Why Something Called Phantom Pregnancy and Your Personal Life Success Are Directly Connected
Jan 07, 2025
There's something called "phantom pregnancy". This is a medical condition when the body is exhibiting many of the outward signs of pregnancy, without actually being pregnant. This is how powerful the mind can be, in regards to fully taking over the body's physiology.
In most cases, the female experiencing phantom pregnancy, really believes that she's pregnant. After she gets herself into that heightened mental state of belief, her internal declarations to the affirmative get numerous. Inside her mind she'll often declare repetitively. "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant...." and so on and so on. This was called spell casting in ancient times, as the body's ability to respond to repetitive thoughts or commands, was well known throughout the ages. This is also the basis of the blockbuster documentary "The Secret". Even in the modern field of mind control, repetition is key to placing people under your command or spell.
The body of the female itself, while experiencing phantom pregnancy, has been documented to gain weight, hold additional water, increase fat cell accumulation, express breast milk and even develop an amniotic sack in the womb...........just no fetus of course. One area of psychological science that's constantly hidden from the public, is how the repetitive things we hear and see can indeed change our biology.....to actually come into line with these messages. This is also why you need to be careful with how you talk about yourself, how you talk about your children and how you talk about others.
What's even more bizarre, is that we don't even need to hear the repetitive messages to get the body changing. All the human body needs to do, in order to mimic and adopt repetitive commands like this, is to visually observe the repetitive content in the environment. Just visual, no audio. For example, in some experiments, it was shown that our bodies will just gain weight, if the people we see most repetitively are heavier as well. If our environment is full of overweight people, our metabolism leans hard to becoming overweight.
Other scientists like Rupert Sheldrake believe that this sort of communication can be wireless between all living systems, where our bodies are constantly scanning their wireless fields, in order to best blend in with the most frequent and common vibration. Our bodies are almost hard wired to be as close as possible, to the people right next to us or even to the people we see on our screens. That's scary if you watch trash fire Netflix every week and it's really awesome if you hang around amazing people.
The researchers in the "overweight friends' experiment" did find that this weight gaining effect was observed even when friends were separated over very long distances. This means something invisible is happening and a form of communication is occurring between friends, in an invisible way. It was also observed that if our overweight friends also had other overweight friends (that we didn't even meet once in our lives) that they also influenced our personal weights........even though we had never met those people directly. There's a good chance the body and the environment communicate wirelessly (bio- photonically) as Sheldrake has indicated. This is something our human farmers don't want us to know anything about. Everything about our vibration matters and that vibe has a huge impact on the world.
In the end, our environments rule our behaviors in much bigger ways than we could ever imagine. What ideas you take in and who you hang around counts. It doesn't just count; it makes everything about you. Why not make a move into a better tribe in 2025, by coming in THE POWER IN YOU PROGRAM. That program starts very soon Jan 9th, 2025. The program is all positive, all the time. It's all about good people and good information, where all we do is focus on how you can increase your full spectrum strength. You can participate online from anywhere in the world. It's affordable for everyone, especially with our new payment plan. Maybe it's time to just get around the right people and hack the power of your body to change for the better. Change your environment and let the body do what it's designed to do. We even have a program for youth (ages 13-22) that comes free with our adult program. One fee covers all youth and adults in one household. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me personally at [email protected]. Click here to explore the adult offering. Click here to explore the youth offering (ages 13-22).
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