Nov 18, 2021
I’ve already conducted the Aug 29th 2021 LIVE ZOOM event where I reviewed some key points regarding the attack on men. I’ve also finished the second talk, regarding the psychic attack on men. Sept 12th. You can access to both talks instantly right now.
This talk was set to be only 1 day in length and now it has been extended to three days. Each talk is 2 hours in length and an optional 1 hour Q & A period afterwards. All three talks will be recorded and sent to everyone who has enrolled. The first talk is already in the books and you can watch it today. This LIVE ZOOM event will reflect my standard presentation format. During the first 2 days I’ll draw out “THE PROBLEM”, which is a massive attack on men, male power and masculinity. I’ll explain why this is being done and by whom. I’ve already recorded the “chemical attack on men”. This has always been conducted and recorded. During the second talk recorded already on Sept 12th I reviewed the “psychic attack on men”. These two talks will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that there is indeed a massive attack being orchestrated on the male protective force of our society. Because of this, the tribe is in extreme danger. Our society is being monetized and incentivized for evil because our men have a spiritual amnesia regarding why they are here on the planet. When the males of any society are programmed to stand down and take a passive (or non existent role) regarding the protection of the tribe, the entire society becomes set to collapse into the hands of the very small group who’s organizing this inversion programming for our males. The attack on men is not the only covert attack this small group of social engineers are organizing. For our society to stay free and progressive, the men need to snap out of their comfort coma and step up into their true cosmic role, inside the tribal circle. The first event was scheduled for Aug 29th 2021 and we’ve recorded that already. Sept 12th is in the books as well. Now we’re all set to meet again Sept 26th for our solutions portion. Come join us! Come lend your energy to a very important quest.
Like all material I deliver, it will be too the point and extremely hard hitting. This is a skill all men will need to master. Delivery of the truth, right down the middle, simply because TRUTH is the most efficient way to address any and all problems in life. This massive cache of simple solutions will include custom made wall art and a hypnotherapy session specifically crafted for this particular task of helping males find their way again. What will be clearly explained in part 1 and 2 as well, is that men are being programming subconsciously to stand down and take a beta male perspective for interacting with the world. The only way to break subconscious mind control is with subconscious mind control, which is hand crafted in the opposite direction…..and that’s exactly what myself and my subconscious reprogramming team has done. Testosterone building diet plans will also be included in the solutions portion. Exercise routines that firm up what males need to do in order to up regulate their male energy will also be included. Men need to fear nothing, not even death, in regards to fulfilling their charge as protectors of the tribe. Men must have zero tolerance for the lie. They need strength, intelligence and empowered living principles. The solutions portion of this event will address all these crucial areas and more. Many check lists will also be reviewed in this solution portion, which will make sure men have clear action steps to take regarding what they can do immediately to find their way back to becoming the best they can possible be in their own lives. If you can’t make the last LIVE recording on Sept 26th, it will be sent to you within 48 hours.
Men, women and children are all welcome to attend this very unique and important talk. When this talk is complete and offered for sale as a program on my brand new website, it will be double the price compared to the current half price offering….for anyone who wishes to attend live. There will also be a question and answer period after each event, where you are free to ask me any question you wish. If you like my work as well, this is a great opportunity to support my information, my energy and my mission. If you have any questions, please let me know at [email protected]. This is an extremely valuable information series, regarding evil destroying our society in plain sight, as many males simply sit there allowing it to happen because they forget their original cosmic charge in the Universe….as protector of the tribe and leader within the tribal circle. We have time. We can turn this around. We can reprogram for the win. Let’s get to work. Men to the front of the line. Men back on the job. Let’s make it happen. We need to see you on Sept 12th please.
Register now at THIS ADDED LINK. A half price discount has already been applied. CLICK HERE.
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