Modern Dating, Cell Phones, Wireless Devices and Deal Breakers

Aug 05, 2024
If I would be dating, I would find it extremely difficult to find a partner just to date, let alone start a life with. This is because the more awake you are, the more you see that most people are poisoning the shit out of themselves and that means you will spend the last 20 years of your life caring for a diseased partner....because they wouldn't dedicate themselves to a healthy lifestyle. The system itself is weaponized against an uninformed public, where a premature and painful death of most citizens is the goal of the system. One super toxin is wireless radiation. When it comes to wireless radiation, distance is your friend.
So many today put their wireless devices right on their bodies, which means cancer is coming. If your partner is doing this and you're not, there's a good chance you'll become a caregiver in the last 20 years of your life.....which is a deal breaker for someone like me. I do the work daily to lead a healthy lifestyle, so I live as long as possible. If my potential partner isn't doing the same..... it's a deal breaker.
If a person places their phone in their back or front pocket (not on airplane mode), the chances of cancer in the torso or reproduction organs is very likely. Keeping the phone in the bra ends in the same increase in cancer potential, in the breasts and key organs in the upper torso. Smart watch, same, as the smart watch blasts the genital area with cancer causing WI-FI radiation because the arms hang most of the time around the lower waist line. Ear buds or full strap over the head wireless headsets, same.....but brain cancer. Cell phone to the ear....brain cancer.
These are big deal breakers, because disease/cancer is highly probable in these cases.....and it's all being self-induced through additions to pleasure, instant gratification, creature comforts and entertainment. I remember one time on a date, the lady put her phone on the table right next to the food ....which destroys the nutrition in the food, and it was also too close to me as well. Another deal breaker. Smart breaker. Anything wirelesses you keep on or near your body means you're going to die much earlier than someone who doesn't. So, you're going to die a premature and painful death because you can't hardwire your devices or wait until you get home to check your social media? How much sense does that make for you, your partner, your family or even your species? Stupid doesn't even cover it. If you want to live a good life, you need to do as little "stupid" as possible and also hope your spouses or romantic partners do the same.
I write this more for education purposes of course because people generally have no idea how dangerous these wireless devices are. Wireless radiation is more dangerous for children and young adults as well because of the higher cell replication rates in young metabolisms. Sleeping near a router or using a Wi-Fi computer is equally dangerous. Change your behavior. Invisible weapons that make you sick are hard to reconcile and react to in this day and age....and that's how the social engineers have designed these attacks to be.
A film below proving WI-FI's direct link to cancer and just how much we're being lied to by the ruling group, about the dangers of these wireless devices. Don't wait until the cancer starts before you react. If you're sick in anyway right now, remove all close proximity WI-FI influences in your life immediately. 



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