Why Your Government Wants You Bankrupt and How They're Doing It

Jul 08, 2024

Imagine you have a team of scientists assembled.... who are trying to grow plants without soil, sunlight or water? Sounds impossible right and that's because it is. The next step with any insane idea is the funding. How much is this project going to cost, given the goal has the odds stacked against it? Why even pursue such an idea when growing plants with soil, sunlight and water....is almost free? The entire project seems designed to go against everything natural, logical and rational about growing plants.

The point of this article is to make you understand that the people stealing your money through taxes are only investing purposely in failure-based initiatives, in order to set up a perpetual conveyor belt of money out of your wallet........with the end goal being your eventual and complete bankruptcy. Your government wants you bankrupt. In this article, I explain why they want you bankrupt and how they're doing it.

The more a project is designed to work against nature, the more expensive that pursuit will become......simply because we live on a planet where the rules of nature are designed to help make most initiatives cheap and efficient. For example, obviously you can indeed grow plants pretty inexpensively with soil, sunlight and water. If we pursue goals that go against natural law, and we keep funding those irrational goals (even as they fail) eventually one of two things will happen. Either we the public (us) go bankrupt funding the impossible goals or the experiments pursuing unnatural and illogical goals go bankrupt. Two choices. We go bankrupt or the failures are permitted to go bankrupt. Unfortunately, the government understands that for you to go bankrupt, the illogical and insane ideas must be funded in perpetuity. Your government is organizing itself to bankrupt you. It's that simple and the government is indeed being successful in throwing the public into this sacrificial financial volcano. This coming bankruptcy will give our dark, rotting and evil politicians the reasons they need to stand high and mighty at the podium saying, "we have tried everything to keep you safe (by poisoning you and enslaving you in everything we do) and now that pursuit has bankrupt the entire country. Because of that we need all your assets to keep funding your perpetual safety......in the form of never-ending poisoning and enslavement." That's going to be the premanufactured excuse government needs to come seize all your assets....one by one. 

In the end, if any society keeps insisting on working against natural law (against sound judgement) and if said society refuses to stop funding such irrational goals, that entire culture will indeed go bankrupt as a 100% absolute certainty. You may not know it, but this is where you currently sit in the historical timeline. Almost every "advanced" society on earth is already completely bankrupt financially because any time the government funds any initiative, the project itself has no chance of succeeding. This is being done purposely, to guarantee the complete foreclosure of our entire society, inside traditional bankruptcy proceedings........where the government will foreclose on every asset you own. The government isn't the government. This ancient troop of swashbuckling pirates, masquerading as your world governments, want every asset you own. This is how they aim to make that happen.

The stated end goal of communism is the abolition of all private property......and this is how the communists hiding in all world governments are going to take all your private property. They're going to bankrupt the entire nation, purposely funding initiatives that are designed to fail, and even though the projects they fund fail miserably (and this is completely by design)......they will keep funding said failures in order to bankrupt you and your family.

Take any number of real-life examples, in order to fully understand this concept. How about the idea that you can increase health or cure sickness/disease.......with poison? To get to this point where so many believe poison is medicine, hundreds of years of very specific mind control had to already been initiated........but here we are nonetheless. Poison can't heal or cure. Poison doesn't work like that. That's why poison has the definition it has. Poison makes health worse. But as the cycle has already been described, the government knows this fact with 100% certain already. They know poison can't heal. Saying all that, the dark groups hiding behind government want the society bankrupt, so all public property can be clawed back via regular bankruptcy proceeding. Funding the idea that poison can heal could bankrupt most countries all on its own.....and there are literally hundreds of illogical initiatives like this being acted out daily, across all nations today.

Either such ideas go bankrupt or we go bankrupt....and it's obvious that world governments have no intention of stopping the funds flowing to these failure-based projects. From turning your kids gay in school (using documented mind control tactics) to injecting our soldiers with poison (and calling it medicine).....it's full speed ahead with the government funding every project necessary to organize a full controlled demolition of our entire society. 

Poison as medicine is failing society. Poison as medicine has always been designed to purposely fail society. Poison as medicine is bankrupting society. Poison as medicine is designed to bankrupt society. Poison as medicine not only destroys the financial strength of a society, it also destroys the physical strength of a society as well. This simply accelerates the social engineered slide into complete societal wide bankruptcy.

Regardless, the governing group purposely won't let this concept go and they keep insisting that they steal your money to keep funding these guaranteed failures. As already stated above, "either we the public (us) go bankrupt, funding the impossible goals or the experiments pursuing unnatural and illogical goals go bankrupt". The ruling group will never allow the idea of "poison as medicine" to die its proper financial death into bankruptcy. That leaves only one conclusion. That means we'll all go bankrupt funding these dark anti-life/anti-nature goals....because that's the designed intent of this entire system. If the ancient ruling families hiding behind government can bankrupt the entire society, they get all your stuff.......and that's why they're so excited and intensely invested in doing exactly that.

In the end, the financial world is governed by some very simple rules. When funding a project ends in failure, the project itself must die and go bankrupt or the people funding it will die and go bankrupt. It's one or the other. Ideas that don't work, that aren't logical, that make life harder, that have cheaper and more effective alternatives etc etc........are supposed to die and go bankrupt. Your government is purposely interfering with this natural process, with the theft of your personal wealth as their ultimate dystopian dream scenario. 

If anyone is insane enough to keep throwing money at such illogical ideas, they're supposed to go bankrupt, as financial punishment for their shortsightedness or general stupidity. Why would anyone put millions, then billions and then trillions into funding any project that tries to grow plants without soil, water and sunlight.......when you can grow a plant for pennies using soil, water and sunlight? Why would anyone put millions, then billions and then trillions into funding any project that tries to heal with poison? It's because failure and complete financial collapse is the goal.

And yet........most people are completely content living inside a system where these simple financial rules and financial truths are being ignored every single day. We're living as far away from a free market economy as one could possibly get. Most people are also wondering why our economy is collapsing and why they have less financial abundance with every passing year. This is why. The dark groups hiding behind government aren't making mistakes or miscalculations. Your complete bankruptcy and the seizure of all your assets is where they're driving this.....and they're almost there.

How about the constant funding of government schools to make children less and less intelligent?  What about poisoning the food supply with never ending doses of genetically modified franken foods and the spraying of poisons directly on what we're going to eat?  How injecting poison into people, in order to make them more immune, healthy or resistance to disease? How about pissing and shitting into the very water we need to drink....and then fake cleaning it with toxic chemicals that make us sick? What about paying "medical doctors" massive salaries to prescribe poisons to their patients, who rarely (if ever) get healthier? How about calling a system of poisoning a "health care system" or calling the people handing out the poison "health experts"? What about billions of dollars funneled into turning our children trans and having them cut off their own genitals? What about funding a massive wave of migration that ends with a perpetual financial drain on the entire society? What about government and media colluding to kill tens of millions of people with a fake vaccine and no one going to jail? Ideas that end in failure and a worsening of the situation are supposed to end and go bankrupt, right? Can you see the cycle yet? You're the target. Every asset you own is the target.

Most world governments are now dedicated to such ideas (like growing a planet without water, soil or sunlight) because such ideas are guaranteed to bankrupt you. The governments won't let these illogical ideas die and go bankrupt.......so that means you die and go bankrupt. That's the rule. That's how this works. There are only two options here, given how our world operates.

The below video is about The Canadian Teacher's pension fund and the Canadian government's senior pension fund. By design they're both in jeopardy. Yes, all Canadian teachers may lose their retirement pensions and all seniors in Canada may also lose their senior retirement payouts......because that's the goal. This video below may seem a little confusing at first, but this is the bankruptcy certainty that all our world governments are purposely pursuing, What the governments are doing isn't confusing at all, for anyone who has even the most minor background in economics. People counting on their pensions to live in the future are also inside this "we're going to bankrupt you" operation, organized by their own governments. Ladies and gentlemen, government is nothing more than legalized illegality. Government is a pirate in a $3000 suit, as that's the best disguise to steal with. 

The planned end goal is to make the entire corporation of Canada insolvent (yes, your countries are corporations owed by shareholders) and then claw back all pledged assets against the government's insane spending policies. What are the pledged assets against the government's insane spending policies, you may ask? it's everything you personally own of course. Again, this is what communism is all about but it's not really communism either. That's just a nice political word to make people believe that communism is a left wing motivated "equalitarian" movement, designed to "Robin Hood" wealth from the rich and hand it over to the poor. Communism isn't anything of the sort. Communism is theft taken to the highest level imaginable, by crime families who pose as government. Click here to learn more about the left of your assets, under the label of communism, even though the average Joe doesn't know anything about either communism or the planned theft of all their assets. 

Canada is collapsing as designed. The public's bankruptcy is well underway. This is happening in every country that participated in the COVID psy-op. The COVID psy-op was one of the final financial spending sprees designed to bankrupt each nation in succession. 

Potential Solutions - a) avoid the worst countries in this regard at the moment, which are Canada and Australia. b) attain different residencies in different countries, with a different bank account in each, and spread your savings around (having a debit card for each different country bank account) c) hold hard asset gold and silver, which you can covert out into real assets when the crisis has past d) invest heavily in a 1 year supply of foods and products you're going to use anyway (as the final stage of the bankruptcy will affect all supply chains in minor or major ways) e) get off grid as much as you can (having your own garden and learn how to preserve food), have your own water supply, self-defense, electricity etc f) investigate privacy crypto currencies (Monero) to avoid asset seizures and wait until the crisis has passed before you transfer your money back above board into other assets (investigate minor crypto investments that can pay off big using this guy) g) spread your strategies around and don't go all in on one strategy because no one really knows what will happen exactly h) if you can acquire your government pension in a lump sum (as some government employees can do before a certain age) you should be considering it i) take your health seriously....stop ingesting poison, stop injecting poison, start exercising and start leading a healthy lifestyle every second of every day, with no breaks to return into the poison based control grid. Thank you for reading this article. 


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