The Weaponization of Bad Behavior and The Massive Government Firings That Are Coming

Dec 09, 2024

The people ruling us are very intelligent. They plan things out in a way that would baffle the average person. This ancient group works in 50, 100, 250 and 500-year blocks. This means that their goals are multi-generational, which challenges the sensibilities of the average person who has a hard time planning what they're going to accomplish in the next 30 days. What we call "secret societies" are the ancient ruling family steering committees for these ancient goals. This ancient group's plot to take over the entire world was even written about in 1798 in this book, titled, "Proofs of A Conspiracy". You can also learn more about this ancient group, and their goals for you and your family, by clicking here

I've been studying this ancient group hiding behind government, for about 15 years. I've actually been researching for 25 years and kept coming over too many well-coordinated "long range" agendas, which require very elaborate and highly coordinated mind control campaigns over centuries. This group is often referred to as "THEY". I've been asked many times who "THEY" are. I even got asked on the floor of the US Senate the same question, by Senator Ron Johnson. Of course, you can't explain who "THEY" are in 2 minutes (which is all the time I had at the US Senate), so I side stepped the question. 

Again, I've written an article about who "THEY" are and you can read it by clicking here. In short, they're bad people, so bad in fact that they would make the hairs on the back of Satan's neck stand up. The devil himself giggles and spins away with envy when he sees what this group has accomplished over the centuries. This group (cult) actually worships a form of Satan named Baal or Molech.

This cult is up to their old tricks again, simply because their rampage of fatalistic trickery is actually the official family business model they operate across the planet. A plumber plumbs daily, a writer writes, and these criminals get up every morning to continue the growth of their ancient crime syndicate.......where absolutely nothing is off the table. This cult will do anything to increase their profits and control of the uniformed TV watching mouth breathers. For example, this group organized both 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing. This group are also ancient masters of trauma based mind control, which includes the rape and ritual murders of children. Some children, who are hand-picked to survive said rape and ritual sacrifices, are purposely groomed long term to be many of our political actors on the TV screens. 

If you study this group's many famous sleights of hand and sleights of mind, throughout the centuries, you can often predict some of their masterful deceptions, long before those criminal operations are complete. I'm starting to see one such road they're building, in order to back door their New World Order plans into the Western world. Said agenda is described below...

The end of the psyop in question looks like this. Many government staffers are about to be fired because the New World Order (NWO) structure calls for the full removal of all domestic governments. That's a pretty big goal, which you probably believe could never be accomplished, especially as you watch it happen. This group is so skilled at psychological manipulation, they can not only make it happen while you watch, they can also make you cheer it on. They can actually make you insist on it. 

Not only does the plan of the NWO include the removal of all local, state/provincial and federal governments, it also intends to bankrupt most of the economy, get mass tracts of the population receiving UBI (universal basic income) and usher in mass digital control systems. The NWO group also wants to throw the entire world population down the memory hole, which means wiping the historical slate clean. That means anyone who remembers our past history, is also slated for full eugenic removal...through injectable poisons, starvation, weather warfare and preplanned wars between fake countries that the NWO control fully 

This group murders people daily, in order to steal their financial assets, as easily as most other folks pick up a cup of coffee daily. That's the gist of how this group rolls. They're a certified death cult, in every sense of the word. No matter their goals, it's always about facilitating/accelerating death for the masses and stealing the wealth that remains, after the populations are put to the sword. Many believe this has been an ongoing cycle on this planet for a very long time. A human farming operation that sees humans start off as milking cattle and then quickly move on to beef cattle, in 100-year cycles. 

We're about to see the final stages of this 5-year mid-range psy-op. Massive firings are now coming IMHO and no "the white hats" aren't in control. Very far from it. The doctors who poisoned their patients for big bonuses are about to be fired. The government bureaucrats who organized those bonuses are about to be fired. The insurance executives who paid out these fatalistic incentives, to kill their own patients for massive payouts, are about to be fired. The teachers who taught children falsities about gender and who encouraged castration-based pathways for the students are about to be terminated. The politicians who encouraged the mass fake vaccine slaughter of their own citizens and the destructions of their own economies, will be let go....and like I said, most people are going to cheer this on. Can you see what they did to get people excited about the mass economic collapse, the removal of government and ushering in the massive AI control grid? It all starts with the public rightfully wanting to fire all these satanic government staffers. 

This entire psy-op was simple and it was worked over a 100-year block. First, you groom every person in the society, through the government school system (which this ancient group controls), to be mindless order followers and not thinkers. Then you start organizing a government employment structure that pays 2-3 times the average wage, compared to working elsewhere in our Western culture. You then coordinate the bonuses, raises and promotions of the government employment structure to only pay out when the workers do exactly what they're told.......absent of moral or ethical review. After that part of the psy-op is set in place, you have lots of people who make way too much money for what value they're providing the society, they don't think and they're unable to consider morality, ethics or justice in relation to their daily behaviors. If they decide to be moral, ethical or just... they don't get the big raises, promotions and are immediately thrown overboard etc. It's a factory that produces bad behavior, as it was designed to be. It's the perfect storm because it was designed to be unleashed as the perfect storm in 2020. 

Then in 2020 (knowing that you need to make the public hate, despise and loath the government work force), you tell all government workers to carry out directives that make even the most hardened Nazi take a knee. You also back up and fortify that draconian behavior in every way possible. You organize a top-down tyrannical approach where the head actors of the cult (like Trudeau and Biden) set the tyrannical overtones, which you want the minions in government to follow, mimic and emulate. And then it's bingo, bango, start an absolute tsunami of extremely immoral, corrupt and illegal government staff behavior. At that point the hatred toward government starts to grow, which you need to trigger the other parts of the plan. 

Then after this logical hatred of government starts to hit a zenith, you "leak" out that everything the government workers were doing was absolutely insane, illegal and satanic. You "leak" out that the vaccines aren't even vaccines. You "leak" out that the vaccines have killed or crippled over 1 billion people worldwide. You "leak" out that masking did absolutely nothing, that the 6-foot distance rule was just made up out of thin air, that the fake vaccines trials were also fake, that the test for COVID was a fraud and that the injections never prevented contagion or infection. You then have government staffers deny the injection injuries, keep forcing the fake vaccine into children, keep paying doctors to keep killing their patients with the toxic shots or to keep killing patients with government "approved" hospital/care home protocols. You order the government employees to behave badly and then you purposely "leak" documents proving that you can no longer trust government......because the people who man the levers are too dumb, too immoral, too evil and too inept. Just 2 months ago, the RKI files were leaked. Click here to see all the outing of the government staffers there, behaving as hardened criminals. Who "leaked" the RKI files? I can guess who leaked them.....the controllers, that's who. 

This psy-op will eventually end with the people in power "recommending" the idea that having AI in control of child education, the hospital protocols and everything else in-between will solve all these problems. The people in power (controlled directly by this ancient cult) will say that the only way to avoid such acts of brutality in the future will be to fire all the government staffers who behaved badly (which is about 90% of them) and to get them all on the UBI. (as their pensions will be removed because they caused so much financial hardship, that the pensions can no longer be paid). AI will run everything moving forward and there must be a centralized authority to rule over the entire world, so none of this happens ever again........which is the NWO. And that ladies and gentlemen is how you weaponize bad behavior and get the public to cheer on everything that's designed to enslave and destroy them. 

I believe these firings and NWO transitions (to the cheers of the public) will start in the US and spread out from there. I believe these transitions will be attempted in 2025-2026, during the Trump administration. I don't "hate' Trump but he's a paid actor. they're all paid actors. The ancient group we're dealing with are mind control masters and they can make you believe absolutely anything, at any time, if they so wish. They may even say that the country is too much in debt to continue running the government, without AI...but regardless, I believe these massive government layoffs/firings are coming. 

The solutions here are simple. Study their mind control tricks in these two presentations. Click here for Part 1 and click here for Part 2. Know thy enemy. Study their mind control tactics and you may be able to organize a work around to their end goals. 

Updates after article release.......

Dec 10th addition - in this article, we now see massive evidence pointing toward future prosecution potential of ANY DOCTOR or ADMINSTRATOR who initiated Remdesivir or ventilator in their hospitals or on their patients. This could add massive weight to removing all "corrupt" humans from the stage and ushering in patient/policy driven AI. Like I said, "order them to behave badly and then remove them for behaving badly". 


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