Mistakes And Why We Make Them
Feb 17, 2022
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The word "mistake" is a word that means you took action in the wrong direction and we all do that at times. We all make mistakes simply because there are no dress rehearsals in life. In empowered circles we know that the word "mistake" is just another word for...
5 Ways To Prep Moving Forward
Feb 17, 2022
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1. There's an attack on males, male power and male protection of the female, the children, the seniors and the disabled. The weaker the men, the more trouble our society will be in. Learn about this attack on men and also learn how men can find their way again. ...
The Attack Blueprint And How To Side Step It Quickly
Feb 16, 2022
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The attack blueprint (we're currently involved in) is very simple. First, the TV and movie screens (plus conventional print media, radio etc) are documented military weapons, proven to have the ability to form people's opinions, values and belief systems. These...
10 Signs You're Getting Abused By An Expert In Psychological Manipulation
Feb 16, 2022
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1. They'll lie to you when conflict arises and tell you exactly what's needed to calm you down. All promises are empty beyond the time they're uttered.
2. Abusers/controllers will use group psychology against you with phrases like "everyone thinks you're...
Glossary of New Terms and Definitions
Feb 16, 2022
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1. Misinformation - removal of free speech and the ability to make up your own mind (thought control) reframed as altruism and societal protection.
2. Emergency Measures - removal of basic human rights, based on fictitious scenarios manufactured purposely...
How Governments Keep Control Over The Population Using Poison
Feb 15, 2022
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It's important to note that all people can experience massive mood fluctuations based on diet. This information is hidden from the public because of some original warnings found in the bible. These warnings were completely on the mark regarded an ancient art form of...
5 Things We Need To Change About Government
Feb 15, 2022
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1. Government can't be given any Emergency Powers that involve taking away basic human rights. If you allow psychopaths a clause that allows them to conduct psychopathy upon you in an emergency, those mental defectives will fabricate a 24 hour all you can eat chaos...
Why Canadians Are In Big Trouble
Feb 15, 2022
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The biggest trouble Canadians are in happens to be in regards to the government conditioning the public (slowly but surely) that it's perfectly normal for the government to steal and seize the financial assets of Canadians, for expressing their basic Charter Rights...
The Pizza Pedo Connection
Feb 14, 2022
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The entire agenda from 2020 onward was about moving a covert control and inversion system into something that openly walks above ground. Prior to 2020 (for decades prior) the public were slowly initiated into a satanic and hedonistic death cult, to the point where...
Depression in Your Life? Check Your Caffeine/Coffee Use...ā€¦
Feb 08, 2022
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The primary facilitators of depression are often simple to address but our conventional medical system insists that the public keep running east looking for a sunset. It's easier to rule a depressed and dis-empowered human and this is why medicine and government...
45 Years Of Mask Studies Prove They Are Worthless
Feb 08, 2022
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DOJ Calls Parents “Domestic Terrorists”
Parents who are standing up against the masking of their children at school board meetings are being threatened. Attorney General Merrick Garland admits he took the word of the National School Boards Administration...
Why Is Depression On The Rise?
Feb 08, 2022
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Depression is rising in both adults and children, which is baked in the cake via the chefs at The Great Reset. If you want to understand The Great Reset, it's very simple. The people behind The Great Reset have stolen all the pensions (both corporate and public) and...
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