What To Tell Your Kids Before They Go To School
Aug 31, 2024
It doesn't matter if your child is going to University or College or even to public school. You need to tell them what's waiting for them. The government school system of course was designed to produce a factory ready workforce, who will execute their immoral orders without question or resistance. That fact is admitted to by the people who organize government schooling, as is cited below. That fact can't be debated or challenged.
Today, we see major advancements in the indoctrination capability of the government school system (including University and College), in order to produce a new citizen that hates themselves and the world in general. This new self-hating and self-loathing citizen is the newest weapon being used against humanity, by an ancient dark religion that hides behind all government institutions today.
There is a bare minimum parents need to share with their children, before sending them off to any government schools (including all Colleges and Universities), in order that the children avoid becoming one of these weaponized and radicalized enemies of humanity. Below is a short list parents can use to guide crucial conversations with their children.
1. The government school system is designed to destroy the imagination and creativity in the children. Click here and here.
2. Studies by George Land proved that school decreases genius capabilities in children down to almost immeasurable levels after 12 years of public schooling. As children enter the public school system, 98% qualify as genius level achievers. After grade 12, less than 5% qualify as geniuses, and that's because creative citizens question immoral and unethical directives......which the children are expected to follow without resistance upon graduation. School is designed to make children believe that they're super intelligent, as the school guts them of every form of intelligence they intrinsically carry. Without interference your child will graduate from the system with ZERO survival skills whatsoever, which means they can only get paid and survive inside the system as a mindless order follower.
3. There are 4 major indoctrination points that act as the foundation of the modern government school brainwashing program today. They are a) a man-made climate crisis b) a sexual confusion/anti-reproduction agenda c) a critical race theory agenda that's openly racist against all white people and 4) a fabricated theory of virus-based disease causation, which ends with the students waiting patiently in line to inject poison into themselves.....as many times as the TV tells them to.
5. The climate crisis is completely fabricated......and its origin can be traced back to an evil think tank called The Club of Rome, who invented the idea as the most effective way to completely dominate, control and thieve the public of all their accumulated wealth........while locking them down in 15 minutes cities, which are just modern-day concertation/extermination camps.
6. The sexual confusion/anti-reproduction agenda has its origins in basic eugenic theory, where the ruling group insist on sterilizing what they call "the moron class", in order to strengthen the overall genetic expression of the species. Cutting off your own genitalia is a great way to download the sterilization of the slave class onto themselves, in order that the mind control experts organizing the mass sterilization campaign can appear to have their hands completely clean during this eugenic 2.0 operation. There's much more to be said on this point but I will leave it there.
7. Critical race theory is based on the white ruling group not wanting any other white people to eventually be on the planet alongside of them. It's easy to see that the primary ruling group is white. Saying that, they don't believe other white people (of the same genetic heritage) have the right to live and confuse the slave class, as to whom the real rulers are. Critical race theory is about mind controlling white people to hate and dispose of themselves (including disposing of their financial power positions in our modern society), so it's easier to sweep all the excess white people out the back door of history and pretend they never existed at all. The end goal is the very small white ruling group being recognized as the rulers by their skin color alone, with only various shades of black and brown people serving their every need inside a slavery-based brainwashing/poison-controlled matrix of false information and perpetual misery. This is known as The Kalergi Plan and no, it's not a conspiracy theory.
8. The biggest threat to your child's health, lifespan and reproduction capacity is the fake theory of viral disease causation. Poisons make people sick, viruses do not. Viruses have never even been proven to exist in the way the public is indoctrinated to believe. There's been at least 100 experiments where researchers attempted to spread sickness (in sick people) into healthy people.....and they all failed. Saying that, if you poison people, every poisoned person will get sick. As the rulers poison us (in order to dumb us down and weaken us, so we're easier to control and dominate) they utilize a fake viral theory of disease causation, in order to set up a cover story for why humanity is so ill from all their poisoning attempts. It's not viruses making us sick. It's poison and we're being poisoned purposely because it makes us easier to rule, govern, lie to, steal from, dominate and manipulate. The fake theory of viral disease causation will be used on your child in the future to get them to do everything from ceasing travel to having them live in a 15-minute concentration camp and from eating government approved poisoned food (free from fake viruses) to tricking them to inject end of life or sterilizing fake vaccines into themselves, to save them from viruses that have never existed.
These are you primary talking points with your children if they go to government school and/or University, college etc. Another indoctrination campaign inside all government schools is teaching your children that you (the parents) are the ones who have wrecked the world with your old-fashioned and outdated stupidity. Children are subconsciously indoctrinated to believe that your values are no longer required here on the new green earth, where everyone's a castrated automaton, who takes orders from the state without any moral or ethical review. In school, your children will be taught to look at you as a burden on the earth (therefore your removal is beneficial), in order that your various euthanasia campaigns go much smoother over the next 30 years. Your children are being slowly conditioned to see you as the enemy of the earth and to believe that it would be better off without you......as your very existence would check all the fabricated mind control boxes, as to why the earth is dying and why everyone's so sick. The reason the earth is dying and the reason everyone is sick is because government is an ancient death cult of misery, fear, panic, poison, mind control and terror. Government isn't government. Government (in its current form, exported out of the United Kingdom) is an ancient cult of human sacrifice and human farming.
I wish I could sugar coat it better for you but what you read above is actually me sugar coating it. It's much worse than I've written about. If you're serious about your children's future, you need to talk with them and consider removing them from the government brainwashing camps altogether. Save your kids, save yourself and save your culture. Don't fuel the system of mind control and poison with your money or your child's energy, or the system just grows stronger. Stop participating in the destruction of your own children just because everyone else is doing it. Compliance to group pressure is today's #1 cause of premature death and "died suddenly".
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