The Day I Got My Flu Shot.....This Is a True Story

Oct 12, 2024

I actually took a flu shot once, when I was 26 years of age. I took that flu shot for the same reasons most people go willingly and happily down to the vaccine clinic. I had downloaded my beliefs about vaccines from various environmental inputs, as I was growing up. Doctors told my parents (and myself) that all vaccines were safe and effective. Vaccination and the subsequent reduction in worldwide disease rates (due to these amazing inventions) were proof positive that vaccines were the greatest medical discovery in recorded history. I don't remember exactly where I had heard that, but I do remember hearing this declaration hundreds of times. Everyone else had heard the same and so we just repeated it to each other like it was a true and obvious stone-cold fact.

TIME Magazine and National Geographic (plus many other hard copy media productions) did their part over the decades, with countless articles regarding the miracle of vaccination. Many TV shows and movies had the same messages. The government schools usually had vaccine clinics inside school grounds or at least endorsed government run vaccine clinics operating elsewhere. The government was always there to protect us, we were told as well. The government would never do anything to hurt us. This belief in vaccination had all the mental trigger words and phrases, so that billions would wait happily in line down at the vaccine clinic.  All the social cues within my living environment told me that these injections were miracles of modern medicine, and that superior health was always the result of volunteering for these needles under the skin. With all this programming running inside my subconscious (and conscious mind) I happily walked into the flu shot clinic that faithful day in 1996, at the tender age of 26. 

I had just won entrepreneur of the year in my hometown of Cornwall Ontario. All the other businessmen (and there were only 2 genders at that time, and still are of course today) were lining up and scoring big social credit/merit points with the community, as they were proudly photographed endorsing the vaccination drive. Their businesses prospered greatly from the media exposure, so I thought this was the next move in my life, to keep my business moving upwards. With this government and media programming running strong in my nervous system, I happily executed that programming and got my flu shot. That's when I got sick and almost died. My mind control almost did what it was designed to do, which was to kill me or substantially weaken me.

I didn't take long before I ended up in bed with what they call "the flu". It wasn't just the normal "flu". I thought I was dying and in retrospect, I believe I was. I didn't know it at the time, but I had just poisoned myself voluntarily, as part of a worldwide and very ancient mind control campaign based on depopulation and mass public control. You can even click here to watch Bill Gates explain 4 different times that vaccines (and various other schemes he endorses) are for population reduction. He's certainly not the only one who has admitted this publicly of course but again, I didn't know anything about these matters in 1996. 

My voluntary poisoning was severe and lasted for about 3 weeks. It's the first time I never went to work in my entire life due to sickness. I also called my corporate lawyer (Barrie Wilson) to draft my first will and testament, in order to give my mother all my business assets upon death......which were pretty substantial only after 2 years as a new entrepreneur. I believe that the only reason I didn't die was because I was so young and had so much life left in me. I even told myself that, "it would have been worse if I didn't take the shot". Yes, thank God I injected myself with poison, because the poisoning I caused myself, would have been much worse if I didn't volunteer to inject myself with poison. That's how programmed I was. There are still billions under this form of brainwashing and psychological manipulation.....and that includes most medical doctors, nursing staff, government bureaucrats, members of the general public etc etc. That's how brainwashing works, no one is immune. 

I was under mass mind control, even though I didn't know anything about mind control, propaganda, brainwashing or psychological manipulation at the time. I didn't get my flu shot because it made any logical sense or because I had researched the issue even in the slightest. I waited patiently in line to inject poison into myself because mind control is indeed that powerful.

If you click here, the same mind control tactics used against billions worldwide (to trick us to inject poison into ourselves) are used to make people murder someone else LIVE on video. In this one very powerful video, where several people actually murder another human because of mind control, the mind controllers only needed 2 hours of psychological manipulation to trigger those murders to happen. Most people injecting poison under their skin (and being happy about it) are subjected to hundreds of hours of vaccine propaganda over their entire lifetimes. Mind control is that powerful and mind control experts can MAKE YOU DO ANYTHING THEY WISH. 

If you want the truth about vaccination, which I only discovered later, you can click here to learn about vaccines in general. You can also click here to learn specifically about the COVID mind control operation. I speak around the world on mind control, propaganda and brainwashing. I've recently spoken in the US Senate, (in The Kennedy Caucus Room), at The Romanian Palace of the Parliament, at The EU Parliament and also in the Japanese Parliament (The DIET). If you would like to see some of those talks, please visit the front page of my website by clicking here

In the end, my research is very deep across many different areas. What guides my research is fraud, injustice, corruption and of course mass mind control......that tricks people to participate willingly in their worst lives. Most people building their worst lives out of inverted government and media programming actually believe that they're doing the right thing and even defend the incredibly negative life results they receive by running east looking for a sunset. If you don't know how mind control works, who's coordinating it and what their end goals've most likely already experienced some big troubles in your life already. Look at the world today, people are destroying themselves, each other and their children. It's all based on media/government mind control, brainwashing, propaganda and psychological manipulation. The people in government aren't who we think they are. Their goals don't involve our best interests. We're all in clear and present danger, as most people are still being tricked to believe that everything is as it should be. Those folks will fall first over the next 2-3 years. For everyone else, who want to live and prosper, we'll need to walk a different path together.

I teach a very unique program once per year, where I'll take you from beginner to every area that really counts for life success, happiness and satisfaction. I don't make this claim lightly. If you want to protect yourself and your family, I invite you into my Overcoming Self Sabotage Coaching School, where you and your fellow students, will position yourselves for the best life imaginable. It is your personal programming and beliefs that determine your life outcomes. If you get programmed with inverted beliefs (from government and media), your life will go in the toilet and stay in the toilet. It's time that changed. If you want a better life for you and your family, click here and investigate my offering that starts Oct 27th. It's already 45% full. The first 8 semesters have sold out. We only take 100 students per semester. You get to work with me personally and anyone can afford it with our new payment plan. If you have any questions, just email me personally at [email protected] I look forward to seeing you on opening day. Click the picture below to start gathering more information about working directly with me. Get a good mentor, who has already walked the road and start learning. It's the only way out at this point.


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