Humanity's Race to Becoming Fully Fake and Artificial
Nov 01, 2024There are mind control operations out there that are easier to review and analyze, like the time Edward Bernays used mind control and brainwashing to make women kill themselves and give themselves cancer with cigarettes. Yes, that was a real psy-op and the goal back then (in the 1930's) was the same goal we see rolling out today with the fake COVID vaccines......depopulation, disempowerment and disease-based dependency.
You can't rule healthy, independent and empowered people. You can only rule diseased, dependent and disempowered people. We all live on planet mind control. Millions more every day are realizing that fact. Every movie, every advertisement and every government policy comes with a generous serving of mind control based psychological manipulation, to keep you and your family under a lifelong spell of full spectrum weakness.
There are also mind control operations that are a little harder to review and analyze, like the average North American's race to lusting after everything that's fake and artificial. There's a big magnetic pull of fake and artificial energy into our entire society and into most people's lives. Why are people so obsessed with collecting so many components of their lives, which are fake and artificial? As a mind control researcher, I'll lay down my best guess at the end of this article.
Let's review some obvious examples. Many people want to live their lives in front of the TV, in order to feel fake and artificial emotions, because their real lives are boring, unsatisfying, directionless and mundane. This creates a magnetic pull of the fake and artificial emotions, experienced through watching other people do exciting things on the screen, into the TV watcher's life. This is only one example but a very common use of the fake and the artificial.
Artificial and fake hair color is now the norm. What about the massive increase in fake and artificial breasts over the last 30 years? Men are finding women now at war with their own pubic hair, which is an artificial way to present yourself. Why is reality framed now as the ultimate enemy? Women are finding men eating Viagra in order that they produce fake erections. That means these erections come from artificial chemicals and not true sexual arousal or overall confidence. Fake lips, fake name brand accessories and fake perfect skin around the eyes, via injections of poison into the face. People now believe that they are the fake labels they're given by society, forgetting that they're always much more. Fake steroid filled muscles, fake immunity (via the injection of fake vaccine poison that only makes us sicker), plus every fake story we require to make us feel completely sane participating in this insanity.
We all love a fake story because the fake feel good stories satisfy base requirements of safety and security in our nervous systems. Fake feelings of security and safety are almost free because you only need bullshit to build them. Bullshit indeed is always free. Real feelings of safety and security, on the other hand, have to be worked for and often require bravery to continually commit oneself to the hard work involved. Anyone who injected the poison into themselves from 2020 to present day.....did so because they receive certain feel-good emotions from the fake and artificial bullshit stories they tell themselves. (the government cares, doctors know best, I'm just small old little me, who am I to resist or speak up, it's just best to trust the science instead of my own judgement, I'll just take this shot of poison and everything will be back to normal in no time, more people will like me if I do what I'm told, complying with a tyrant will make the tyrant go away, I'll say something and stick up for myself next time etc etc) The world of the artificial and the fake runs on bullshit as its primary power source.
We often pick our political candidate based on who can be more fake and artificial, as we watch them talk on the TV screen. Heaven forbid we allow reality into the picture. We'll even ignore reality, in order to fortify the fake and artificial narrative we want our political candidate to have. We seem to hate reality because it doesn't have the fake and artificial undertones that we now require in our lives.
In the United States one portion of the population artificially forgets that former President Donald Trump played a major role in lying to the US public about COVID. (which never even existed, yes there was never any health emergency period) President Trump then triggered the voluntary murder/euthanasia of millions of US citizens under operation WARP SPEED. And yet another portion of the US population artificially forgets that Kamala HARRIS was directly involved with pushing the accelerator to the floor even harder, with the same fake COVID narrative, which ended with the voluntary euthanasia of US citizens under the same Operation Warp Speed. Death or permanent injury by your own hand, because you were under mind control, represents a new eugenic 2.0 model.
Just by writing that, it triggered so many, not because it's not true........but because it shines a bright light on many people's complete obsession with the fake and artificial narratives they require in their own lives. Oddly enough, the more artificial and fake narratives you have in your life, the more mentally and physically ill you'll is clearly showcased in the last video below. Fake and artificial beliefs or products can indeed provide a short-term utopia, but that utopia quickly inverts into an ever-accelerating death spiral.
If we get back to reality, which most people really seem to hate today.....the US is now pressed to pick between two people who've both played major roles tricking millions of US citizens to voluntarily euthanize or permanently injure themselves. They both did this without resisting this blatant genocide whatsoever and while only prompting the fake and artificial narrative that made it all possible. These artificial and fake narratives are preferred, when the US public considers both US presidential candidates. There is no politician running for office (at any level) who will even mention that millions of Americans were murdered by the fake COVID vaccine and that tens of millions were permanently injured. If you play a major part in killing your own citizens, you're not fit to lead....period, end of story, no exceptions. If you argue otherwise, you're standing upon a foundation that's blatantly artificial and fake. Our society's biggest addiction appears to be illusion.
Fake, false, fraudulent and artificial is where most minds now flock to live because of the reasons exhibited in the last video below. No one in top level politics are good, smart or capable people.......none of them are. Would you be OK with Harris or Trump watching your kids when you're away for a week? So why do you trust them with holding the reins of power, of the most powerful country on earth? This entire prison system is made of the fake and artificial bullshit stories people tell themselves. Many are now just dying suddenly because of their addiction to the illusion, the fake and the artificial. They can't let their drug of choice go and its literally killing hundreds of millions worldwide. Millions more deaths, due to this addiction, are coming.
Every year that goes by we see that more of our food choices are becoming entirely fake and artificial, to the point where the fake food offered to us is mostly chemical. Our food isn't food anymore. It's fake and artificial, just like the people eating it. We see airplanes spraying chemicals into the air above us, to create a fake and artificial hazy day. Most people look down at their screens, instead of seeing the fake cloud cover floating over their heads. Each flick of the scrolling finger gives these people the fake and fabricated highs that they're now addicted to.
Viruses don't exist, they're fake. Yes, sickness is caused by visible poison, not invisible attackers. It's all fake. Climate change is fake and artificial, but obviously that makes it easier to sell as real, inside a society obsessed with the fake and the artificial. Vaccines don't increase immunity or resistance to disease.....that's a fake idea, which has killed hundreds of millions over the last 30 years alone. Fluoride isn't good for your teeth. Doctors aren't health experts, far from it....that's an extremely dangerous fake idea. You can't poison yourself to health. Poison doesn't work like that. Governments don't exist to build the roads or look out for our best interest.....that's a whopper fake idea, which has destroyed the happiness potential in billions. Hospitals aren't healing or health centers. The junk food machines should be all you need to observe there....and yet these fake and artificial ideas are the backbone of our entire society. Why? Why has fake and artificial taken over our lives?
There are many theories as to why this is the case but I believe it starts with various aspects of city living, as the Universe 25 study proved long ago. Living in a city is completely artificial and fake, compared to how humans are supposed to live. Although many don't know this, there has been much psychological research that insanity grows very quickly when humans live too close together in a city and outside a human's natural habit.......which is in small groups, widely spaced apart, in nature. Observations of this growing insanity was easily seen in this Universe 25 mouse experiment below. The belief in fake, fraudulent, fabricated and artificial forms of lie-ahria (that make our lives worse and force early death upon us) reflects our society's growing tsunami of clinical insanity.
It's also easy to understand why our social engineers want to force us to live even closer together, in 15-minute "freedom" cities, in order that the resulting insanity within the collective, can disempower us even further and bring about even more instability within the population. Again, you can't rule sane, healthy, independent and empowered people. It's that big of a con. Our social engineers started bringing us in from the fields, and into the cities, hundreds of years ago.......because they know all these effects, which make us much easier to rule, control, govern, steal from, lie to and manipulate. Most everything we're exposed to today is a rich man's trick for ruling the masses more effectively.
In conclusion, it would be a good time to see how much artificial and fake you have in your own life. That's important because the more artificial and fake you have, the more you'll pursue illogical and irrational behaviors. (clinical insanity) It would be also a good time to contemplate leaving the city and getting back to nature, if possible.
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