Within the life of Jesus, there was a point where he was in prison. During a yearly festival, the corrupt authorities of the day would release one prisoner from their sentence, based on the say so of the public. This was done to trick the public into believing they...
1. The inserted payload now floats openly waiting to be triggered in around 2 billion people.
2. This payload needs an energy source to trigger, causing the effect we see in this post.
3. The fatal triggering of the payload effects males more than females and this is...
1. This affects mostly men because the pay load is removed less efficiently from the body in the presence of testosterone.
2. The pay load is most easily triggered by excessive heat (through physical exercise) more intense wifi fields and general increases in...
There is one more way you can help me today. I find myself at times unable to keep up with/handle the ‘Truth’ that is and has been coming my way since the beginning of 2020. I take it all in and then find myself overwhelmed and even fearful. I...
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