Is Your Apple iPhone a Sci-Fi Weapon? Let Me Explain Why I Believe It Is.......
Oct 20, 2024
Apple Corporation has been on my radar for more than a decade, simply because their logo is the proverbial garden of Eden apple. Yes, the bite of the forbidden fruit by Eve, which was mentioned in the bible. The bite Eve wasn't supposed to take. This bitten apple represents man's interest and exploration into the very fabric of reality (the tree of knowledge), which of course came with a very stern and direct warning from God. God warned that Eve, Adam and anyone else not try to bite from that apple. If we ignored this warning, only bad things would happen.
For people who believe in God, it's obvious what that warning was about. For people who don't believe in God, most of the problems we're facing today are indeed a result of an immoral, unethical and dark journey into understanding the proverbial tree of knowledge. Pursuing knowledge isn't a bad thing of course. Pursuing knowledge in order to weaponize that knowledge against all of humanity, so an ancient evil death cult can openly parade down Mainstreet in our modern time......that's really bad. That's what our society's endless pursuit of hidden knowledge is being used for today.
Adam said that God told him to not bite into the apple of knowledge and to keep it as far away from any other human as possible. Why would the Apple company, who makes the iPhone, use this very logo as the primary symbol of their company? It isn't just Apple of course who've been heavily invested in hacking the tree of knowledge and all the secret powers that come with that.
Many other secret society/cabal companies have been doing the same. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca etc are just a few other examples. These companies have been travelling down their own unique branches of this knowledge tree, with their injectable mRNA technology. You may not be aware but it does appear that Apple's entire screen line (iPhones, iPads etc) may be part of a much bigger operation....which is working hand in hand with what was injected into the public over the last 4 years.
Before I embed these two incredible videos below, let's ask one simple question. Have our lives gotten any better with all this advanced our cell phones or injecting ourselves with compounds that can alter our RNA and DNA as well? What about the super advanced tech they're trying to utilize at CERN for example, where it appears that they're actually trying to hunt God down to have a word with him? (looking for the God particle is how they're advertising it to the public)
It's pretty easy to answer this question if you're honest with yourself, regarding if tech is making our lives better. Just look out the window. The answer should be obvious. Something dark is rising up through this advanced technology. This article will provide a very good example of how this evil group is hunting humanity with their evil tech. This ancient group is stalking all of us from the tall grasses on the urban savanna, like a hungry lion who hasn't eaten in centuries.
Before we proceed, let's also address the dark and ancient group coordinating what I'm about to document below. If you want to understand this ancient secret society group (a literal death cult from our ancient past), who are indeed controlling Apple and many other secret society/cabal companies as can simply explore some of the videos or books listed in this article. I had to make this article a couple months ago, in order that the average person could start investigating who "they" are. Just watch the first video. That will start things off on the right foot. I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but this group is the evilest psychopathic cult in recorded history.....and they're hiding behind most government, medicine, science, banking and media today. They've been plotting against all of humanity for a very long time, as should be obvious if you watch some of the videos in that article.
What I'm going to document below is 1 of 100 tree of knowledge hacks that I could describe. This group has been busy surrounding us in ways that would make the average person's head spin. Let's start off first by showing you a YouTube video about the Apple iPhone. The iPhone is not only doing something you may not even know about, it's doing it invisibly. All of what the iPhone is doing in this video below is outside the spectrum of visible light. What that means is that when your iPhone is doing this sci-fi weapon operation, you can't see it with your naked eye.
Also, before you watch this video please be aware that the man in the news report is either lying or uninformed, regarding his declaration that what the iPhone is doing is nothing to worry about. He's obviously been brought on the news-report on purpose, to make the public feel better about their iPhones executing this very dangerous and nefarious sci-fi weapon function.
Now, that's sort of weird right? Even though it's rather odd, it's still relatively easy for the average person to just blow it off as something inconsequential. But is this invisible flashing light really inconsequential? Does talking about this openly mark me as a conspiracy theorist? Is the phrase "conspiracy theory" just a clever phrase that a scared person uses to get on with their day, inside the cozy media/government illusion? Is something else going on with this invisible flashing light? Well, I believe we have the beginning of our answer below. Let's take a look.
What did you think about that video? I think many people are starting to put together what these fake COVID injections were really for. They've been trying to control you and your brain for a very long time, as can be seen in the clipped video you can watch by clicking here. In fact, I've done presentations on mind control at the European Parliament, The US Senate, The Romanian Palace of the Parliament and most recently in the Japanese Parliament. You can watch some of those talks on the front page of my website, by clicking here. Please understand that this new sci-fi weapon step, which is being attempting by this ancient death cult, is a major advancement in controlling the minds of the populace. What's being attempted here (between the fake COVID vaccine and this light frequency technology) is about hooking a human brain up directly to external AI or third-party control, using wireless technology or light/frequency technology.
Some mention of the same "light weaponry" in this talk by Dr. Jack Kruse.....but there's so much more that you may be interested in. This talk is high level truth bomb dropping.
The sort of mind control I describe in my talks (plus nearly 500 interviews on the same subject) is nothing compared to injecting the public with chemicals that can aid in hacking all human thoughts, feelings and perceptions.......via the aid of specific frequencies of light. I told you that this group was evil and that wasn't just an exaggeration to add effect to this article. This group are masters of the ancient dark arts, which all revolve around black energy magic, mind control and poisoning.
Let's also remember that nothing about COVID was real or legitimate in anyway. There was no pandemic, there was no SARS-COV-2 virus, the test for COVID was fake (as you can't test for something that doesn't exist) and there can be no variants of something that never existed as well. It was all fraud and Hollywood movie magic mind control. The injection is now known to NOT STOP contagion or spread, of anything...especially anything that never existed in the first place. I dedicated an entire podcast to explain the fakery of the entire COVID psy-op. Here's over 100 documentaries that discuss the same COVID fraud and fakery, on many different levels. So why so much effort to get people to inject this concoction of chemicals into their bodies? The answer is simple. This ancient cult maintains their power through poisoning and mind control. The chemicals in the injection vials are sci-fi mind control weapons.
It's obvious that many of our most popular stock market corporations, which we have been funding with our stock market investments, are all part of this humanity wide ambush. We were tricked as a species to get excited about the big stock market returns, as these secret society cabal companies plotted for decades against us.....hiding in the shadows until everything was in place for the big attack. This big attack that tricked 3 billion people to inject sci-fi weapons into themselves and their own kids, has left 580 million dead or injured, according to Dr. James Thorpe.
It's also easy to understand, though your own cell phone use, that each social media platform will provide you endless amounts of content that you enjoy. If you like cats, much of what you watch on that social media platform will be cat pictures and cat videos. If you like MMA, much of what you get are MMA highlights. If you like conspiracy tinfoil content, your entire feed is tinfoil conspiracy content. I believe these algorithms exist so that you spend as much time on your cell phone as possible, in order to maximize the effectiveness of these new mind control sci-fi super weapons......screen light combined with the mRNA needed to deliver the mind control components directly into the cells of your nervous system.
In the end, just keep all this in the back of your head because I believe that we haven't seen anything yet, as this ancient group is intent on making sure everyone gets trapped inside their dystopian 15-minute e-prison. They've been building this invisible e-prison around us for much longer than most people could comprehend. Not to add to the fear even more but what about the CDC's warning of a zombie apocalypse, right on the CDC website? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? A couple different frequencies of light coming off the iPhone's of the jabbed.......and who knows what effect we're going to get. What about the province of Manitoba moving to restrict machetes and long knives, after banning assault rifles and handguns just 2 years ago? Start understanding the hunt and the hunter......or you may find yourself in a situation you're not entirely prepared for.
The point here is simple folks. There are people out there who are masters of the dark arts. They're in government, media, science, medicine etc etc. They're hunting you and your family daily in invisible order to disempower you on every level imaginable. I don't like that. I have never liked that. I don't want you weak. I want you strong. I need you strong. You deserve to be strong and you deserve the best life has to offer. This goes for you, your partner, your children, your community and your family. If you don't know how these invisible games work, you're going to live a very different life compared to people who understand the rules of this game. If you want to live a full spectrum strength lifestyle, where you understand everything occurring in the world around you, in order that you rise up into your best here or click the picture below. Come work with me personally starting Oct 27th. We have now 55 people in the program. There are only 100 spots available. It starts very soon. Anyone can afford it with our new payment plan. Just click here to start gathering information and see what I can teach you. Just start getting stronger physically, financially, intellectually etc etc. I know I will see you on opening day. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
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