The NY Fear Factor Nov 24, 2022

Passing through JFK Airport today in NYC and you notice something you won't find anywhere else, other than in LA....and that is a higher percentage of masked citizens. Given the truths about such things, as to those devices working or not, we need to once again...

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Mind Control Evil Afoot - Baphomet and Satanic Death Imagery On The Rise Nov 24, 2022
Mind control is about repetition throughout different media channels and at different times in your life. There's a part of the mind, called the subconscious (which the people ruling you know about of course) that's obsessed with repetition throughout the...
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The Fake Country and Fake Flag Con Job Nov 22, 2022
At this point, it's so obvious that people can't think for themselves (thanks to a system that keeps the pubic perpetually infantalized) that it's almost pointless to write such articles. But I do anyway so people can understand the con jobs they've succumb to, in...
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The Drop Off Society Nov 21, 2022
1. We drop our kids off to the government schools or day care centers, so we don't have to raise them or educate them ourselves. It's just easier to have kids and out source everything about them to doctors, gov, media. medicine or big corporations. Have...
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Recognizing Patterns Can Save Your Life - Here's One Pattern For You Nov 20, 2022
The funny thing about the average human is that they appear completely unable to recognize basic patterns, especially when it comes to them getting absolutely destroyed (blasted off the planet) or enslaved. For example, there are patterns with illegal...
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5 protocols to keep father time just a couple steps behind .... Nov 19, 2022
I will be 53 this March and father time impacts me as much as anyone else. I do look my age and I am indeed aging but here are some of the protocols I use to keep father time just a couple steps behind me....
1. I eat organic 95% of the time. This...
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The Common Thread To All Our Problems Nov 19, 2022
I used to practice as a health, nutrition and exercise coach. Many of my clients were addicted to one thing or another and they appeared completely obsessed with staying exactly where they were, if not completely obsessed with the daily destruction of their...
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Teaching Healthy and Empowered Teens About Peer Pressure Nov 16, 2022
As a self sabotage coach I can tell you that the human nervous system is hard wired to be a member of the bigger herd, wolf pack or group. All humans are hard wired for safety and obviously there's more safety in the bigger herds. This need to fit in is...
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Chanel #5 - Hidden Sex and Ancient Magic Symbols In Media Nov 15, 2022
The logo from Chanel is what's better known as the vesica piscis. In many academic circles this shape is known as the sacred geometry that equates to the female vagina.
The number 5 is the fifth letter of the alphabet, the E. Our language is...
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Want A Better Life Starting Right Now? Do This Immediately.... Nov 15, 2022
If you're looking to change for the better.....FEEL YOUR PAIN. This is the most simple advice I can offer. If you step on a nail, make sure you feel it, so you step off the nail. Pain is there to remind you what not to do. Pain is a guardian, not a goblin....
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G-Mail and Ancient Black Magic Sorcery Nov 15, 2022
So why do you think the masonic apron is the exact same logo as GMAIL? Think your emails and FB messages are private? Are you aware that "king" is a word that really means "kin-g", which means kin of (related to) the G? A ruling class based on genetics alone. Slaves...
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Want A Better Life Starting Right Now? Do This Immediately.... Nov 15, 2022
If you're looking to change for the better.....FEEL YOUR PAIN. This is the most simple advice I can offer. If you step on a nail, make sure you feel it, so you step off the nail. Pain is there to remind you what not to do. Pain is a guardian, not a goblin. Most...
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