Guy Today Said He Was Following My Advice but Still Wasn't Happy.....So This is What I Said To Him

Jan 08, 2025

Finding happiness is very important and it's the final destination we all want to land in, as soon as we possibly can. I want to be happy as well. We all do. I felt for the man who wrote me today about not being happy, after following lots of my advice. He was really putting in the hard work, in all the areas that count. He was eating very well, had had great healthy living habits, going to bed on time, fluoride free toothpaste, removing toxins from his environment, exercising, protecting himself from EMF, wearing blue blocking glasses at the appropriate times etc etc. It was a very impressive list. He was doing things in regards to healthy living, that most people could never achieve. And again, he wasn't happy. 

With this, I could only share my experience with him, as that's all I have to offer. I told him that for me, happiness was something I experience infrequently. Saying that, when it happens to come my way, I know for sure that I am in the happiness zone. For example, my partner Kristine works during the day, and I work online from home. During the day, I'm not really happy, although I'm content that I'm working toward happiness sometime in the future. When Kristine comes home and wraps her arms around me (which she does as a ritual daily) I find myself in a truly happy state. Whatever that is, for me....that's happiness. We then get busy preparing food and cleaning up the home. With that the contentment returns. At night, when I hug her tight before falling asleep, again I'm truly happy. 

Another example of when I experienced true happiness, is when I was given a private tour of The Romania Palace of The Parliament, by a prominent Romanian freedom fighting politician. I was also accompanied by Dr. Meryl Nass and Dr. Chris Shoemaker. Kristine was also by my side during the tour. There were 50 of us invited there to speak on the various inconsistences during COVID. I had followed Dr. Nass for nearly 30 years. She taught me plenty in my early days about what was going on in the world. Dr. Shoemaker was a medical doctor who risked it all during COVID. That I respect. As I looked around during this tour, I was very happy. I was like "this is amazing". Bang.....true happiness and then it was gone again. After I took a plane home, after everything was finished, I was only content once more. I simply started working hard toward finding other rare nuggets of happiness in the future. That's the cycle I believe. Kristine took this picture, as we were all coming out of the Parliament.....

I've also felt truly happy when I'm surrounded by beautiful things. I believe beautiful things have a particular vibration, either equal to happiness or a very close co-factor to grounding happiness inside a human being. I have a saying that beauty matters and that's because I've found personally, that when I get around beautiful things, I get overwhelmed with happiness. If you have your FB open and you click here, you can see one of the buildings in Vienna Austria that made me extremely happy. Beauty matters and it was extremely beautiful. 

In regards to happiness, this is what I know personally.......

1. Happiness comes and goes, something relatively infrequent, for me at least.

2. Contentment on the other hand is much more frequent. Contentment is the jumping off point for happiness, from what I see. Contentment is about working hard and putting in the sacrifices required, hoping for the chance that happiness comes around again. 

3. It appears that true happiness comes from either feeling in love, feeling safe, being surrounded by beauty or making progress (forward headway) in your life. Or at least it does for me. If I want more happiness in my life I would have to find more love, more safety, more beauty or I would need to make more progress in my life. It's a simple way to look at it but simple can indeed be effective.

4. If I'm not happy all the time, I fully understand that I'm not broken or malfunctioning. 

5. I personally have compiled a list of 8 things that have the potential for making me really happy. It's not a guarantee but here they are. If you make a similar list, the goal is to get all 8 of these "happiness ingredients" hitting simultaneously, in order to try and build a situation where you can experience a MAX HAPPINESS MOMENT. 1) a white sand beach 2) blue clear water 3) amazing healthy organic food being prepared by loving people 4) having my loves surrounding me (Kristine, my daughter Sophia and family) 5) a healthy lifestyle being lived in all ways 6) lots of time to sunbath and swim in the sun 7) a beautiful yet simple house right on that same beach 7) me having time to write and create in the same home and 8) the feeling that I'm making a positive impact in the world with my creations, teachings and writings  

And that's all I had for this man today. I could only share my experience. The contentment part he was already doing. He was doing all the hard work, in all the right areas. He just needed some extra guidance about happiness in general and to know that he wasn't malfunctioning, just because he wasn't jumping out of bed every morning with a huge smile on his face. As for all the hard work he was doing (the contentment part) I did teach him lots of that of course. I can also teach you all that and a little more as well. My POWER IN YOU PROGRAM goes LIVE tomorrow Jan 9th, 2025. It's the only thing of value I can really teach you. If you want to know about this one service that I offer, which can change your life, click here and explore another short article. I hope to see you on opening day. If you have any questions, email me personally at [email protected]  


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