The primary benefit for reducing toxins and insults to the body, is in regard to the resulting stress and inflammation that all of these factors inflict on the metabolism plus the changes in body shape/brain function that this stress/inflammation cycle can initiate....
I was working with a client once. He was in severe emotional and mental pain.....and he didn't like it. Oddly enough, running away from pain only gets you more pain. Here's why. In our North American culture of "every second of life is supposed to be fun and...
1. Your finances are worse or haven't improved, even though over the years you've gathered more life experience, so obviously you should be more skilled at financial gain and financial acquisition.
2. Your health is worse or hasn't improved even though over the years...
What is self-sabotage? Self-sabotage is any behavior by which a person actively inhibits or destroys their own potential for greatness, happiness or prosperity……without understanding why they’re doing it. Often it manifests as various addictions,...
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