10 Things You Will Learn From Me In My School Nov 11, 2022

!. You'll learn how to become a Certified Self Sabotage Coach because that's what the school is for....but you'll learn much more.

2. You'll learn what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, in regards to diet, stretching, exercise and healthy habits. If you're not...

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Word Magic at The Movies Nov 11, 2022
 As soon as you enter the cinema, you'll see that the vinyl on the glass door says "entrance", which really means "in-trance". Welcome to the world of word magic. That's where your word magic begins at the movies or cineplex. The word cineplex is derived...
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Building Your 4 Pillars of Strength In Order To Win Any Battle Nov 09, 2022
I always work on my 4 pillars of strength daily. Those 4 pillars of strength are physical, intellectual, spiritual and financial. it's very obvious that the foe we fight today is not only weak, but it likes to hide behind many different disguises and...
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Mind Control Explained In A Movie About Mind Control Nov 08, 2022
I'll keep this short. If you click the first link below, you'll get to a scene from the movie "Focus" where Will Smith's character just lost lots of money. Smith just lost millions in a bet with a famous Asian gambler. Smith's character lost that bet...
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A Mind Control Application In Movies Called Psychopathic Priming Nov 08, 2022
Our minds can't tell the difference between what's imagined, what's on a screen and what's real. This is why you jump out of your seat a little or have a faster heart beat during an exciting or scary part of a movie. When you witness a murder or death or...
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Illuminati Mind Control Movie Review - "Don't Look Up" With Leonardo DiCaprio Nov 07, 2022
When I review a movie, I look for repetitive content in the movie itself (and the repetitive content shared between all screen productions) because the human subconscious is designed to track and count repetitive content....and then force you to act it out....
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The Mind Control Behind The Fake Piped In Laughter in TV Sitcoms Nov 07, 2022
There's fake piped in laughter in many TV sitcoms of course and there are firm mind control reasons behind that. What's also odd but not surprising, is that most TV watchers couldn't recall if questioned, regarding the fake laughter in the show they just...
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Top 10 Reasons To Work With Me and My Team In Our International Self Sabotage Coaching School - 8th Semester Opens Jan 14th 2024 Nov 07, 2022
1. You can learn what it takes to start and run a business from someone who has always run businesses successfully. I graduated from McGill University in 1994 and started my first business 6 months after graduation. The businesses I have personally...
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Beta Male Mind Control In TV Shows And In The Movies Nov 06, 2022
Look at the men, just in these two popular cartoons alone. The Family Guy and The Simpsons. The subconscious mind is the part of our brain complex that literally manufacturers our behaviors and our beliefs. The subconscious looks for repetitive themes,...
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The Poverty Programming Mind Control In TV And At The Movies Nov 05, 2022
In the sitcom "Friends" we have a very similar situation to the sitcom "Seinfeld", which is called poverty programming in the mind control business. We have ALL the adult characters acting, talking and thinking like children.... especially in regard to work...
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What Is The Killer Calendar And Why Do Most People Destroy Themselves Based On The Say So Of A Calendar? Nov 04, 2022
People often organize their lives around a calendar that's purposely designed to pollute, bankrupt and dis-empower the general public. Trauma sets the stage for compliance, as trauma is proven to do, so the fearful public cling to anything that adds...
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