A Crazy video Showing the TVs Impact on a Young Child

Jan 03, 2025

Here's another situation where the video will be doing all the talking. The truth of the TV is very simple, yet it's often misunderstood (or not known at all) by the general public. Many documentaries in the past have done a good job explaining that the TV is a weapon of sorts, when it's combined with the basic neurology of the human.

Humans are pack animals and derive plenty of their safety and survival from mimicking, copying and mirroring the actions, thoughts and ideas that are most frequent in their environment. This genetic survival adaptation mechanism has kept us alive for all of recorded history. This mechanism is the only reason why anyone is alive reading this article right now. Most of human behavioral psychology can be summed up with 4 words........monkey see, monkey do.

Humans like other humans who act, talk and think like they do. This means the automatic subconscious action of our nervous system is always rabidly trying to assess what behaviors to copy from our environment (and the people around us), in order that the bigger group brings us in and finds favor with us. We're all set up to identify what other people are doing and copy it. It's completely automatic and outside our conscious awareness. 

It's been proven that our environment (and whatever is in that environment) is actually what forms our behaviors, ideas and beliefs. The people who rule us from on high know this as concrete fact and that's why the TV (and us sitting in front of it) have been normalized by very elaborate social engineering campaigns. The TV has now become a major part of the environment that influences large percentages of our behavior profile, our beliefs and our ideas. When the TV and movies are weaponized against the public purposely, you're going to get adults behaving badly and in many cases, you're going to get plenty similar to what you see in the video below with this young boy. The young child confirms for us where he picked up these ideas, which is all by design of course. What you see below isn't an accident. It's part of an overarching attack on our children.

I started my 25-year career with one focus, which was always to save as many children as possible from the system. I've done well so far but there's still lots of work to do. I can't help a child this young (unless his parents want to work with me directly) but I have produced a program for youth, ages 13-22. This YOUTH POWER IN YOU PROGRAM does a really good job at helping youth in that age category, understand the system they're living in.

Only with knowledge about what's going on, can a child grow up into an adult, who's healthy and happy. I'm now offering the recording for this program, which is actually free when any adult signs up for my POWER IN YOU PROGRAM for adults. Click here to investigate the adult program, which is actually going LIVE starting Jan 9th 2025. Click here to explore my YOUTH POWER IN YOU PROGRAM. I hope to be helping you and your family very soon. I'll make sure you all get a better understanding of how our world really works and how to make the best of that system.  Health and happiness are possible, but strategies are required. 



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