity Molech, this death cult would burn children alive, as part of their ceremonies and rituals. This cult is also heavily associated with Saturn worship or another death honoring belief system known as Sabbateanism. You can start to investigate both Saturn worship yourself and the handy work of the clinically insane founder of Sabbateanism, a man by the name of Sabbatai Zevi. If you don't know of these belief systems personally, you may want to simply look out into the world today and see what's happening in regards to murder, purposeful injury and accelerated/premature death. It's all the handy work of this ancient cult, which hides behind the facade of media and your altruistic governments.
Again, this ancient cult's primary deity is a bull named Molech. The picture above is one representation of the child sacrifice ceremony practiced by this ancient cult. To be honest, many people are still practicing child sacrifice today, and yet because of very clever applications of basic mind control tactics, those people have been programmed to also believe that they're upstanding, altruistic and God-fearing citizens. In regards to the bull cult and ancient child sacrifice, occurring out in the open today, I've written an article you can read by clicking here.
In regards to using mind control, in order to trick people to demand child sacrifice in our modern time, just picture this. Picture a screaming and hyper aggressive pro-abortion female protestor, parading enthusiastically down the road believing that she's fighting for female freedoms, female equality and to uphold her most basic human rights. Beyond the issue of hardship and stress, regarding having a child when you're not ready for it, what do you really see here?
The reframing of child murder, via the use of flowery, positive and "hero-based" phraseology, is the handy work of the mind control experts in this ancient cult. Only this cult can reframe child murder as something equal to becoming a freedom fighter, who has arrived to save all of humanity by making sure child murder is the #1 human right that has to be protected at all costs. I've written about the mind control this cult uses to accomplish this, inside many articles. You can read one of those articles by clicking here.
There are 60 million "natural" deaths per year on this planet and over 80 million abortions, which is a child murder count that this death cult purposely organizes.......in order to satisfy their promises to their ancient blood thirsty Gods. This death cult were (and are to this very day) the absolute masters of mind control, brainwashing, propaganda and psychological manipulation. I also like to refer to them as DEATH INC. In part 1 and part 2 of these video series, I explain the top 10 mind control tricks this cult used during COVID, to get people to inject poison into themselves and their own children. There was no emergency of any kind and of course no COVID to speak of. The COVID psy-op was a mass sacrifice ritual event.....redecorated and reframed as all things science, government and health care. The COVID shot brought death and destruction because it was designed to bring death and destruction.
It doesn't matter if it's murdering seniors in care homes during COVID or nearly 1 billion injured or murdered by the poisonous fake COVID vaccine.......it's this death cult behind all of it. This death cult is all about business and profit as well, as disaster capitalism is how this group funds all their dark and satanic projects. I speak openly about the profit considerations in mass death and injury in this older article, so that people can understand how these death/profit cycles operate. There's big profit in your perpetual weakness, your confusion, your injury and even your premature death. BIG MONEY!
I used the word satanic because the honoring of Satan and the planet Saturn are synonymous. That's why the words Satan and Saturn are very similar, because they're based on very similar ideologies. The honoring of Saturn is a symbol of Satanism.
As the children were burning inside their bull effigy, obviously there would be smoke created from the burning flesh. This is where we get the modern phrases, "holy Moley" and "holy smoke" from. Even the word "holy" reflects the "hole" the child was inserted through, into the metal bull, which would be positioned over a hot fire.....until the metal bull was white or red hot. After the metal bull was red or white hot, the live child sacrifice would be inserted into "the hole" or "door" in the side of the metal bull.
Let it be known that my spell check editor alerted me when I tried to spell "moley" with a small "m". Who's in charge of our language and spell check technology today? Yes, the same cult....and they want their evil deity's name capitalized.
As you can see in the first picture above, there was a master of ceremonies wearing the white robe, whose job it was to "dock" the child into the door or into the bull. This is the high priest in charge of death. It's very interesting today that our medical professionals (the high priests of our society) still wear ritualistic white robes to this very day. This is what you know as the white lab coat. Why do you think your doctor wears the same white lab coat as the butcher who slaughter's the animals, down at the grocery store? Have you ever thought of why that is? Again, when you're under mind control, you won't think about anything they don't want you to think about. Are all doctors bad people? Of course not. I know good doctors, lots of them. I also know lots of doctors who don't question anything, especially their own medical doctrine, which is tied directly to poisoning and injuring their own patients....and then blaming those disastrous results on age, genetics, viruses, chance happening etc etc. Poison doesn't heal. Poison doesn't work like that. Mind control can make any person ignore reality, even doctors.

We can also see the word "doctor" with new eyes, as phonetically it sounds very similar to "docked-tor". Tor of course is short form for "toro" or "bull". Is it the modern "doctor's" job to "dock" the child with the tor or toro? Again, this cult is famous for keeping their death cult rituals alive through symbolism, all based on many sleights of hand and mind control.
From circumcision to injecting poison into children (something reframed as vaccination by this mind control cult) and from abortion to now castrating gender confused children with sterilization drugs or surgeries...........who do we see doing all this to our children? We see the "docked-tors", who to this day are constantly docking our children with the toro. And people under mind control openly endorse all of it. They openly participate and honor these death dealers in the white robes, as their modern religious Gods. This is one of the foundational pillars of this death cult, to take the place of the real God and have the public honor them as Gods. I told you they were really good at parading down Mainstreet unnoticed. Maybe now you're starting to understand a little more about the hypnosis that we've all been under for a very long time.
This cult is old and they've infiltrated most of our once moral institutions, in order to invert those institutions. This cult are inversion experts. The aim to make up down, left right, women men, men women, day night, illegal legal and immorality moral. This ancient death cult would not only burn children alive, they would also organize LIVE ritual murders of animals, adults, children, infants and the unborn. They considered the murder of God's children a way to break God's heart directly. They still do this today, in secret ceremonies, which are now harder and harder to hide from the public.
If you want a firsthand account of these child ritual murders (where the blood and the flesh of the child is often consumed by death cult members).....you can click the following links for firsthand accounts from a) Max Lowen b) Anneke Lucas c) Cathy O'Brien and d) Ronald Bernard. Drinking the blood of the victims and eating the flesh is mentioned several times in some of these live firsthand accounts.
The reason I want you to understand that modern day child ritual sacrifice is real, is to again expose this group's mind control excellence. Some of our society's primary religious rituals (to this very day) mimic the drinking of a child's blood and the eating of a child's flesh....but only after that child's father has organized and endorsed the child's sacrifice. Yes, the mock sacrifice ceremony is rehearsed in most of our modern churches today. All in plain sight. Parading right down Mainstreet. Have you participated in the mock ceremony of drinking the blood and eating the flesh in your church? This is the power of mind control. You can hide anything you want, all in plain sight, if you're a mind control expert. This cult's power is based on mind control and poison.
Not only is this mock child sacrifice ceremony going en masse in our culture today, we also see the incense smoke always being used in the same modern ritual.....which again is there to reflect the burning of the sacrifice. We also have the loud organ music, which was played in the ancient death cult ceremony, to drown out the cries, screams and pleas from the sacrifice victim. The full picture below provides us the "loud music" aspect to the child sacrifice ceremony. Again, we're right into it, in our modern time.....it's just disguised and they're always accelerating their child sacrifice agenda. They're turning us into card carrying members of their ancient cult, while we believe that we're super amazing, super smart and upstanding members of our communities. This is the power of mind control. I have personally spoken on mind control at the US Senate, The EU Parliament, the Romanian Palace of the Parliament, at The Japanese Parliament and in a breakout room at CPAC.
Currently in Canada, they're allowing children as young as 12 years old to make vaccine decisions, which are nothing more than injectable poison. We're also seeing the Satanic Canadian government (as this cult primarily hides behind all world governments) trying to pass legislation where children can decide to commit medical suicide, if they wish. In Canada they call this MAID. (medical assistance in dying).
These MAID programs are rolling out worldwide, because this ancient death cult is worldwide. I could explain much more but I believe you're starting to get the picture. It's death, death, death and more death. This cult and their clinically insane religion is driving all of it. Most people today avoid talking about these odd and dark realities because they're too busy bringing their children to the "docked-tor", in order that their children are docked with the toro. The mind control excellence can be easily observed as people today often believe that they're bad parents or that their children will get sick if they're not sacrificed to the people in the white butcher coats. Hell is empty and the devils are here. Animals to the slaughter and of course a baby goat is called "a kid", which just happens to be another animal this cult enjoyed sacrificing.

This bull cult was despised (and rightfully so) all over the ancient world. This is also where we get the phrase "bullshit" from as well, in regards to someone from the bull cult constantly lying and manipulating.....as they were known to do. The bull cult members were always trying to perpetually cover up their disgusting rituals of child sex and child sacrifice. Think here of the Pizza Gate cover up involving many high ranking bull cult members in our modern government. Yes, they're still raping and killing children to this very day. You can learn all about this as well, by clicking here, to listen to a former high-ranking FBI director named Ted Gunderson. Gunderson accidently discovered modern child sex and child ritual sacrifice cults all over the United States....which were being protected by high-ranking US government officials. That's because the bull cult hides behind big business, government and media....to this very day.
Bull cult members were known as ruthless liars and when one of them entered a "normal" village in ancient times, people would refer to them as bullshitters because of their propensity to always lie. Their religion is based on deception. Please remember that Mossad (the Israeli secret service) has a motto that states, "by deception we do war." Please also google the star of Saturn, the star of Molech or the star of Remphan. This observation has nothing to do with the people of Israel. No average person, living in any country, has any direct connection to the psychopathy of the bull cult hiding behind their domestic governments. This is also why lying is so prolific throughout our world today. Most people today can't even admit the truth to themselves, let alone to others. This bull cult was driven out of every country they set up shop in (in ancient times) because of their death cult mentality, their child sex perversions and their obsession with black magic. They are death in human form. They first make you feel comfy, happy and content.......and then they come in for the kill.
Their original homebase was in and around Egypt. I've written and talked about this Egyptian connection to everything in our modern society hundreds of times. If you click here, you can watch an entire interview I did on our society's Egyptian origins. This cult was removed in succession from every area they set up shop in, until they finally landed in the United Kingdom. With no other place to run to, they decided to make a stand in the British Isles. You know the leaders of this cult in our modern time as the UK Royal Family. The UK Royal family then exported their death cult religion (originated in the ancient middle east) to nearly 60 other areas through bloodshed, establishing what's known as, "The Commonwealth Countries Collection". If you notice today, it's the former commonwealth nations who are heavily invested in this ancient death cult philosophy, inversion and perpetual criminal conduct. From Australia to Canada and from the UK to New Zealand....it's a full parade of government endorsed ritual death for the citizens. The removal of basic human rights, the toxic injections, the censorship of their operation, the closing of our businesses, the removal of our guns and the stealing of our wealth.......this is their handy work.
Now onto the owl symbolism. Again, this cult had to invent "symbols" in order to keep their perverse death and child sex traditions alive, while also hiding their true identity from anyone who may remember or stumble upon their dark Satanic middle eastern origins. They quickly adopted the owl symbol, as the owl is a creature that hunts its prey at night silently and strikes its victims from above without warning. The owl also has the ability to turn its head almost a full 360 degrees, which means it sees all, similar to the all-seeing eye symbol the bull cult used to originally embrace. As you can see in the picture below, the owl symbol is hidden in the American $1 bill and also in the architecture around the Capital Building in Washington DC.

The owl symbol is embedded into many American objects and structures because of the bull cult connection to the founding of the United States by the UK ruling families. The owl symbol is also part and parcel of rituals and ceremonies at the dark Bohemian Grove (in California) to this very day. Those ceremonies in California are also based on the symbolism of child sacrifice. Many of our world leaders attend "invitation only" meetings there annually. Most of your political actors, who are employees of the bull cult, attend as well. Your politicians are paid actors, who do exactly as they're instructed to do. If they refuse, the cult murders them and makes it look like an accident or a natural occurrence. The death cult uses death as their ultimate public control tool. The owl statue at Bohemian Grove is referred to directly as Molech by the group who organizes the annual ceremonies.
I could keep going but the longer something is, the more the average person loses interest. This population has been purposely engineered to have super low attention spans. My advice is simple. Start paying closer attention and start looking at any of the death cult rituals you've adopted because you've been placed under mind control. Have you poisoned yourself or your own children, by your own hand, with poison reframed as vaccination? Mind controlled you to poison yourself, by your own hand, is their absolute favorite trick. From taking your kids down for "medical doctor well child visits", in order to inject poison into them, all the way to you sitting down on the couch and pouring poisonous alcohol, coffee, medications or junk food down your throat......they've mind controlled the public to do all of it, plus so much more as well. It's time to awaken to the con. Con is an ancient word that means snake and don't forget that the ancient Egyptian Royal family always adorned their Royal headgear with a snake. Awaken to the con. Awaken or perish. There is no door #3 when dealing with this ancient death cult. Godspeed. May morality, family, ethics, justice, happiness, peace and health return to our planet in our lifetimes.
If you click here, I may have finished the real-life solutions that you can implement in your own life, to remove the bull cult from power........regardless of who you are, where you live or any other factor.
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