What do you need to raise the dead? Well, if you watched any of the Frankenstein movies as a child, all you really need is dead material or parts.....and some electricity. Could anything like this be happening in our society today? Well, as usual, reality is stranger...
Listen to the podcast by CLICKING HERE
Show notes for the podcast are below.......some corrections are cited below at the very bottom of this article
The Code Documentary - Predicting The Future Through Data Collection - https://bit.ly/2whwEGU
I do believe many people are now starting to connect some dots but there are many more to connect, in order to see the big picture. I will be more truthful than usual today. There's a certain group who has vowed for much of recorded history....to organize the death...
Nikola Tesla said the entire Universe is vibration....and it is. What your human farmers won't tell you is that your vibration can either be lowered or raised by the concepts you live out in your daily life. Sex is a much lower vibration on the frequency scale,...
Word magic has a massive impact on your metabolic functions, as the part of the mind that can read word magic operates outside your conscious awareness. The key placement of words, even if the words are hidden in not so clever ways, is proven to alter your...
Join myself and Margaret Keays (Mexican Relocation Expert) in the Replay of this 2 Day ZOOM Presentation with Q&A.
It is time you understand WHAT is really going on, WHY you may want to consider relocating outside your current country and HOW to make it...
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