What is Addiction? Dec 27, 2021
Addiction isn't about addiction. The first question is always "not why the addiction, why the pain?" Here in Canada I meet many addicted people and they're addicted because they're in pain. They...
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A Magic That Can Change Your Life in 2022 Dec 27, 2021
This picture will make you feel nice inside and that represents one of the biggest secrets in the entire Universe. Your emotions are part of a very basic vibratory system, by which you transmit out how you`re feeling.....like a radio antenna. The Universe (or what...
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What Is Your Reality Strength Factor? Dec 27, 2021
When I started in the gym I could only bench press 135 lbs. After 10 years I could bench 365lbs. Today I maintain my strength in other ways but the point is that becoming stronger in any area is about long durations of time spent in that area. I gained "gym...
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The Hidden Story Behind Single Parent Households Dec 27, 2021
I get hundreds of emails a day and it's great, as I give lots of advice on how to solve many problems. Often the email starts off with, "I'm a single Mom.........". This usually means that the woman's resources to side step the tyranny are limited. Although this can...
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The Attack On Men Is Becoming Obvious And That's A Good Thing Dec 27, 2021
What does this advertisement have to do with increasing sales at the post office in Norway? Nothing of course but this TV ad is indeed accomplishing a very specific agenda crucial to the end game goals of...
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The Most Common Forms of Self Sabotage Dec 27, 2021
Each form of self sabotage accomplishes the same goal, even though each form of self sabotage is dressed up in a different disguise. Each form of self sabotage pushes the person down into a mediocre, below average and underachieving way of being (in regards to that...
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Inflation Report Dec 16, 2021
The following is what I propose, in order to start hedging your bets against the pre planned shortages and the resulting inflation from corrupt money printing.  (invisible theft of a citizen's wealth)
1. Buy 6...
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Do You Want A Better Life For Yourself? If You Do, Never Shy Away From The Hard Day.....Ever. It's That Simple. Dec 08, 2021
The consequences of laziness are massive. For example, when I was young, I wanted some muscles but I was lazy. I didn't want to do the hard work so I gravitated toward steroids. I didn't want to eat perfectly and I didn't want to do the hard work in the gym, to get...
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Some of the Many Reports of Athletes and Children Injured/Dying of Heart-related Problems Dec 03, 2021

How likely is it for all this to occur in a single year?

These are strong and very healthy athletes.

What is different about this year than past years? 

Anyone notice a pattern yet?  ...

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Massive Event Happening In December And It's FREE Dec 02, 2021

December 17-21, 2021

THE TIME IS NOW Join to access all interviews, workshops and live panels FREE! CLICK HERE The Event 2021 by The Event

The Event 2021 by The Event

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Is Your Self Sabotaging Behavior Holding You Back from The Life You Want? Dec 01, 2021
Humans are pack animals who follow the animal in front of them, while believing they're acting of their own free will. For good or bad, most humans follow along with the crowd without resistance, question or even the most basic superficial analysis. Case in point,...
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The Criminals Behind the COVID Psy-Op Nov 25, 2021

Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid Here is the much talked about presentation by Dr. David Martin at the Red Pill Expo 2021. He puts names to all the actors that are all playing us in the Covid conspiracy.

The Covid...

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