Perfectionist Parenting And The Broken Children It Produces
Dec 30, 2021
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The perfectionist parent is famous in the self sabotage world for freezing their children into a permanent state of inaction, which always ends with many different forms of self sabotaging behaviors. A perfectionist parent pushes their children to be perfect in...
The Covert Agenda To Shut Down Social Media Sources That Question The One World Take Over Attempt
Dec 30, 2021
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The UK's Guardian Letter To Me And My Response Below.....
"Dear Jason,
I’m a writer for the Guardian newspaper, working on a piece that looks at the connection between wellness influencers and anti-vaxx or vaccine-hesistant attitudes,...
Going Along With The Herd and Hurting Your Child
Dec 30, 2021
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Many parents think they're true warrior protection advocates for their children. Many parents believe that the love for their children runs as deep as any love in the Universe. So how do you explain circumcision then? How do you explain masking, when experts have...
Here's How the Media and Government Brainwash You In Plain Sight
Dec 30, 2021
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Why do people drink toxic coffee, poisonous alcohol, eat dis-empowering junk food, work jobs that make them overweight and depressed, voluntarily rot in front of a TV screen (as their best years go by) and generally openly submit to their worst one...
The Emoji Agenda - How Do Things Make You Feel?
Dec 30, 2021
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How Things Make You Feel And The Facts...Are Very Different
Some very clever psychological manipulation is afoot. Then again we've been manipulated psychologically since the day we were born and for hundreds of generations into the past as well. Recently...
How They Use Natural Occurrences Against You
Dec 30, 2021
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If there's anything your human farmers know how to do well, it's using the natural world against you. This group is very old and they really know how to work with what they've got. For example, this ancient group used to know when the eclipses were coming. This...
Check Your Programming With This 12 Point List
Dec 30, 2021
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There's a part of your mind called the subconscious. You may know nothing about the subconscious but the people who rule you know EVERYTHING about it. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind hacked by hypnotists during their shows, to make people stop smoking,...
A Hidden Danger For Women - Why Women Often Pick Losers For Mates
Dec 30, 2021
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Many people don't know the dangers of the subconscious mind. The subconscious is actually a part of the mind that loves us and wants us to be safe. How the subconscious makes us safe oddly enough can place us in danger. The subconscious downloads our entire life (...
If Something Good Comes Into My Life I Destroy It - What's Going On?
Dec 30, 2021
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Most lotto winners are bankrupt within 3 years of their win, regardless of jackpot size taken home. Micheal Vick (an American NFL player) signed the biggest contract in NFL history early in his career, only to be thrown in jail two years later on dog fighting...
10 Things My Old Man Self Would Say To My Young Man Self - If We Ever Met
Dec 30, 2021
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1. Don't watch TV or movies. They're purposely designed to program your mind with negative repetitive content, proven to hack the subconscious behavior system. The movies and TV shows are hand crafted to provide feminizing and dis-empowering role modelling to men....
The One Phrase That Sends Shivers Up My Spine As A Self Sabotage Coach
Dec 30, 2021
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As a coach there's one phrase that spells instant trouble if I hear it during a self sabotage coaching session for couples and that phrase is...…"I need him to love me for me." I've never heard that phrase from a man but I hear it often from females. I...
It's Time To Ditch The Coffee/Caffeine in 2022
Dec 29, 2021
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5 Diseases/Problems Coffee Causes
1. Neck and Shoulder Pain - when you drink caffeine (which is a pesticide poison that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs and other plants) you activate the body's flight or fight system, which changes your breathing to...
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