7 Things That Would Happen To You Without Government Sep 04, 2022
1. You would wake up and no one would be colluding to poison you and your family back into the stone age.....so that you're all easier to rule, steal from, govern, control, manipulate and lie to.
2. You would wake up and no one would be stealing...
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What I'm Doing To Take Down The Cabal Sep 03, 2022
In short, I've been trying to warn the public about this evil group for about 20 years. Now that this evil group is trying to walk above ground, it's making my job much easier. As millions more people awaken everyday, it allows a large group of us (who have...
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Monkey Pox or Monkey Business? Jul 25, 2022

Inside Freemasonry is a concept of two pillars called Jachin and Boaz. Sacrifice always happens between the two pillars, to which the sacrificial animals are always tied, similar to the movie King Kong when the sacrifice is tied to the two pillars for Kong.


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The Solutions Are In The Problems Jul 21, 2022

The solutions are always to be found in the problems. The problems appear numerous but they're really not, as the base foundation of all today's problems are the same. There was a massive brainwashing campaign over hundreds of years (if not thousands) aimed to...

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3 Ways - How Avoiding Pain Will Destroy You Jul 19, 2022

Most people avoid their pain like it's Olympic sport. Most people who avoid their pain on a daily basis really don't even know that they're doing it. We copy, mimic, mirror and emulate the most frequent behaviors in our living environment....all outside our conscious...

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Air Canada and Giving Everyone A Seat At The Table...ā€¦.Whether They Deserve It Or Not Jul 18, 2022

When you fly many Canadian airlines you can see the inclusion policies and how they're designed to do the opposite of what they're stated to do. I was flying to German and Austria. Each person working on the airplane was hand-picked to actually "fit" inside the small...

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How Mind Control Works Jul 18, 2022

Mind control is very simple. It gets even more simple when the public doesn't know anything about the mind control techniques used upon them. When you have a member of the public who believes that they're too smart to be placed under mind control, things get even...

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Eat Zee Bugs Jul 11, 2022

There are things you don't know about eating bugs. First of all bugs contain enormous amounts of parasites, some known, many unknown. The saturated fats in grass fed animals are needed in the human body to produce the strongest males, as testosterone and growth...

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The Power Of Lies Jun 30, 2022

If you think fire cools, you're lying to yourself. You can easily verify that fire doesn't cool by sticking your hand into a fire. You'll find out very quickly that your belief does not affect the true reality of this world you live in. You'll find out that living...

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Word Magic and Advil Jun 28, 2022

Vil is an older word that means "to cheapen" or "to make worse.". Vil is the base word of villain, vile, evil. vilify, devil etc. Vil also the base word of ville, which means "city" in French and that's because the city life was always well known to make our lives...

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Canadian Culture and Canadian Compliance Jun 27, 2022

The thing about many Canadians is that they are addicted to the perpetual good time more than anyone else on earth. Canadians are adored in the EU because they're notorious people pleasers and rarely rock the boat, by standing up for themselves and starting any sort...

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Why Is Everyone Healthy In This 50 Year Old Picture? Jun 27, 2022

This is a picture from New York State I believe, in the 1970's and as you notice there's something very different about the bodies in the picture. There's no one who has an unhealthy body shape and size. An ancient plan exists, one based on the Fabianistic Approach...

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