The most dangerous person in the world isn't who you think it is. The most dangerous person in the world isn't even an individual. The most dangerous person is someone who gains employment in a very particular way. The most dangerous person on earth is a government...
Mattias Desmet will be talking in Romania (along with myself and so many others) Nov 18th and 19th, at the Romanian Palace of The Parliament. Below is a video where Professor Desmet discusses with Tucker Carlson the necessary ingredients to the hypnosis known as Mass...
I never wanted to make this idea into a series of articles but frankly, once you understand this death cult concept, the world certainly starts to make much more a very evil way of course. If you haven't read the first article, I do suggest reading it...
Matthew Perry (of FRIENDS fame) passed away late last week from what appears to be a heart attack, while relaxing in a hot tub. There are also reports that he had just finished a long game of pickle ball before entering the hot tub to relax. I don't like the...
What is a death cult society? Could you even recognize that you live within a death cult, if that happened to be the case? If death cult traditions and rituals were normalized in your culture, could that normalization inhibit you from analyzing those death cult...
I have summarized everything talked about below, in one article, which you can find by clicking here. In that article there are cited links, which provide evidence as to why these questions exist.
Frankly, within only days........myself and most others around the...
This will be more of a video expose but trust me, you'll find it very interesting. And it won't take too long to get my main point across. The main point today is always the same as my prior 3000 plus articles. You need to start asking more questions about our...
There's one massive truth that people are now starting to understand clearly. All vaccines, no exceptions, are modalities of public control. No vaccine ever developed has ever been proven to any standard to improve immunity or increase resistance to...
1. Coffee is proven concretely and directly to cause depression, as will any other caffeine product.
2. Alcohol is a depressant by its very chemical classification.
3. Working a soulless job where you exchange hours of your life for food, rent and pleasure credits.
Please click on the blue highlighted words for related material. The last two points are brand new and of course are the most important in this list. No one yet has told the public what I reveal in points 11 and 12.
1. Humans copy, mimic and emulate the most...
Before we begin to place some of the cards out on the table, let's begin with one simple question. Is it possible that the Israeli government doesn't care about the average Jewish person living in Israel or elsewhere in the world? Is that even possible, given all the...
I'm Canadian and I also travel the world. I've investigated and done extensive research into the ancient death cult that masquerades as our world governments, regardless of what fake country you call home. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the evil...
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