My First Experiences With Loosh Harvesting

Sep 12, 2024

When I was a boy, I would have what the adults around me called “nightmares". I would see dead scary people in my room, dead people stuck to my ceiling (gleefully looking down at me), dead zombie like people behind the door etc. You get the idea, pretty unsettling and somewhat terrifying for a little boy….or anyone for that matter. One time I even witnessed my own baby picture (hanging on the wall), come alive, with my own child face slowing erupting out of the picture frame, only to turn its head to look directly at me and smile. Yes, I got up and was terrified.

There was a point fortunately where I decided to fight back, regardless of what was really happening. I would get extremely violent with these unwelcome visitors, whether they were real or not. My family can attest to the loud battles erupting in my room in the middle of the night. Often my bedroom walls, ceiling and light fixtures looked like a battle ground of sorts. Holes in the walls, various furniture items destroyed and hanging light fixtures deformed from violent impacts or ruined altogether. I hated going to bed in general, knowing I would get these visitors. The progression of my reactions to these "things" started off as terror and then they progressed to violence. Little did I know that this was a historical occurrence, well documented throughout history. I also didn't know that being scared and even violent, was giving these creatures exactly what they were looking for......according to ancient scholars. 

I started to study these visitors, without knowing what was happening whatsoever. At the time, I never knew anything about what ancient scholars called loosh synergy harvesting. I looked for patterns in the behavior of the ghosts, in relation to my personal outbursts. The more violent I would get and the more I’d recognize my ghostly visitors, the more frequent they would visit.

To me (knowing nothing about the occult) they seemed to be picking on me because I’d give them big emotional reactions of fear, panic and terror. This was my guess at a very young age. It was almost like these visitors were playing with me purposely, out of their own personal boredom. It seemed that they liked to visit because I would react with great emotion and high energy outbursts. My reactions to their visits were guaranteed to entertain.

Little did I know that it was this fear and these violent energy outbursts that ancient scholars call loosh. Loosh is the real energy that in ejected out of a person when they're scared, in fear and panicked. This was the life force energy that the ghosts were looking to feed off.

For anything to live, that thing needs energy. If we watch the video of an old Frankenstein movie below, we see something dead coming back to life. The dead Frankenstein comes back from the dead because it was exposed to a big burst of energy. In this case, Frankenstein comes back from the dead because of the energy in the lightening. To the ghosts that would come visit me, from what I researched, they were gaining they helped erupt my lifeforce into the ether (ether = the electrical air that surrounds all things...AKA the 5th element). What was happening was documented throughout history. The ghostly visitors were feeding off my life force and weren't content being dead. Our society in general always looks into the future (and to science) for more detailed explanations, as to what's happening in this world. It's my personal belief that many answers lie in the past and in the lost wisdom of our ancient ancestors. 

As I entered my twenties, I was watching a PIXAR movie release titled “Monsters Inc. The movie was about monsters (from another dimension) who would sneak into a child’s room at night, once they were alone and once the children were away from their parent's protection. At that time the monsters could scare the children and capture their screams in various sealed metal containers. The monsters would compete to see who could get the most screams out of frightened children, during their shift at the scream factory. The winner would be celebrated back in Monstropolis, which was the city where all the monsters lived. The monster city needed the energy of the child's fear and screams to power Monstropolis. 

The word monster comes from the word moon, because the moon was associated with darkness and undead spirits. The moon being traditionally known as the opposite of the sun...which provided comfort, security, food growth etc. In the ancient middle east the deity of the moon was named sin.

As for modern discussions of loosh and how most of our earth's activity today is based on ancient loosh harvesting principles, we can view such interviews as the one below, between David Icke and Brian Rose of London Real. If you look around at all the terror, panic, fear and misery on our planet may want to be aware of these ancient explanations, because more is going on here than meets the eye. 

This story has a good ending, in line with the basic loosh principles. As I became stronger and braver, I actually turned my back on the creatures, and denied them my emotional outburst energy source. They left and rarely do they return. 



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