15 Things Your Human Farmers Want To Thank You For..... May 31, 2023
1. Thank you for not thinking
2. Thank you for reacting instead of gathering information
3.  Thank you for making decisions based on how you feel instead of assessing the consequences of your actions. Emotional reactions are the opposite of...
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Canada's Gun Buy Back Program and Canada's Freedom Buy Back Program May 25, 2023
It's hard to keep up with the Canadian government's efforts to cull its own population....even as an onlooker now living outside the Canadian borders. It's also important to clarify that none of our world governments (including what's passing as the Canadian...
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5 Reasons Why They Don't Want You Healthy May 21, 2023

1. Healthy Food Improves Brain Function - the higher IQ centers of the brain can only become electrically stimulated when the body is fed healthy food, Inversely, the lower IQ centers of the brain (the limbic system) are hyperactivated when you're poisoned and...

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5 Daily Rituals of The Slave May 19, 2023
1. Gets up and instantly puts on the radio, TV or phone.....entertains instead of educates. The slave demands instant pleasure and fun. The slave sees discipline and long-term goal attainment as painful and something that interferes with their "fun now" philosophy.
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Top 5 Self Sabotage Personalities May 16, 2023
1. The Fire Starter Saboteur - always causes trouble everywhere they go. They need drama, fighting and conflict in order to feel safe because drama, fighting and conflict has become their normal. (movie influences....Bad Mom's, Dirty Grandpa etc)
2. The...
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The Death of Adulthood and The Birth of A Permanent Childhood May 11, 2023


I can't believe how many adults in this day and age act, talk and think like children. The fact that most adults talk, think and act like children isn't the point here AT ALL really. The point is that for every pro-teen out there (pro-teen standing for "life...

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The Wine Mom Agenda Explained May 10, 2023
Men of course are under various blanket forms of mind control, mostly regarding sacrificing themselves in false flag wars and also in regards to making men extremely confused about their gender roles within the tribe. Men aren't what they used to be. Women are...
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No Women by 2050..........The Agenda To Rid The Earth of Women Apr 26, 2023
After gathering lots of evidence to date, It's my opinion (as a seasoned truth teller) that the end goal of this agenda below is very simple. I believe the end goal is to remove all females from the planet by 2050. This group we're dealing with are into depopulation...
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Become A Certified Overcoming Self Sabotage Coach - JOIN THE WAITLIST TODAY Apr 20, 2023

Welcome Future Self Sabotage Coaches!   

We are currently in the 9th Session Of The Coaching Certification Program - Join The Waitlist Now for our Next Session 

Let me tell you about this amazing Certification Program...

Our Overcoming Self...

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A Trend In General Public That Doesn't Look Good....... Apr 15, 2023
The truth community is always on guard. As stressful as that is, it has to be done and progress to higher ground has to be executed daily. The slavery and attack experienced starting in 2020 had everything to do with the power and strength required...
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The Universal Casino of Life and The Pain Teacher.... Apr 14, 2023
The universal casino of life only pays out the big jackpots when you're authentic, when you do the good work and when you do your part. That good work has to be done on self first and then you can teach others, only after you've learned your lessons.
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The Rise of Evil In This World - An Ancient Explanation Apr 11, 2023

As I have talked about for many days now in videos and in articles, there's an odd acceleration happening. This acceleration has been indeed explained in ancient history. We have lost the language, the concepts and explanations of our ancient ancestors........so we...

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