Talk of holocaust based genocide coming out from NY City, where ventilators are reported as being used to suffocate patients. Those patients were also being forced and coerced to sign “do not resuscitate orders”, which remove hospital liability for...
Dr. Angela Lanfranchi is a breast surgeon and clinical assistant professor of surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She describes in the video below the many ways the birth control pill is killing women across the world.
A study by Lionel Tiger also brings...
1. If vaccines are safe and effective why does it declare, on many vaccine inserts, that each vaccine maker will not guarantee that the vaccine will provide immunity to the targeted disease? How does not providing immunity reflect “an effective vaccine...
Today I received the noticed below regarding a deplatforming of my entire Facebook page.
Are People Really Being “Born That Way?”. Lets Take A Closer Look
At this added link we have the full lyrics of Lady Gaga’s rock anthem “Born That Way”. The story within the song sounds good in theory,...
This poor boy Colton in the video below succumbed to his injuries from the Gardasil HPV vaccine this weekend. May he rest in peace and may his death (medical murder) be avenged in this world. All vaccines are fraudulent on every level imaginable. The Gardasil HPV...
The vast majority of Disney films that target children, present very early in the story a) the death of one or both parents b) one or both parents being absent from the film without explanation or c) the child already as an orphan. This is done because nothing is...
For the past 2 weeks governments and medical higher ups have been caught directing hospital staff and attending physicians to falsely classify non CV-19 deaths as CV-19. As the attached video demonstrates the federal and state governments are actually paying the...
Although it may sound far fetched that this 4 hour event can help you overcome all forms of self sabotage, it can indeed be this easy if you have the right coach. My name is Jason Christoff and I’m not only a master self sabotage coach, I also...
As we can see above in the picture, the Ontario government admits they are openly deceiving the public, regarding who’s in the hospital. (vaccinated or unvaccinated) CLICK HERE to access the full government of Ontario document and scroll down to...
The primary benefit for reducing toxins and insults to the body is to mitigate the resulting stress and inflammation that all of these factors inflict on the metabolism, plus the changes in body shape/brain function that this stress/inflammation cycle can initiate....
If I had cancer I would certainly do one thing first. I would contact Paul Leendertse, author of the book, “The Root Cause of Cancer.” Paul’s experience and knowledge links particular cancers to particular emotional wounding’s is second...
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